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SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 690507R - Board Technical Bulletin - Dianetic Course Study Drills [BTB01-005]
CONTENTS Dianetic Course Study Drills Study Drills for HCOB 23 APRIL 1969 Dianetics Basic Definitions Study Drills for HCOB 16 April 1969 Health Form, Use Of Study Drills for HCOB 26 April 1969 Somatics Study Drills For HCOB 29 April 1969 Assessment & Interest Study Drills for HCOB 7 May 1969 Issue II Routine 3-R Revised Cохранить документ себе Скачать
7 MAY 1969R
Revised 8 Feb 74
Cancels & revises
HCO Bulletin of 7 May 1969 Issue VII
(Revision in Arial)
Remimeo Dianetic Course

Dianetic Course Study Drills

The following drills are to be done with the study of the HCOBs under which they are listed.

All the drills are done and in the order listed. They are not alternative drills.

The full course checksheet is gone through three times. The study drills are only done on the first time through. On the second and third times through the checksheet the bulletins are each studied once.

Study Drills for HCOB 23 APRIL 1969 Dianetics Basic Definitions

1. Study the bulletin.

Write an essay on the subject matter of the bulletin.

2. Study the bulletin.

Write out examples of Locks, Secondaries, Engrains, Erasure.

Draw a picture with a pencil then erase it.

3. Study the bulletin.

Define Erasure, Lock, Secondary, Engram.

4. Study the bulletin.

Demonstrate in clay: Erasure, Lock, Secondary, Engram.

5. Study the bulletin.

Write out how Locks, Secondaries and Engrams relate to each other and how they relate to the Time Track. How do you distinguish them?

6. Study the bulletin.

Define: Somatic, Misemotion, Time Track, Key-in, Key-out, F/N, Chain, Assessment.

7. Study the bulletin.

Demonstrate in clay: A Chain, how a chain is located, how Locks, Secondaries and Engrams relate to the chain.

8. Study the bulletin.

Demonstrate in clay: Key-in, Key-out, how an F/N relates to Key-out and how it relates to erasure and how you distinguish between them.

9. Study the bulletin.

Define and demonstrate all other definitions in the bulletin.

10. Study the bulletin.

Define in your own words and give an example of each term on the bulletin to another student who has the bulletin in front of him. The second student calls out terms at random. When each term on the bulletin has been covered by this method, without flub or long comm-lags, the student has passed the bulletin.

Study Drills for HCOB 16 April 1969 Health Form, Use Of

1. Study the bulletin.

Write an essay on the subject matter of the bulletin.

2. Study the bulletin.

Write out fully how the Health Form is filled in and how an item is chosen to run. Demonstrate why you run ‘what the feeling of it is’ rather than the symptom.

3. Study the bulletin.

Demonstrate in clay the use of the Health Form from beginning to completion of case.

Study Drills for HCOB 26 April 1969 Somatics

1. Study the bulletin.

Define Somatic. Write an essay on the subject matter of the bulletin.

2. Study the bulletin.

Write down the medical terms for six different illnesses and give examples of the ‘feeling’ you may expect a pc to give for each.

5. Study the bulletin.

Do a clay demonstration of how a chain is held together.

Study Drills For HCOB 29 April 1969 Assessment & Interest

1. Study the bulletin,

(a) Pick up six nearby objects. Assess which is the biggest.

(b) Pick up two different books. Assess which is the heavier.

(c) Look at the fingers on your right hand. Assess which is the longest finger.

(d) Look at the first line of this bulletin. Assess which is the longest word.

2. Study the bulletin.

Define and do clay demonstration of assessment.

3. Study the bulletin.

Do a clay demonstration of how meter reads relate to charge on the case.

Study Drills for HCOB 7 May 1969 Issue II Routine 3-R Revised

1. Study the bulletin.

Write an essay on the purpose of R3-R.

2. Study the bulletin.

Write an essay on the subject matter of the bulletin.

3. Study the bulletin.

Demonstrate in clay how a free needle can occur on Locks, Secondaries and Engrams.

4. Study the bulletin.

Demonstrate in clay the phenomena of an Engram going solid and the phenomena of an Engram erasing.

5. Study the bulletin.

Do a clay demonstration showing what happens with the pc as a Chain is run.

6. Study the bulletin.

Demonstrate in clay what happens if you run each incident only once through.

7. Study the bulletin.

Write out the exact words you use in Commands in R3-R.

8. Study the bulletin.

Demonstrate the R3-R procedure in clay.

9. Demonstrate a Chain containing Locks, Secondaries, and Engrams.

Show successively what happens in a session starting from the assessed item and finishing up with the chain erased.

10. Study the bulletin.

Do R3-R on a doll. Keep auditing reports.

CS-5 and CS-2
Revised & reissued as BTB by FMO 1234
I/C CPO Andrea Lewis
2nd Molly Harlow
Authorized by AVU