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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Dynamic Assessment on Help - BTB600530 | Сравнить

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CONTENTS DYNAMIC ASSESSMENT ON HELP Cохранить документ себе Скачать
30 MAY 1960
Reissued 23 July 1974 as BTB
HCO Bulletin of 30 May 1960
Same Title
30 MAY 1960
Reissued 23 July 1974 as BTB
HCO Bulletin of 30 May 1960
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All AuditorsAll Auditors



Marilynn Routsong has written the following on how to do a Dynamic Assessment on Help after observing a demonstration by Ron:

Marilynn Routsong has written the following on how to do a Dynamic Assessment on Help after observing a demonstration by Ron:

Once you have a preclear well pre-sessioned, you are going to enter into a model session and run Help and run Help and run Help, now there are lots of ways of running Help. One extremely valuable way is to clear Help on the Dynamics. Recalling the rule on running terminals not conditions, you are going to run Help on terminals which he can’t help that have gone out of kilter on the Dynamics. In other words, the PC conceived at some time that he was unable to help a certain terminal and he has misaligned it on the Dynamics. He probably misplaced it to the Dynamic on which he felt there was some sort of help or some such – the misplacement will shake out in cognitions as it is being run.

Once you have a preclear well pre-sessioned, you are going to enter into a model session and run Help and run Help and run Help, now there are lots of ways of running Help. One extremely valuable way is to clear Help on the Dynamics. Recalling the rule on running terminals not conditions, you are going to run Help on terminals which he can’t help that have gone out of kilter on the Dynamics. In other words, the PC conceived at some time that he was unable to help a certain terminal and he has misaligned it on the Dynamics. He probably misplaced it to the Dynamic on which he felt there was some sort of help or some such – the misplacement will shake out in cognitions as it is being run.

To discover what terminal to run a Dynamic Assessment as follows:

To discover what terminal to run a Dynamic Assessment as follows:

In doing a Dynamic Assessment you are not actually auditing, but looking for a terminal to audit. However, you will be doing 2 way communication and you will find things blowing off with 2 way comm, so some auditing will occur. If it does, fine! What you can resolve with 2 way communication, by all means, do so. You are looking for the terminal that 1. Does not resolve with 2 way communication 2. The PC can conceive no way of helping the terminal, and 3. The terminal is misplaced on the Dynamics. Example - you’ve assessed and ended up with a fish (an actual 5th Dynamic terminal) which the PC cannot conceive of being able to help and which the PC, you discover on careful questioning, really thinks of as a sort of spiritual thing (7th Dynamic). Sounds odd? It is! You will stop being surprised after running a few on your own.

In doing a Dynamic Assessment you are not actually auditing, but looking for a terminal to audit. However, you will be doing 2 way communication and you will find things blowing off with 2 way comm, so some auditing will occur. If it does, fine! What you can resolve with 2 way communication, by all means, do so. You are looking for the terminal that 1. Does not resolve with 2 way communication 2. The PC can conceive no way of helping the terminal, and 3. The terminal is misplaced on the Dynamics. Example - you’ve assessed and ended up with a fish (an actual 5th Dynamic terminal) which the PC cannot conceive of being able to help and which the PC, you discover on careful questioning, really thinks of as a sort of spiritual thing (7th Dynamic). Sounds odd? It is! You will stop being surprised after running a few on your own.

To do a Dynamic Assessment you are going to use an E-Meter. The lead in per the E-Meter is to ask the PC about Help on the various Dynamics. In other words, you put the PC on the E-Meter (model session) and ask him what he thinks about Help on the First Dynamic (or self or whatever terminology is necessary to get the idea of the First Dynamic across to the PC) - then you ask what thinks about Help on the Second Dynamic (appropriate terminology) then the Third, Fourth and so on across the Dynamics. As you are asking you observe the E-Meter. You are looking for a change in needle or Tone Arm pattern, as a clue to the misplaced terminal that he cannot help. now note this - a rising needle means you have tripped the terminal you are looking for and have missed it (gone past it) and are now asking the wrong question. To find the terminal again continue to go through the Dynamics as above until you get the one that stops the rise. Question closely on terminals on this Dynamic pertaining to help. Two way communication may clear it off - if so, fine! Or it may be a lock on the one you are looking for - in which case it would not quite fit the conditions of no help conceivable and Dynamically misplaced but there would be charge on it - i.e. On a PC the rising needle stopped on Fourth Dynamic. PC was questioned on what he thought of a Fourth Dynamic - PC said people - all races of people. PC was asked about Help on these people - PC was then thinking about brown people and was thinking that Help to brown people always turned out wrong. (betray). However, note in spite of change action on E-Meter and the fact that it stopped a rise, PC could conceive of trying to help brown people and it was on the right Dynamic - so you blow off on this what you can with 2 way communication, make a mental note that it is probably a lock on the terminal you are looking for.

