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P. A. B. No. 9
The Only Unbiased and Accurate Professional Publication in Dianetics and Scientology
Via Hubbard Communications Office
4 Marylebone High Street, London W. 1
[1953, ca. early September]
Through: Hubbard Communications Office
4 Marylebone High St.
London W. 1, England
[1953, ca. late September]



In early 1953 I developed Formula H as a basic resolution in terms of emotion and effort of insane impulses, neuroses, obsessions and compulsions. It is a limited technique. Formula H is the end development of Effort Processing, and is run with all the technology learned in Effort Processing itself.



Cases which bog down in the process of auditing normally come up against the computation of the workability of techniques.

The first example of the use of Formula H would be applied to present time. One would ask the preclear to run the effort to reach and to withdraw into and from present time in terms of force, in terms of admiration and in terms of perception. He would run as well for force, admiration and perception the effort to grasp and the effort to let go. He would then run present time as an entity, reaching and withdrawing, grasping and letting go the preclear. He would find that there is a duplicity of effort wherein the preclear can run withdrawing while something else withdraws, reaching while something else withdraws, withdrawing while something else reaches, and reaching while something else reaches, grasping while something else grasps, grasping while something else lets go, letting go while something else grasps, letting go while something else lets go. This can be run in brackets, which is to say with the preclear doing it as though others were doing it and the preclear doing it for others doing it in regard to others.

People have consistently believed and disbelieved in a cycle that something would solve everything and, regardless of the workability of a technique, people continue to follow this cycle. The interruption of this cycle in any case — and, I repeat, any case — is extremely desirable.

One could run this generally, which is to say without any specific object in contest with the preclear, and one could run it on pictures alone or on engrams alone if the preclear knows what an engram is.

The cycle is interrupted by running on the preclear in brackets “The remedy is unworkable,” “The technique is ineffective,” “The solution will not apply,” and so on, so as to cover techniques, cures, medicines, computations and systems of communication. The workability of any of these is under question, for the preclear has been often disappointed and betrayed. Thus, his case has a tendency to hang up.

Of course, this is a limited technique. It can be run only until such time as the preclear’s case is moving more easily.

It will be discovered that the belief that something is workable is the beginning of the cycle with considerable space, and the belief that something is unworkable is the end of the cycle and is the equivalent of death. Death itself is a solution of sorts, but it is an unworkable solution and the preclear recognizes its unworkability. When unworkability is run in terms of brackets, as in Viewpoint Processing, it will be found that the space of the preclear narrows down to nothing.

The technique can be run slowly or rapidly, which is to say, one can run the cycle and withdraw as fast as the preclear can think it or slowly. This would depend in large measure on the use of an E-Meter. The needle should keep rising while the preclear is reaching and withdrawing, but when it reaches a stop then the effort should be changed or reversed.

Running this in brackets is done by mocking up the people with the concept— as many people as possible, each one with the same thought. The preclear mocks them up for himself, has another mock them up in thousands for himself, and has others mock them up in thousands; each one with the idea that the remedy is workable, and again with the idea that the remedy is unworkable.

The use of Formula H is entirely an emergency measure. Formula H is not intended to clear anyone. It is intended to put a case in shape to run more easily. Immediately after Formula H is applied, Acceptance Level and SOP 8 can be applied. In other words, Formula H should not be continued indefinitely. The reason this technique should not be used indefinitely lies in the fact that after it has shaken the case loose, its continued use will bog the preclear down in some other part of the time track, for the use of the technique primarily is to shake the preclear loose from the time track. The emotion of insanity — and indeed, there is an emotion of insanity — is discovered in the preclear by having him run something withdrawing while he is reaching or something reaching while he is withdrawing. This is an actual emotion; such a case has insane impulses. This technique should find, bring to view and run out these impulses, for it is an intensely uncomfortable emotion.

