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SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 651227 - HCO Bulletin - Vitamins [B005-055]
- 651227 - HCO Bulletin - Vitamins [B031-039]
- 651227 - HCO Bulletin - Vitamins [B040-098]
- 651227 - HCO Bulletin - Vitamins [B067-022]
CONTENTS VITAMINS Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Solo Audit CourseSolo Audit Course
Clearing CourseClearing Course
Saint Hill PcsSaint Hill Pcs



I have found that 600 milligrams of Vitamin E (minimum) per day assists Scientology processing very markedly.

I have found that 600 milligrams of Vitamin E (minimum) per day assists Scientology processing very markedly.

Data on Vitamin E applied to other fields is available from Webber Pharmaceuticals, Ltd, 14 Ronson Drive, Rexdale, Ontario, Canada. An excellent popular book on Vitamin E in its various uses is available from booksellers. It is Your Key to a Healthy Heart: The suppressed record of Vitamin E by Herbert Bailey, published by the Shilton Company, Philadelphia. The Shute Foundation for Medical Research, London, Ontario, Canada, pioneered the subject and will give general advice.

Data on Vitamin E applied to other fields is available from Webber Pharmaceuticals, Ltd, 14 Ronson Drive, Rexdale, Ontario, Canada. An excellent popular book on Vitamin E in its various uses is available from booksellers. It is Your Key to a Healthy Heart: The suppressed record of Vitamin E by Herbert Bailey, published by the Shilton Company, Philadelphia. The Shute Foundation for Medical Research, London, Ontario, Canada, pioneered the subject and will give general advice.

In Johannesburg due to high altitude, no pc may be processed who is not taking at least 600 mg per day of Vitamin E.

In Johannesburg due to high altitude, no pc may be processed who is not taking at least 600 mg per day of Vitamin E.

The apparent action of this Vitamin is to oxygenate the blood and inhibit the body from pulling in mental masses due to oxygen-energy starvation.

The apparent action of this Vitamin is to oxygenate the blood and inhibit the body from pulling in mental masses due to oxygen-energy starvation.

In areas where it is against the law to recommend vitamins this HCO B does not apply.

In areas where it is against the law to recommend vitamins this HCO B does not apply.

Vitamin E, according to Bailey, is suppressed because it cures heart disease which furnishes 50% of the revenue of the U.S. medical doctor.

Vitamin E, according to Bailey, is suppressed because it cures heart disease which furnishes 50% of the revenue of the U.S. medical doctor.

I read the book by Bailey and did some experimental work with Vitamin E with interesting success. Webber Pharmaceuticals has airmailed me further literature.

I read the book by Bailey and did some experimental work with Vitamin E with interesting success. Webber Pharmaceuticals has airmailed me further literature.

It is useless, I believe, to take less than 600 mg per day and lesser doses have little or no reaction on processing. One has to take it for two or three days before it begins to have any effect.

It is useless, I believe, to take less than 600 mg per day and lesser doses have little or no reaction on processing. One has to take it for two or three days before it begins to have any effect.

The most direct result is quite measurable on an E-Meter. Reads of the needle become longer. Tone Arm action increases.

The most direct result is quite measurable on an E-Meter. Reads of the needle become longer. Tone Arm action increases.

It works by itself but is best taken with an old-time “Guk Bomb”. The formula of the “bomb” is variable but is basically 100 mg of Vitamin B1, 15 gr of calcium, 500 mg of Vitamin C. If you add 100 mg of old-time nicotinic acid (not niacinamide) and take it daily it becomes “Dianazene” for radiation prevention. Don’t include nicotinic acid in the formula with Vitamin E unless you are trying to get rid of radiation or radiation sickness. The nicotinic acid is not necessary to smoother processing and will not assist it. 100 mg of Vitamin B1 lasts for only 47 minutes so far as processing is concerned. But it helps in general tone. Vitamin E does not have a quick reaction so far as processing is concerned, one merely takes it and as the days go by processing is easier to do. It doesn’t wear out in a session, but you have to keep on taking it daily. 600 mg is the minimum. There is no maximum but some heart cases take up to 1,250. Shutes in treatment of disease recommend 400-600 mg per day for the average sized woman and 600-800 mg per day for the average sized male.

It works by itself but is best taken with an old-time “Guk Bomb”. The formula of the “bomb” is variable but is basically 100 mg of Vitamin B1, 15 gr of calcium, 500 mg of Vitamin C. If you add 100 mg of old-time nicotinic acid (not niacinamide) and take it daily it becomes “Dianazene” for radiation prevention. Don’t include nicotinic acid in the formula with Vitamin E unless you are trying to get rid of radiation or radiation sickness. The nicotinic acid is not necessary to smoother processing and will not assist it. 100 mg of Vitamin B1 lasts for only 47 minutes so far as processing is concerned. But it helps in general tone. Vitamin E does not have a quick reaction so far as processing is concerned, one merely takes it and as the days go by processing is easier to do. It doesn’t wear out in a session, but you have to keep on taking it daily. 600 mg is the minimum. There is no maximum but some heart cases take up to 1,250. Shutes in treatment of disease recommend 400-600 mg per day for the average sized woman and 600-800 mg per day for the average sized male.

It doesn’t seem to matter to processing whether the Vitamin E is “Alpha Tocopherol”, synthetic or what. Just any Vitamin E apparently works.

It doesn’t seem to matter to processing whether the Vitamin E is “Alpha Tocopherol”, synthetic or what. Just any Vitamin E apparently works.

Vitamin E assists a great many ills including diabetes and may have some effect on many others.

Vitamin E assists a great many ills including diabetes and may have some effect on many others.

