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SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 690507R - Board Technical Bulletin - Dianetic Course Study Drills [BTB01-005]
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Dianetic Course


This Bulletin consists of extracts of interest and application to the Standard Dianetic Auditor taken from earlier LRH Bulletins.

An auditor must know the basic laws and mechanics of the Time Track in order to run engrams. There is no rote procedure and never will be that will be successful in absence of a knowledge of what a Time Track is.

There is no substitute for knowing what engrams are and what they do. Knowing that, you can run engrams, not knowing that, there is nothing that will take the place of such knowledge. You have to know the behavior of and data scout engrams. There is no royal road that avoids such knowledge. If you know all about engrams you can run them. If you don’t, you’ll make a mess regardless of the commands given for use.

Therefore the essence of engram running is a: knowledge of the character and behavior of engrams. This is not a vast subject.

However, these three things stand in the way, of learning about engrams:

1) Engrams contain pain and unconsciousness; fear of pain or inflicting pain causes the auditor not to confront the pc’s engrams and unconsciousness is after all a not knowing condition; and

2) The auditor is so accustomed to projectionists reeling off movies and TV programs for him or her that the auditor tends to just sit while the action rolls forward, acting like a spectator, not the projectionist.

3) Failure to handle time in incidents.

On (1) you can remedy this just by knowing about it and realising it and sur­mounting it and on (2) you can remedy the attitude by realizing that the auditor, not the pc (or some installed movie projectionist) is operating the pc’s bank. (3) is covered later.

Take a pocket movie projector and any bit of a reel of film and wind it back and forth for a while and you’ll see you are moving it. Then give a command and move the film and you’ll have what you’re doing as an auditor. Many drills can be developed using such equipment and (2) will be overcome. (1) requires just under­standing and the will to rise superior to it.


The endless record, called the Time Track, complete with 52 perceptions, of the pc’s entire past, is available to the auditor and his or her auditing commands.

The rules are: The Time Track obeys the auditor; the time track does not obey a preclear (early in auditing).

The Time Track is a very accurate record of the pc’s past, very accurately timed, very obedient to the auditor. If motion picture film were 3D, had 52 perceptions and could fully react upon the observer, the Time Track could be called a motion picture film. It is at least 350,000,000,000,000 years long, probably much longer, with a scene about every 1/25 of a second.


That part of the Time Track that is free of pain and misadventure is called simply the Free Track, in that the pc doesn’t freeze up on it.

Any mental picture that is unknowingly created and part of the Time Track is called a Facsimile, whether an engram, secondary, lock or pleasure moment.

Any knowingly created mental picture that is not part of a Time Track is called a Mock-up.

Any unknowingly created mental picture that appears to have been a record of the physical universe but is in fact only an altered copy of the Time Track is called a Dub-in.

Those parts of the Time Track that contain moments of pain and unconsciousness are called Engrams.

Those parts of the Time Track which contain misemotion based on earlier engramic experience are called Secondaries.

Those parts of the Time Track which contain the first moment an earlier engram is restimulated are called Key-ins.

Those parts of the Time Track which contain moments the pc associates with Key-ins are called Locks.

A series of similar engrams, or of similar locks are called Chains. A Basic is the first incident (engram, lock, overt act) on any chain. Basic Basic is the first engram on the whole Time Track.

Incidents are not in piles or files. They are simply a part of the consecutive time track.

By Incident is meant the recording of an experience, simple or complex, related by the same subject, location or people, understood to take place in a short and finite time period such as minutes or hours or days.

A Chain of Incidents makes up a whole adventure or activity related by the same subject, general location or people, understood to take place in a long time period, weeks, months years or even billions or trillions of years.

An incident can be an engram, secondary, key-in or lock. A chain of incidents can therefore be a chain of experiences which are engrams, secondaries, key-ins and locks.

A chain of incidents has only one Basic. Its Basic is the earliest engram received from or overt act committed against the subject, location or beings which make it a chain.


Shakespeare said all life was a play. He was right insofar as the Time Track is a 3D, 52 perception movie which is a whole series of plays concerning the preclear. But the influence of it upon the preclear removes it from the class of pretense and play. It is not only very real, it is what contains whatever it is that depresses the pc to what he is today. Its savageness relieved, the preclear can recover, and only then. There is no other valid workable road.

The preclear, as a thetan, is the effect of all this recorded experience. Almost all of it is unknown to him.

There are no other influencing agencies for the preclear than the Time Track and Present Time. And Present Time, a moment later, is part of the Time Track.


The preclear makes the Time Track as time rolls forward. He does this as an obsessive create on a sub-awareness level. It is done by an involuntary intention. Unless the Time Track is made available it cannot be as-ised by the pc and so remains aberrative.

