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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Why Victim Works as a Process - B590903 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 590903 - HCO Bulletin - Why Victim Works as a Process [B023-150]
- 590903 - HCO Bulletin - Why Victim Works as a Process [B035-109]
- 590903 - HCO Bulletin - Why Victim Works as a Process [B145-010]
CONTENTS WHY “VICTIM” WORKS AS A PROCESS Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
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We all should have heard of the Overt Act-Motivator Sequence. If we have not we should review “The History of Man”.

The highest level of third dynamic activity and the earliest instant of it is and was communication. Before communication (in one form or another) there was only native state. Obviously you are not going to run out native state — leave that to the Psychiatrists and Politicians. Therefore the earliest button susceptible of aberration was apparently communication.

However, communication itself is not aberrative. Only the misuse and withhold of communication is aberrative. One received his first communication foul-up when he postulated “somebody can mess up my postulates”, when he granted that, right, then he or she had it thereafter.

The idea that communication could be harmful apparently came in about this point. And the obvious conclusion that one could injure with communication must have followed shortly after. That one could be injured and that one could injure was established by “example”. Here began the game of “victim”.

Death is just one of the varied forms of the game of victim. That one could be killed by the communication words or missiles of another is just an extreme form of the game.

That this was a game and that it was played out by Thetan “B” pretending that he had been injured so Thetan “A” would further withhold his postulates, has all been lost in the depths of the Reactive Mind. Death isn’t a game anymore. Not even injury is a game. We know how seriously these things are now regarded and how utterly caved-in and lost Thetans have been for a very, very long time.

Only with Scientology have we come back to the straight of it. And the straight of it is that one cannot be injured until he has postulated that Thetans can be injured and, by example of Thetans pretending to be injured, has come to the point of himself not only consenting to be injured but actually getting torn to shreds.

The basic postulate of injury or death (or harmful communication) is best summed up by “victim”.

To restrain others one sets an example as a victim. It might be said that this is a last ditch way of being cause. On that thin idea rests all the disease and death, all the agony and travail of man. It is almost the bottom point of the Reactive Mind.

In any Overt Act-Motivator Sequence there is a villain and a victim. If the auditor were to choose and run the “villain” then he would be violating the basic definition of operating thetan which is “To be willing and knowing cause over life, matter, energy, space and time”, and would be processing the pc at effect point. The basic definition of victim must then be, as our HCO Staff Auditor pointed out, unwilling and unknowing effect of life, matter, energy, space and time. Therefore, to keep the pc at cause we have no choice but to process him in such a way as to face him up to “victim”.

Naturally this process is not going to run on the following cases until they are up to it:

  1. A person who cannot conceive of ever having done anything bad to anybody or anything (“old sweetness and light”).
  2. A person who has a heavy present time problem (PTP).
  3. A person who has had a bad ARC break with the auditor (who conceives the auditor has made him into a victim of bad processing or code breaks).
  4. A person who needs to have several buttons cleared away which are pressing and making his present time very bad; and
  5. A person who simply fogs out hour after hour on general comm processes and needs to have lighter buttons run until he can handle comm processes.

With these above five things cared for, then a pc should be able to run easily iflengthily on “From where could you communicate to a victim?”

During the run on the process all manner of chains come into view. Monitoring the type of chain or chasing down some sideline should be avoided thoroughly especially while running “victim”. The pc is all too willing to duck and dodge and an auditor who Qs and As (changes the process just because the pc changed or wandered) had better go back to the Academy for a spell or get his own case gone over at the HGC.

Pcs have gone into convulsions, screaming fits and many other manifestations while running “victim”. Of course they would, since they are dramatizing what they have done to others and are wearing the engram in full. But it is easier to run victim on the pc than to run engrams on him as such for he can pull out of “victim” engrams easily with a comm process.

A large percentage of pcs will not recover and stay recovered until “victim” has been run and flattened. This is due to their using auditing to be “victims” of. This is the heart of the old “service facsimile”. This is why they have service facsimiles. So they can be victims.

The pc, while running victim, goes rapidly back and forth from one valence to another. He goes through all the various phenomena of engrams, locks and secondaries and in spite of the violence of the process, very often would rather run victim than anything else.

But, as above, beware of trying to run this on somebody who will not ever admit having done something or anything to anybody. This is the figure-figure case. The difficulty here is that the person cannot face any terminal subjectively for fear of having ruined it or for fear of ruining it. Therefore — and watch this carefully — he does not do the comm process. Such a person needs a comm process run on very particularized terminals done in a general form: “From where could you communicate to a dog” or anything else that drops. But if this is very necessary then run the person on the paper trick even with the lighter terminals. Make him draw each answer. Cases that have never, never moved before in hundreds of hours of auditing, get shot down in flames with the paper trick.

While running victim, the auditor should not use “how could you communicate” as an interjected command. It’s a different process. If the auditor is having trouble he should have run a lighter terminal. One of the most effective light terminals and one of the best comm processes particularly for the HAS Co-Audit is a body part. One asks the pc if he has ever had trouble with any part of his or her body and when the answer is given, run body part named in a generalized form such as “From where could you communicate to a leg?”From all the results I’ve been looking over lately, it would seem that the most broadly workable form of the comm process is a body part as above or “a body”. After all, the pc IS in a body. Doing the comm process on mest before a body part and the body are run, seems to be a little rough on the pc (this is part of a system called universe processes), as the pc himself as a Thetan is generally mest shy.

Auditing body parts, however, has its lighter moments. At the last congress I gave, the body part given by the pc as a part of the body with which he had had trouble, when run, didn’t do a thing for the pc. Surprised auditors and instructors were not long in finding out why — the pc’s body part had been run and flattened years ago by older processes and didn’t have a twitch left in it. This stuff’s been working for a long time you know.

Well, that’s the way it is. A person doesn’t get sick or injured unless he’s cast himself in the role of victim by reason of the game and his Overt Acts. And if you want somebody to cease to be a disease prone (new term there) and get up and do things and be bright and not flub and to win win win, get him up to a point where he can run victim with a comm process and from there on flatten the living daylights out of it.

When is victim flat? When the tone arm of the Hubbard Electrometer reads consistently at the clear reading for the pc no matter how many more auditing questions are asked about victims. Every terminal you run should be run until the tone arm reads male clear (12,500 ohms) for a man, and female clear (5,000 ohms) for a woman. And this is particularly true of a victim.

Don’t start this going in an HAS Co-Audit until the pc being audited has had flattened on him easier terminals. And these may take an awful lot of hours to flatten. Victim itself is a very long run. The run is shortened by preparing the case well first so preparation time is never lost time on this process.

There is another button, in fact there are many more special buttons. It goes on up toward OT. And it isn’t run at first on a comm process, but that’s another and later story. I’ll still be around when you get ready for it.

Meanwhile, de-victimize and win!