To do a Dynamic Assessment you are going to use an E-Meter. The lead in per the E-Meter is to ask the PC about Help on the various Dynamics. In other words, you put the PC on the E-Meter (model session) and ask him what he thinks about Help on the First Dynamic (or self or whatever terminology is necessary to get the idea of the First Dynamic across to the PC) - then you ask what thinks about Help on the Second Dynamic (appropriate terminology) then the Third, Fourth and so on across the Dynamics. As you are asking you observe the E-Meter. You are looking for a change in needle or Tone Arm pattern, as a clue to the misplaced terminal that he cannot help. now note this - a rising needle means you have tripped the terminal you are looking for and have missed it (gone past it) and are now asking the wrong question. To find the terminal again continue to go through the Dynamics as above until you get the one that stops the rise. Question closely on terminals on this Dynamic pertaining to help. Two way communication may clear it off - if so, fine! Or it may be a lock on the one you are looking for - in which case it would not quite fit the conditions of no help conceivable and Dynamically misplaced but there would be charge on it - i.e. On a PC the rising needle stopped on Fourth Dynamic. PC was questioned on what he thought of a Fourth Dynamic - PC said people - all races of people. PC was asked about Help on these people - PC was then thinking about brown people and was thinking that Help to brown people always turned out wrong. (betray). However, note in spite of change action on E-Meter and the fact that it stopped a rise, PC could conceive of trying to help brown people and it was on the right Dynamic - so you blow off on this what you can with 2 way communication, make a mental note that it is probably a lock on the terminal you are looking for.

Now, once you have assessed the Dynamic and in your questioning you have found a „No Help“ terminal that is Dynamically misplaced you are going to run some form of Help on the terminal - in spite of the fact that the PC can’t conceive of helping it. Example - PC assessed and discovered to have „sun“ on the Eighth Dynamic and he couldn’t conceive of helping a sun. PC was run on „Think of helping a sun“ alternated with „Think of not helping a sun“ (light form of Help O/W - the usual form of „How have you helped a sun?“ „How have you not helped a sun?“ would have taxed the PC heavily to answer).

Now, once you have assessed the Dynamic and in your questioning you have found a „No Help“ terminal that is Dynamically misplaced you are going to run some form of Help on the terminal - in spite of the fact that the PC can’t conceive of helping it. Example - PC assessed and discovered to have „sun“ on the Eighth Dynamic and he couldn’t conceive of helping a sun. PC was run on „Think of helping a sun“ alternated with „Think of not helping a sun“ (light form of Help O/W - the usual form of „How have you helped a sun?“ „How have you not helped a sun?“ would have taxed the PC heavily to answer).

You may expect, comm lags of course and also a sense of relief when the PC gets an answer, to say the least. You will also find the PC being very curious and interested in the terminal. You can expect somatics and the PC will run through bands of forgetfullness, propitiation, destroy, etc., all the way up to free (not compulsive) Help on these terminals. At this time you will find he has a null needle on Help on the terminal and the terminal will be on the correct Dynamic. If you are running a very specific terminal ( i.e. Pc’s mother, not a mother) the PC may run out of answers. If so, you assess per the E-Meter what the general terminal is for this specific one and run Help on the general one until the needle is null for that general terminal. At any rate, on any specific terminal you run, you also run the general terminal.

You may expect, comm lags of course and also a sense of relief when the PC gets an answer, to say the least. You will also find the PC being very curious and interested in the terminal. You can expect somatics and the PC will run through bands of forgetfullness, propitiation, destroy, etc., all the way up to free (not compulsive) Help on these terminals. At this time you will find he has a null needle on Help on the terminal and the terminal will be on the correct Dynamic. If you are running a very specific terminal ( i.e. Pc’s mother, not a mother) the PC may run out of answers. If so, you assess per the E-Meter what the general terminal is for this specific one and run Help on the general one until the needle is null for that general terminal. At any rate, on any specific terminal you run, you also run the general terminal.