The Time Track is actual in that it is made of matter, energy, space and time as well as thought. Those who cannot confront MEST think it is composed only of thought.

This forms the Time Track. Some parts of it, then, are “permanently” in a state of creation and the majority of it becoming created when the thetan’s attention is directed to them.

The “permanently created” portions are those times of overwhelm and indecision which almost entirely submerged the thetan’s own will and awareness.

Such parts are found in implants and great stresses. These parts are in permanent restimulation.

The mechanism of permanent restimulation consists of opposing forces of comparable magnitude which pause a balance which does not respond to current time and remains “timeless.”


Although finding and curtailing the development of the Time Track at genus is not improbable, the inability of the preclear to attain it early on is questionable without reducing the charge on the existing track. Therefore, any system which reduces the charged condition of the Time Track without reducing but increasing the awareness and decisionability of the preclear is, valid processing. Any system which seeks to handle the charge but reduces the preclear’s awareness and decisionability is not valid processing but is degrading.

According to early axioms, the single source of aberration is Time. Therefore any system which further confuses or overwhelms the preclear’s sense of time will not be beneficial.

Thus the first task of the student of engram running is to master the handling of Time on the preclear’s Time Track. It must be handled without question, uncertainty or confusion.

Failing to handle the Time in the pc’s Time Track with confidence, certainty and without error will result in grouping or denying the Time Track to the pc.

There are only a few reasons why some cannot run engrams on pcs. These are:

1) Q and A with the pain and unconsciousness of incidents;

2) Failing to handle the Time Track of the pc for the pc;

3) Failure to understand and handle Time.

(2) and (3) are much the same. However, there are three ways to move a Time Track about:

(a) By Significance (the moment something was considered);

(b) By Location (the moment the pc was located somewhere);

(c) By Time alone (the date or years before an event or years ago);

You will see all three have time in common. “The moment when you thought” “The moment you were on the cliff.” “Two years before you put your foot on the bottom step of the scaffold,” are all dependent on time. Each designates an instant on the Time Track of which there can be no mistake by either auditor or pc.

The whole handling of the Time Track can be done by any one of these three methods – significance, location, time.

Therefore all projectionist work is done by the time of significance, the time of location or time alone.

The track responds. Those auditors who have trouble cannot grasp the totality and accuracy and speed of that response. The idiotic and wonderful precision of the Time Track defeats the sloppy and careless. They wonder if it went. They question the pc’s being there. They fumble about until they destroy their command over the Time Track.

“Go to 47,983,678,283,736 years, 2 months, 4 days, 1 hour and six minutes ago.” Well, a clear statement of it, unfumbled, will cause just that to happen. The tiniest quiver of doubt, a fumble over the millions and nothing happens.

Charge is stored energy or stored or recreateable potentials of energy.

The E-Meter registers charge. A very high or low tone arm, a sticky or dirty needle all are registrations of this charge. The “chronic meter of a case” is an index of chronic charge. The fluctuations of a meter during a session are registering relative charge in different portions of the pc’s Time Track.

More valuably the meter registers released charge. You can see it blowing on the meter. The blowing down of the TA, the heavy falls, the loosening needle all show charge being released.

The meter registers charge found and then charge released. It registers charge found but not yet released by the needle getting tight, by a climbing TA or a TA going far below the clear read. Then as this cleans up, the charge is seen to “blow”.

Charge that is restimulated but not released causes the case to “charge up”, in that charge already on the Time Track is triggered but is not yet viewed by the pc. The whole cycle of restimulated charge that is then blown gives us the action of auditing. When prior charge is restimulated but not located so that it can be blown, we get upsets and dramatization of the charge*There is a difference to the HCOB in the red Volume: instead of „upsets and dramatization of change“ in the red Vol is written „ARC breaks“. .

Charge is held in place by the basic on a chain. When only later than basic incidents are run charge can be restimulated and then bottled up again with a very small amount blown. This is known as “grinding but” an Incident. An engram is getting run, but as it is not basic on a chain, no adequate amount of charge is being released.

The mission of engram running is to free the charge which has accumulated in being and so restore that being to appreciated life.

And all these things add up to charge, an impulse to withdraw from that which can’t be withdrawn from or to approach that which can’t be approached, and this, like a two pole battery, generates current. This constantly generated current is chronic charge. The principal actions are:

(a) When the attention of the thetan is directed broadly in the direction of such a track record, the current increases.

(b) When the attention is more closely (but not forcefully) and accurately directed, the current is discharged.

