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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Organization of a PE Foundation - B590929 | Сравнить
- Universe Processes - B590929 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 590929 - HCO Bulletin - Coaxing the Subconscious [B023-198]
- 590929 - HCO Bulletin - Coaxing the Subconscious [B035-144]
- 590929 - HCO Bulletin - HCO WW Files [B035-147]
- 590929 - HCO Bulletin - Organization of a PE Foundation, The [B023-199]
- 590929 - HCO Bulletin - Organization of a PE Foundation, The [B035-143]
- 590929 - HCO Bulletin - Organization of a PE Foundation, The [B139-010]
- 590929 - HCO Bulletin - Survey of a Central Org [B023-197]
- 590929 - HCO Bulletin - Survey of a Central Org [B035-148]
- 590929 - HCO Bulletin - Universe Processes [B023-200]
- 590929 - HCO Bulletin - Universe Processes [B035-146]
CONTENTS UNIVERSE PROCESSES Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex


I have just been checking out a process series we will call Universe O/W. It is a killer in sheep’s clothing.

Assessment is done with an E-Meter to discover which of four things has the greatest difference of needle pattern. One does not look for a drop, he looks for the one of the four that is different than the others.

The four are:

One uses different ways of putting these things if he doesn’t get instant difference on calling off Spirit, Mind, Body, Physical Universe. If he does get a different pattern from the rest he proceeds to audit that discovered thing as follows:

“Think of something you might have done to a _________” (The “_________“ being the terminal you discovered.)

Alternated with:

“Think of something you might have withheld from a __________” (same terminal).

Because these dive backtrack so fast the question may not be a direct “Recall what you have done to” since that implies certainty.

This problem could be a specific for illnesses of chronic type.

This is an allowable process in HGCs.


[The above HCO B was reissued from Washington, D.C., dated 5 October 1959.]