This can be specifically applied to Dianetics but is effective only when the person has long been in contact with Dianetics. We have, in Dianetics, a consistent change of technique, not because each one has proved unworkable, but because new techniques have shown up which were faster. However, to many dull people, this has given the appearance of change of technique because the last technique which was once considered so workable, is now considered unworkable. Thus we have consistently and continually run the cycle on these people and worn them out. If these people are to be renovated, running the change of technique as workable and unworkable on them in brackets as above, will remedy the condition.

Reaching and withdrawing, grasping and letting go are the actions of theta itself. It does this with beams, particles and forms. Thus the formula exactly parallels theta operation, thus its effectiveness. But its continued use on the individual, the analytical mind or the thetan, the production energy unit, or whatever else you want to call it, in the body produces sufficient energy to shake loose engrams which might be better left untouched. Thus the limitation of its use.

This is the center of the whole idea of hope, dreams, illusions and plans.

It will be found while using it that the emotion of insanity can be turned on or a manic state can be turned on in a case. These emotions will run out simply if the auditing session is continued a little longer. If these become very acute, however, turn to Step III of SOP 8 and have the preclear hold the two upper corners of the room. This will clear away these impulses.

What one is trying to do and what one is trying to solve is to get through time; in other words, to survive as long as possible.

Commonly a preclear runs with this formula into a situation where, if he is a man, the sensation of a woman trying to eat him and a woman being white and himself black, in reversing the reaching and withdrawing, he finds himself trying to eat a woman, himself white and the woman black. This situation, when encountered, can simply be run one way and then the other way until all these impulses cease. Considerable sexual sensation will turn on during the running of this and they should not be left in restimulation. Formula H is called Formula H because the “H” stands for Hope. It can be used on a very difficult case if it does not immediately respond to auditing. Something can happen with sufficient drama and he can know he can get better. This gives to the auditor a tool which will produce relatively fast effects. It also gives the reassurance that the auditor can do something with this person which has not been done to this person before.

Modem medicine has begun to run this cycle with greater and greater rapidity.

Formula H can be self-audited because, of course, Formula H applies mostly to the body. But if so used, it should not be used very long and it should be used with Six Steps to Better Beingness [SSSA].

In Dianetics and Scientology, the continuing field of discovery has a different pattern.


Techniques have gone through from entirely introspective techniques to conceptual techniques through direct energy handling techniques up to purely observational techniques. This is because Man does not want to look at something. Man always looks beside something. I refer your attention to Book I and the dissertation on the subject of the restimulator in the environment: people will not look at the restimulator but look, instead, at associative restimulators. We are actually finding how we can bring people up to a point where they will look at things. It is discovered that if they will look at things directly, the threat of those things disappears. Actually, energy, directly observed, will dissolve. The only way the universe keeps going, really, is because nobody theta-wise looks directly at it. Thus we have gone from looking at the thing furthest from actuality that was still real — the engram containing pain and unconsciousness-up to staring straight in the teeth of the actual thing. Methods have been discovered by which this can be done, as you found in Six Steps of Self-Auditing.

It is quite important for the auditor to understand the nature of geographical areas in their role in aberration. As an example of this, let me tell you a story about a little dog on a ranch I once had which, indeed, is responsible for calling my attention to the fact that it is the location not the personnel that is at fault.

The concept in large masses “There must be no other cause” falls into the general category of the above and resolves as well the “I must be the only one” computation which inhibits so many people. The idea that there must be no other cause but himself comes about because any person can trace immediately back to the fact that his own decision started the concatenation of events which led to disaster. Going out for an automobile ride which concludes with an accident was done on the free decision of the individual; thus he traces his own decision to go for a ride as the prior cause which led to the accident. Thus he begins to conceive that only those things which he himself has desired or caused can at length affect him. He believes he can only be attacked by those monsters which he himself has created. He gets this idea from his early work in his own universe.

