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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Integrity Processing Info (IPS-16RA) - BTB680606RA75 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 680606R - Board Technical Bulletin - Integrity Processing Info [BTB05-042]
- 680606RA - Board Technical Bulletin - Integrity Processing Info [BTB06-028]
CONTENTS INTEGRITY PROCESSING INFO Cохранить документ себе Скачать
6 JUNE 1968 RA
Revised 13 May 1975
(Cancels HCO B 6 June 68, “Sec Checking Info”,
and BTB 19 Dec 72, Integrity Processing Series 16,
“Auditing Errors in Integrity Processing”.)
Remimeo Integrity Processing Series 16RA


1. Use the question as a guide for digging, not as a rote question.

2. Follow each non-reading question with suppress and leave each reading question only when it has been taken to EP (per HCO B 13 Dec 72R, Integrity Processing Series 10R, “Integrity Processing Questions Must Be F/Ned”). If suppression is found, start the cycle over with the question itself after suppress is clean. Realize that withholds exist, that they can be suppressed and that they can be restimulated and pulled. Once you have EP, however, don’t recheck the question.

3. Suppress is always asked “repetitively” and not as a “fast check”.

4. An R/S means crimes that must be pulled. A sporadic R/S can be turned on full by varying the question that produced it; the R/S will become wider and more chronic as the exact crime is approached. When the crime is found the R/S will become very pronounced, and then vanish. That’s crimes, not “failed to wash the car”.

5. A DR (Dirty Read) is not an R/S but can sometimes turn into an R/S by probing if a crime is present. It is noted on the worksheet as a “DR” though, never as an R/S.

6. The specific details of each misdeed must be gotten. Don’t buy generalized overts, motivators and justifications.

7. You still use a comm cycle. Avoid heavy accusation.

8. ARC Breaks must be clean – you can’t audit over an ARC Break.

9. Check for missed withholds every few questions.

10. Clean up the Integrity Processing Form at the end with such questions as “Half truth” and “Have you gotten away with anything?” etc.

11. Follow questions with “Have you told me more than was there?” on a pc who tends to dub in overts or motivators.

12. Limit the pc to this life if he takes up running track in an effort to avoid this life offenses.

13. Clean up any DN as soon as it appears by checking for a missed withhold or getting all? of the one you’re on.

14. Watch the pc’s indicators, e.g. for signs of missed withholds.

15. Keep track of the TA position during Integrity Processing. If a question sends the TA higher and if it then remains higher, something was missed on that question.

16. Pursue each chain to basic.

17. Pat “No’s” can be handled by asking for overwhelmingly large overts, e.g. “Have you robbed any banks?” (Murder technique) or by reverse questions such as “Tell me about when you have not stolen something.”

18. A question that reads sporadically isn’t quite the right one and needs to be varied.

19. Keep aware of the needle – especially when a question is first called. Also, questions sometimes will show a need to be compartmented, e.g. “Have you ever stolen (read) anything?” Here the read on “stolen” should be pursued. A pc with a known withhold can have a prior read and not an instant one – this is something to watch for.

20. Keep your TR 1 in. Otherwise questions will not read due to lack of Auditor impingement.

21. Keep your TR 2 in. Otherwise the pc will feel his answer has not been accepted and it can put a pc on a withhold of nothing.

22. Help the pc give a withhold he’s having trouble presenting. One way is by having him tell you what subject it’s about or “part of it”, another is by use of the overwhelmingly large overt approach: “Well, did you murder someone?”

23. Cut any natter line, pin down the critical thoughts and motivators and get the prior overt. The person getting Integrity Processing must not be allowed to sit and natter about a person or an Org, etc.

24. A person who has a valid EP on an Integrity Processing Form has the whole form ended off. It’s the subject of the Integrity List which EPs, not just one question.

25. Beware of a “false read”, which is thinking something read which didn’t. Protest can then give you a read. Clean up questions with “Protest”, “Suppress”, “Inval” buttons where the pc says there’s nothing there. Then if it still reads on check, there is something there. False reads (saying something read which really didn’t) can wreck a case. Can also check for demanding a withhold he doesn’t have.

26. Make sure you get the question answered – question: “Did you steal the tools from the tool shed?” is not answered by “I have a thing about keys.”

Reissued as BTB by
Flag Mission 1234
Revised by
W/O Ron Shafran
Approved by
Commodore’s Staff Aides
Board of Issues
for the
of the