Now you may find several terminals that fit the category you are looking for. A bad off case will hang up on many or all Dynamics. Then it becomes a matter of Auditor judgment which one to run. It would probably be best to run the one that shows the greatest action, on the E-Meter.

Now you may find several terminals that fit the category you are looking for. A bad off case will hang up on many or all Dynamics. Then it becomes a matter of Auditor judgment which one to run. It would probably be best to run the one that shows the greatest action, on the E-Meter.

Let’s say now that you’ve found a terminal, and run it on Help until it is null (by the way, at this point you will find it on the correct Dynamic). The next thing you do is reassess the Dynamics all over again as before. You will find they all assess differently than before as you will have shifted the pc’s bank in running the former terminal. You find another terminal and run Help on it.

Let’s say now that you’ve found a terminal, and run it on Help until it is null (by the way, at this point you will find it on the correct Dynamic). The next thing you do is reassess the Dynamics all over again as before. You will find they all assess differently than before as you will have shifted the pc’s bank in running the former terminal. You find another terminal and run Help on it.

In the event you round more than one terminal in the first assessment, you do NOT go to a second terminal without reassessment. After running Help flat (null) on a terminal you always to a complete reassessment.

In the event you round more than one terminal in the first assessment, you do NOT go to a second terminal without reassessment. After running Help flat (null) on a terminal you always to a complete reassessment.

In doing an assessment you do not question the PC on the Dynamics with an auditing type question as you are not at this time trying to put the PC in session. Example – you would not ask „How could you help yourself?“ This is an auditing question. You could say „How about Help on the First Dynamic?“ (or other terminology denoting it) or „What do you think about Help on the First Dynamic?“. You just want the PC to be considering Help on these Dynamics. Got the idea? (Of course, once you have assessed the terminal you use an auditing command to run the terminal.)

In doing an assessment you do not question the PC on the Dynamics with an auditing type question as you are not at this time trying to put the PC in session. Example – you would not ask „How could you help yourself?“ This is an auditing question. You could say „How about Help on the First Dynamic?“ (or other terminology denoting it) or „What do you think about Help on the First Dynamic?“. You just want the PC to be considering Help on these Dynamics. Got the idea? (Of course, once you have assessed the terminal you use an auditing command to run the terminal.)

You assess, find a terminal he can’t conceive of helping that is Dynamically misplaced, run it null on Help, assess again, find it is null, reassess, and so on until the PC is null on Help across the dynamics and you can’t get a blip on the E-Meter on any sort of discussion of Help on any Dynamic, or any terminal on any Dynamic.

You assess, find a terminal he can’t conceive of helping that is Dynamically misplaced, run it null on Help, assess again, find it is null, reassess, and so on until the PC is null on Help across the dynamics and you can’t get a blip on the E-Meter on any sort of discussion of Help on any Dynamic, or any terminal on any Dynamic.

You would only do a Dynamic Assessment on Help once the PC has been well pre-sessioned and the Dynamic Assessment and running Help on the terminal as assessed would be run only in a model session. You are in effect running out failure to help. Failure to help is the basic of aberration. Out of failure to help stems compulsive Help, overt acts, Help - Betray, betrayals, criminality. So you see where you are taking your PC when you run out his failures to help. Yes, you are going to clear him.

You would only do a Dynamic Assessment on Help once the PC has been well pre-sessioned and the Dynamic Assessment and running Help on the terminal as assessed would be run only in a model session. You are in effect running out failure to help. Failure to help is the basic of aberration. Out of failure to help stems compulsive Help, overt acts, Help - Betray, betrayals, criminality. So you see where you are taking your PC when you run out his failures to help. Yes, you are going to clear him.

Marilynn Routsong
Org Sec
Washington D.C.
Revised & Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234
Approved by the Board of Issuesfor the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY
Marilynn Routsong
Org Sec
Washington D.C.
Revised & Reissued as BTB by Flag Mission 1234
Approved by the Board of Issuesfor the BOARDS OF DIRECTORS of the CHURCHES OF SCIENTOLOGY