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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Aberrations and Genius - DAB-2-1-510700 | Сравнить
- Education and the Auditor - DAB-2-1-510700 | Сравнить

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- Список Восприятий (ц) - БДО510700 | Сравнить

CONTENTS ABERRATIONS AND GENIUS Cохранить документ себе Скачать


Eccentric genius is a problem in communication. The urge to create and the urge to communicate are simply the dynamics at work.

Violinist A plays brilliantly. He is a great violinist because a heavy thrust of dynamic lies behind his ability to play. He communicates powerfully to other men. Aberrated, A’s ability to play and his ability to express generally is great and this includes ability to express his aberrations.

Genius then appears to be more eccentric because it better expresses eccentricity residual. The eccentricity is not a drive in itself.