This little dog was running down a quarter-of-a-mile-long road when a careless driver hit him with a front bumper. At the moment of impact the driver reacted with sufficient speed to keep the wheel from going over the dog. The driver did not see the dog had not gone under the car, and when he got out the dog was gone. Evidently it had run immediately after being struck into the brush beside the road. He was gone for three days and could not be found in the entire area although looked for. At the end of the three days he came back, running up the same road. When he came within 30 feet

This does not apply in the MEST universe. The accident has, if the preclear desires to trace it, thousands of other causes. His fixation on being the only one is, of course, a self-protective measure, and is a defensive measure in the extreme. People who have the idea that they are the only ones who can be cause have actually been punished so hard and so much that they are extremely defensive. Their assumption of cause is assumption of self-responsibility for many things for which they have no reason whatsoever to assume responsibility. This is remedied by clarifying the scarcity of causes.

of the spot where he had been hit, although no car was now standing there, he lit out into the brush and scouted the area, coming back on the road again well beyond the spot, thus avoiding the place in the road.

The invention of God as represented for the MEST universe is an effort to fill all space with cause so that one will not then become the only one, for becoming the only one is an extremely fatal operation which goes down a fast dwindling spiral.

On subsequent days the little dog, coming down this road came closer and closer to the area where he had been struck, each time noted it and avoided it. He had at the same time no fear of the car which had struck him and no fear of the motor of the car and no fear of the people who had been in the car.

One has to recognize that there are three universes. Thus, all things, including wasting, Acceptance Level processing and concepts, have to be run in brackets. Otherwise, one leaves out the idea of other causes. If one omits this from the processing of a preclear, he drives the preclear further and further and further into being the only one. Thus Dianetics, after 500 or 600 hours of auditing, reversed itself and began to do harm. For one reason, it had driven people into being the only one, and for the other reason, it had made engrams scarce by erasing them.

After about two weeks, he would walk all the way down the road without going into the brush. Each time he passed the geographical spot where he had been hit he lowered his head and looked frightened when he passed. There is no difference between this dog’s reaction and the reaction of a man. In Book One you will find the mechanism of avoiding a restimulator. The person will not look at (as discovered in a hypnotic test) the thing which is motivating his action. If the signal he is being given in a post-hypnotic command is the hypnotist touching his tie, he will find fault with the room, with the hypnotist, with the hypnotist’s clothes, but very rarely with the hypnotist’s tie, the actual signal. This tells you, then, that man avoids geographical areas and will not look at them, and at the same time will say that he is not in that area because of people, because of incidents, because of many things. He has been injured in some geographical area. Pain and unconsciousness have taken place at some point on the globe, some city, some ocean, some altitude, some depth. Afterwards, he avoids such a point.

In Para-Scientology, it has been established without any great certainty that man has been here in this universe for some time and that men have a great many recorded experiences much earlier in existence. It does not matter whether this is true or not; it does matter that men have geographical antipathies. They are avoiding many spots in their own home, around their own towns, around their own state, their own country, their own continent — all over the world. This comes to a pass, finally, where a person is avoiding the entire world. Also in Para-Scientology we have turned up in many cases what the preclear claims is “space opera.” The only thing that is very certain in each one of these cases is that the preclear so claiming actually avoids space. He avoids space just as the little dog avoided the point on the road. In other words, this person has been injured in space and because space is so difficult to locate and points in space are so difficult to establish, he begins to avoid all space and so we get the case which is hard packed all around with engrams. He is trying to be solid so as not to have any space. If we work this case on the Formula H given above as we discuss in a moment, we will discover that there are many points specific and exact in space in the vicinity of the solar system which the person is particularly antipathetic towards. He may or may not have an explanation for this but the point is he does avoid space and points in space.

In view of the fact that the person who wants no space is avoiding the entire MEST universe and because any point in or the entire MEST universe can be a geographical area, we get what is this tremendous antipathy for the MEST universe on the part of preclears. This resolves by processing geographically all of the areas of which the auditor can think or read about from an atlas.