(c) When the basic on the chain is found and erased, that which composes the poles themselves is erased and later incidents eased, for no further generation is possible by that chain and it becomes incapable of producing further charge to be restimulated. The above are the actions which occur during auditing. If these actions do not occur despite auditing, then there is no case betterment, so it is the auditor’s responsibility to make sure they do occur.

Engram running is a step necessary to get at the more fundamental causes of a Time Track and handle them. So it is a skill which must be done and done well.


There is real magic in running secondaries and engrams. I have seen the most fantastic recoveries from running merely a secondary (most spectacular recoveries with secondaries were obtained from running the death of an ally). I have seen severe physical ailments – heart disease, arthritis, malfunction, allergies, impotency, frigidity, lameness, etc. Through the catalogue of human ills – vanish or reduce on properly running engrams to erasure. We are not in healing but we have a fantastic success with Dianetics in this activity.

No auditor will ever be worth very much unless he has come in the right way – through Dianetics. The concept of physical and mental difficulty stemming from a mental image picture a great discovery and the technology of erasing such pictures as developed must not be lost in our trained Scientologists. This very instant I know of 3 cases with whom I am in daily contact whose whole lives would be changed by finding and running the incident necessary to solve the case. I have seen a woman who looked 60 appear 20 after 9 hours of auditing out a single secondary (the recent death of her husband.)

When we originally tried to teach this technology (running of secondaries and engrams, 1950-1952) we had no Ethics, we were at that time already drowned with SPs. Auditors weren’t duplicating tech. They often couldn’t even state the basic definitions of “secondary” or “engram”. They steered the pc all over the track or let him wander like a lost soul. They tried to force the pc to run the auditor’s aberrations. And it was a jolly old mess! But those few I taught personally and simply had, as any old timer will tell you, the most fantastic successes with incredibly low effort by the auditor.

It’s just a picture, secondary or engram. The whole of the technique is just finding the incident the pc is “in”, running the pc through the incident, beginning to end, several times and not letting him digress and letting him come up the tone scale past boredom to enthusiasm by doing so. When I think of the millions of words I have had to speak or write just to get that terrible simplicity across. I see it can be bent as technology in a thousand, thousand ways.

Dianetics the Modern Science of Mental Health was written before whole track was known. It made releases like mad but they were then overrun like mad. It failed only on SPs and PTSes. It was and is the answer to psychosomatic ills and human aberration.

My results with Dianetics were not often duplicated because:

1. I stopped when the ability of the pc on any one subject was regained.

2. I audited smoothly.

3. I didn’t use the subject to invalidate the pc (see Original Thesis on why auditing works.)

Many auditors did duplicate my results and made “clears” which we now call releases due to total Clear being so much higher.

That we are today making a total Clear as well as Operating Thetans is completely out of comparison with what Dianetics was trying to do.

Scientology is the route from human being to total freedom and total beingness.

Dianetics was the route from aberrated or aberrated and ill human to capable human. This step had never before been achieved in Man’s history.

Oddly, the step from human being to a spirit had been achieved, if rarely, but was not generally credited (Buddhism, other spiritual practices, even Christianity.)

Scientology really achieves it and for the first time with total stability, no relapse and invariably one for one. Nevertheless Man had an inkling of the goals of Scientology even though he considered them almost beyond God.

But Man had no inkling whatever of Dianetics. None. This was the bolt from the blue. Man was hacking and sawing and shocking and injecting and teaching and moralizing and counselling and hanging and jailing men with enthusiasm without any idea at all of what caused Man to behave as he did or what made him sick or well.

The answer was and still is Dianetics.

The original version of Dianetic auditing was all done on a gradient. One searched nothing out by meters or trick questions or tests or flash answers. One got what the pc could comfortably face and audited it. If the auditing was smoothly done, the next incident was tougher but the pc was comfortable in facing it. In that way the incidents (secondaries or engrams) become progressively more horrifying but the pc is quite comfortable facing each one in turn. This is what is meant by “gradient” – it is a steeping or an increasing from the slight to the heavy. But you see the pc smoothly audited is gaining ability and confidence all the time and so can face more and more violence in his past. It’s all there in pictures.

Dianetics is too easy, really, for the student to conceive that his minimum mild actions will produce such fabulous results. So the auditor feels called upon to add. Additives are what checked old Dianetic results in the vast majority of cases that were checked. Past life incidents are handled just like any other secondaries and engrams, a “past life” and memory of it is buried under the terrific loss of possessions and body and natural recall can be restored by just general Dianetic auditing as given. No special attention is required.

Do not demand and run prenatal or birth engrams unless they come up naturally on R3-R. What comes up is what comes up.

L. RON HUBBARD Compiled by
Brian Livingston