It, even with “Guk”, will not by itself release or clear anyone. When dosage is discontinued what it “cured” might relapse. But while it is being taken one feels fine and there’s no reason to stop taking it.

It, even with “Guk”, will not by itself release or clear anyone. When dosage is discontinued what it “cured” might relapse. But while it is being taken one feels fine and there’s no reason to stop taking it.

To get the best results one should probably take 600 mg and a Guk bomb each day, preferably after eating.

To get the best results one should probably take 600 mg and a Guk bomb each day, preferably after eating.

One person in a million is said to get an adverse “side effect” from taking Vitamin E but it is not fatal and this may not even be true. The “side effect” is said to be temporarily raised blood pressure.

One person in a million is said to get an adverse “side effect” from taking Vitamin E but it is not fatal and this may not even be true. The “side effect” is said to be temporarily raised blood pressure.

If anyone makes this up into a single tablet be sure that the tablet is not pressed so hard that it won’t dissolve easily in the stomach.

If anyone makes this up into a single tablet be sure that the tablet is not pressed so hard that it won’t dissolve easily in the stomach.

Dianazene (for radiation) fails utterly when all ingredients are pressed together into one tablet.

Dianazene (for radiation) fails utterly when all ingredients are pressed together into one tablet.

Vitamin E is generally available but sometimes has to be specially ordered. It is useless to buy it in less than 100 mg tablets. Preferably 200 mg tablets of it should be bought. However it is bought, just be sure there’s enough of it (300 to 600 mg). Small quantities don’t produce any effect at all, which is why the medicos earlier missed its value.

Vitamin E is generally available but sometimes has to be specially ordered. It is useless to buy it in less than 100 mg tablets. Preferably 200 mg tablets of it should be bought. However it is bought, just be sure there’s enough of it (300 to 600 mg). Small quantities don’t produce any effect at all, which is why the medicos earlier missed its value.

Anyone’s auditing can benefit from it but at Levels VI and VII it becomes quite vital.

Anyone’s auditing can benefit from it but at Levels VI and VII it becomes quite vital.

Oxygen causes the body to attract mental image pictures less. Carbon dioxide pulls mental images hard in on the body.

Oxygen causes the body to attract mental image pictures less. Carbon dioxide pulls mental images hard in on the body.

Vitamin E, oxygenating the body, acts mentally like taking oxygen. The body can go longer on less oxygen and becomes less exhausted when taking Vitamin E in sufficient quantity.

Vitamin E, oxygenating the body, acts mentally like taking oxygen. The body can go longer on less oxygen and becomes less exhausted when taking Vitamin E in sufficient quantity.

The body is of course a carbon-oxygen engine running at a temperature of 98.6 degrees F. There is possibly less oxygen in Earth’s atmosphere than there was and the body runs better when it can better utilize what oxygen there is. Vitamin E assists it to do this and so it doesn’t pull in mental masses. At least that’s the theory I’ve been able to work out to account for the observed increase in E-Meter action in the preclear who is daily taking sufficient Vitamin E. When the vitamin is no longer administered, in about 24 hours the preclear begins to run less easily (same as before Vitamin E plus any auditing gain) and the needle read size returns to what it was before Vitamin E was used. When Vitamin E is again daily administered, in two days, meter behavior improves again.

The body is of course a carbon-oxygen engine running at a temperature of 98.6 degrees F. There is possibly less oxygen in Earth’s atmosphere than there was and the body runs better when it can better utilize what oxygen there is. Vitamin E assists it to do this and so it doesn’t pull in mental masses. At least that’s the theory I’ve been able to work out to account for the observed increase in E-Meter action in the preclear who is daily taking sufficient Vitamin E. When the vitamin is no longer administered, in about 24 hours the preclear begins to run less easily (same as before Vitamin E plus any auditing gain) and the needle read size returns to what it was before Vitamin E was used. When Vitamin E is again daily administered, in two days, meter behavior improves again.

I have not had time to do many series but the observational data is so marked that it’s like proving stones are solid. One doesn’t feel like repeating the experiment endlessly — it is so obvious.

I have not had time to do many series but the observational data is so marked that it’s like proving stones are solid. One doesn’t feel like repeating the experiment endlessly — it is so obvious.

A mental subject addressed reads longer (more reads) in the presence of Vitamin E than in its absence but clears more thoroughly, leaving less mental mass.

A mental subject addressed reads longer (more reads) in the presence of Vitamin E than in its absence but clears more thoroughly, leaving less mental mass.

I only insist that persons in England on the Level VI and VII Courses should use Vitamin E and that Saint Hill preclears for Grade V be put on it and only forbid pcs to be processed without it in high altitude Johannesburg.

I only insist that persons in England on the Level VI and VII Courses should use Vitamin E and that Saint Hill preclears for Grade V be put on it and only forbid pcs to be processed without it in high altitude Johannesburg.

The cost of it is the pc’s. No org is to supply it. Webber Pharmaceuticals, Ltd can probably direct one to better supplies or brands of it.

The cost of it is the pc’s. No org is to supply it. Webber Pharmaceuticals, Ltd can probably direct one to better supplies or brands of it.

We are not in the Vitamin business or even in the health business. Anyone else using it in processing does so at his or her own choice. This HCO B is a release of scientific data.

We are not in the Vitamin business or even in the health business. Anyone else using it in processing does so at his or her own choice. This HCO B is a release of scientific data.

Vitamins are food. They are not drugs. Processing under drugs is very bad. Some vitamins, however, help. And Vitamin E is a wonder.

Vitamins are food. They are not drugs. Processing under drugs is very bad. Some vitamins, however, help. And Vitamin E is a wonder.