Geographical processing is quite surprising in its results. It is done with Formula H. One gets the preclear’s efforts to reach and withdraw from, to grasp and let go, various geographical areas; and gets the preclear getting others trying to reach and withdraw from, grasp and let go, the same geographical areas; and gets the geographical areas trying to withdraw from and reach, grasp and let go, the preclear; and gets the areas reaching and withdrawing from, grasping and letting go, others.

The peculiar nostalgia generated by reason of a person’s being raised in a certain area (which in its acute state is homesickness) is resolved by the use of Formula H on

the area of the childhood home. If one were to be processing children in a summer camp, he would find that many of these were suffering acutely from homesickness and could not enjoy themselves. If he would simply take a group of them and get them to reach and withdraw from home, he would possibly, through a bath of tears, restore the vitality of many who were ailing.

Particularly for the case who is having difficulty with space, this is a recommended process. An example of its running follows:

  • Auditor: Get the effort to reach the place you lived when you were five.
  • Preclear: Tries to recall place and cannot.
  • Auditor: What part of the United States was it in?
  • Preclear: Somewhere in the Midwest.
  • Auditor: Try to reach the Midwest.
  • Preclear: Does so.
  • Auditor: Get trying to withdraw from some place in the Midwest.
  • Preclear: Does so.
  • Auditor: Now try to see (reach) some place in the Midwest.
  • Preclear: Does so.
  • Auditor: Now try not to see some place in the Midwest.
  • Preclear: Does so.
  • Auditor: Now try not to admire (withdraw from) a place in the Midwest.
  • Preclear: Does so.
  • Auditor: Now try getting to admire a place in the Midwest.
  • Preclear: Does, remembers that it is Sioux Falls and achieves a visio on the area and develops at the same time a considerable body warmth which is uncomfortable.
  • Auditor: Now gives the preclear the same as above, as though Sioux Falls were trying to reach and withdraw from the preclear. Then the auditor runs:
  • Auditor: Get the effort to let go of Sioux Falls.
  • Preclear: Does so.
  • Auditor: Get the effort of Sioux Falls to let go of you.
  • Preclear: Does so.
  • Auditor: Get the effort of Sioux Falls not to look at you.
  • Preclear: Does so.
  • Auditor: Get the effort of Sioux Falls to grasp you.
  • Preclear: Does so, and suddenly finds himself engram wise in a room having the measles.
  • This is the hold on the track about Sioux Falls. Somatics become acute, warmth excessive. The preclear keeps saying that the sickroom alternates with the county jail. It suddenly develops that he was in quarantine during his illness and felt like a prisoner and has felt degraded ever since.

    The auditor now uses Acceptance Level Processing or Expanded Gita. As the former has not been covered, the latter will be illustrated.

    • Auditor: Start mocking up lots of rooms full of measles.
  • Preclear: Does so, and is astonished that they keep falling in on him. He does this and suddenly remembers how nice his mother was to him during the measles.
  • Auditor: Gets the preclear to throw away rooms full of measles until the preclear can do so easily.
  • Preclear: Fever has abated, engram has been run out.
  • Auditor: Gives the preclear the effort to reach and withdraw from present time, and the effort of present time to reach and withdraw from the preclear until the preclear is very alert.
  • End of Session.

    You will find that Formula H used in any combination is productive. If used in conjunction with geographical areas, it is extremely productive.

    It is recommended for all cases early in processing; it is not recommended for cases late in processing which are progressing satisfactorily. It is not recommended that Formula H be run longer than for two or three hours on a case except where the auditor has set out to process geographically the entire MEST universe. Processing the entire MEST universe and points in its space would be identical with the above illustration except that points in the MEST universe would be substituted for first the Midwest and then Sioux Falls as the “Sioux Falls” particular points showed up with the preclear.

    It cannot be too forcefully stated that the emotion called insanity is an actual emotion and is turned on and is run out by Formula H. It may or may not be good processing for an auditor to attempt to discover and locate this emotion of insanity on preclears who aren’t neurotic or insane and so discharge it. This would depend entirely on the skill of the auditor. When the emotion of insanity is turned on in a preclear who is otherwise sane, it should simply be run out by Formula H.