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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Withholds Missed and Partial (IPS-12R) - B721215R74 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 721215 - HCO Bulletin - Withholds, Missed and Partial [B012-208]
- 721215 - HCO Bulletin - Withholds, Missed and Partial [B050-084]
- 721215R - HCO Bulletin - Withholds, Missed and Partial [B052-059]
CONTENTS WITHHOLDS, MISSED AND PARTIAL Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Revised 1 November 1974
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Revised 1 November 1974
Integrity Processing Series 12RIntegrity Processing Series 12R



I don’t know exactly how to get this across to you except to ask you to be brave, squint up your eyes and plunge.

I don’t know exactly how to get this across to you except to ask you to be brave, squint up your eyes and plunge.

I don’t appeal to reason. Only to faith at the moment. When you have a reality on this, nothing will shake it and you’ll no longer fail cases or fail in life. But, at the moment, it may not seem reasonable. So just try it, do it well and day will dawn at last.

I don’t appeal to reason. Only to faith at the moment. When you have a reality on this, nothing will shake it and you’ll no longer fail cases or fail in life. But, at the moment, it may not seem reasonable. So just try it, do it well and day will dawn at last.

What are these natterings, upsets, ARC Breaks, critical tirades, lost students, ineffective motions? They are restimulated but missed or partially missed withholds. If I could just teach you that and get you to get a good reality on that in your own auditing, your activities would become smooth beyond belief.

What are these natterings, upsets, ARC Breaks, critical tirades, lost students, ineffective motions? They are restimulated but missed or partially missed withholds. If I could just teach you that and get you to get a good reality on that in your own auditing, your activities would become smooth beyond belief.


It is true that ARC Breaks, present time problems and withholds all keep a session from occurring. And we must watch them and clear them.

It is true that ARC Breaks, present time problems and withholds all keep a session from occurring. And we must watch them and clear them.

But behind all these is another button, applicable to each, which resolves each one. And that button is the restimulated but missed or partially missed withhold.

But behind all these is another button, applicable to each, which resolves each one. And that button is the restimulated but missed or partially missed withhold.


Life itself has imposed this button on us.

Life itself has imposed this button on us.

If you know about people or are supposed to know about people, then these people expect, unreasonably, that you know them through and through.

If you know about people or are supposed to know about people, then these people expect, unreasonably, that you know them through and through.

Real knowledge to the average person is only this: a knowledge of his or her withholds! That, horribly enough, is the high tide of knowledge for the man in the street. If you know his withholds, if you know his crimes and acts, then you are smart. If you know his future you are moderately wise. And so we are persuaded toward mind reading and fortune telling.

Real knowledge to the average person is only this: a knowledge of his or her withholds! That, horribly enough, is the high tide of knowledge for the man in the street. If you know his withholds, if you know his crimes and acts, then you are smart. If you know his future you are moderately wise. And so we are persuaded toward mind reading and fortune telling.

All wisdom has this trap for those who would be wise.

All wisdom has this trap for those who would be wise.

Egocentric man believes all wisdom is wound up in knowing his misdemeanors.

Egocentric man believes all wisdom is wound up in knowing his misdemeanors.

If any wise man represents himself as wise and fails to discover what a person has done, that person goes into an antagonism or other misemotion toward the wise man. So they hang those who restimulate and yet who do not find out about their withholds.

If any wise man represents himself as wise and fails to discover what a person has done, that person goes into an antagonism or other misemotion toward the wise man. So they hang those who restimulate and yet who do not find out about their withholds.

This is an incredible piece of craziness. But it is observably true.

This is an incredible piece of craziness. But it is observably true.

This is the wild animal reaction that makes Man a cousin to the beasts.

This is the wild animal reaction that makes Man a cousin to the beasts.

A good auditor can understand this. A bad one will stay afraid of it and won’t use it.

A good auditor can understand this. A bad one will stay afraid of it and won’t use it.


“Have I missed a withhold on you?” can be used in Integrity Processing if the preclear gets upset or critical during session.

“Have I missed a withhold on you?” can be used in Integrity Processing if the preclear gets upset or critical during session.


Any ARC Broken pc should be asked, “What withhold have I missed on you?” Or, “What have I failed to find out about you?” Or, “What should I have known about you?”

Any ARC Broken pc should be asked, “What withhold have I missed on you?” Or, “What have I failed to find out about you?” Or, “What should I have known about you?”


An Integrity Processing Specialist who cannot read a meter is dangerous because he or she will miss withholds and the pc may become very upset.

An Integrity Processing Specialist who cannot read a meter is dangerous because he or she will miss withholds and the pc may become very upset.


Use this as a stable datum: If the person is upset, somebody failed to find out what that person was sure they would find out.

Use this as a stable datum: If the person is upset, somebody failed to find out what that person was sure they would find out.


A missed withhold is a should have known.

A missed withhold is a should have known.


The only reason anyone has ever left Scientology is because people failed to find out about them.

The only reason anyone has ever left Scientology is because people failed to find out about them.


This is valuable data. Get a reality on it.

This is valuable data. Get a reality on it.


[Above Bulletin correspond more or less to HCOB 22 February 1962 Withholds, Missed and Partial]

[Above Bulletin correspond more or less to HCOB 22 February 1962 Withholds, Missed and Partial]