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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Operational Bulletin 1 - OB-1-551020 | Сравнить

1 Brunswick House,
83 Palace Gardens Terrace, London, W. 8.
20 October 1955
Distribution: HAS staff, Founding Church, all Continents.


The following auditing commands are standard as of Issue Three of Six Levels of Processing, superseding all commands as of this date.

  1. Awareness of the auditor, the auditing room, that a session is in progress and that the preclear is being audited.
  2. Two-way communication on a casual basis.
  3. The delivery of the question.
  4. Communication lag.
  5. Acknowledgement of the question.
  6. The duplication of that question except when using auditing commands on a two-way communication basis.

Establish ONE of the rudiments. Discuss the present time problem if there is one. Ask the preclear, “What could you do about that?” If this does not resolve it, ask him to imagine a problem of comparable magnitude, and ask him what he could do about the imagined problem. When he has done this exercise of resolving imagined problems several times, ask him again what he could do about the present time problem. This is the low harmonic on Level Three.


LOCATIONAL PROCESSING: The object of Locational Processing is to establish an adequacy of communication terminals in the environment of the preclear. It can be run in busy thoroughfares, graveyards, confused traffic, or anywhere there is or is not motion of objects and people. Command: “Notice that (person).”

SEPARATENESS: The object of Separateness in Locational Processing is to establish and run out identifications. It is noteworthy that its opposite, Togetherness, does not run and is not a workable process. Commands: “Select an object from which you are separate.” “Select an object which is separate from you.” Run the first command only until the end of any given session or until the preclear “dopes off.” Then run the reverse command the next session until its end or until the preclear “dopes off.” If “dope-off” occurs, run the opposite command until pc is alert, then return to the “command of the session.” This method is used on all commands in Level One only.

SEPARATENESS FROM PEOPLE: This is used to remedy valence difficulties, to establish identities and run them out, and to raise the tone level of the preclear on the third dynamic, and to establish the fact that communication terminals exist to which one could speak. Commands: “Select a person from whom you are separate.” “Select a person who is separate from you.”

WATERLOO STATION: This process is utilized only when the earliest steps of Locational Processing have been completed when the preclear is in excellent ARC with his auditor. It is run with a great deal more acknowledgement, ARC, and two-way communication than earlier Locational processes. Commands: “Tell me something you can not-know about that (indicating or describing) person.” “Tell me something that that person can not-know about you.” It is noteworthy that the command change makes this a different process from Union Station or Victoria Station as earlier released. Data from the HAA class at the Academy in Washington, and the 4th London ACC and additional research sources established the fact that the preclear often has difficulty understanding that he is to “un-know” something, that he either does not know already, or that he can simply wipe out. This is a rehabilitation of his ability to not-know. The first postulate evidently communicates better on not-know, but if there is any difficulty it can also be stated as “can don’t-know.” The word “can” is a demonstration that this is an ability, not a simple stir-up of the bank. The preclear too often picks up an existing don’t-know, and as in other cases such as “Invent processes,” he drains the bank of stable data. Don’t-know is a stable datum as per Axiom 53. The native state thetan is the total knowingness. In order to have a game he not-knows something, then with this as the first postulate, makes the second postulate that he knows something about it, makes the third postulate that not-ises the second postulate that he can forget about it, and finally as a fourth postulate, remembers, which is then an alter-isness of the not-isness, and is found to be not as functional in processing as it should be. In Axiom 36, Axiom 53, and Axiom 54, as well as the old Dianetic Logics, we see that stable data are necessary for the alignment of data or a confusion results. If the preclear is draining not-knowingnesses out of his bank rather than rehabilitating his ability to not-know at will, he naturally brings on himself the confusions in the bank, thus running “don’t-know.” When it is misinterpreted as pulling out old don’t-knows, it brings about more confusion; running “can — not-know” thus actually places new stable data into the bank. Because of this misunderstanding and miscommunication, Union Station, first postulate variety, Victoria Station did not produce the results on many preclears which the process itself is capable of producing.


This level is reached when the preclear is originating communications smoothly without coaching and acknowledging the auditor’s commands well. There is no command as such. There is the subject of communication; secrets. Any idea in Scientology or process can be run on a two-way communication basis, whereby it is simply offered and discussed. At this level auditors are invited to be alert for preclears whose cases are and have been unchanging since Dianetics, since several of these cases have been found to be harbouring data and intentions towards Scientology which they felt they could not communicate to Dianetic or Scientology auditors in particular. Thus harbouring such secrets, the cases have remained static without advance. Advancing these cases is the only thing which will handle such incursions. More than twelve have been reported to date by various auditors whose cases were unchanged as they had data of bad intention toward Scientology which they could not divulge in particular to the Scientology auditor. There is no feeling or thought of revenge towards such people or punishment which should be very adequately clear to them if the matter is suspected.


This is a subjective level. In this could be placed all former Dianetic and Scientology processes. Almost any of these will work with correct auditing but only if the person is able to handle subjective processes. It should be clearly stressed that at LEVEL THREE one is dealing with the basic present time problem with the preclear, communication. His real present time problem could be said to be any difficulty in using the body as a communication terminal.

It must also be stated that there is no such thing as a finite amount of communication. Any part of a communication formula of Creation of Human Ability and Dianetics 1955 can be too scarce but they cannot be too abundant. Attempting to increase the abundancy of these various parts of communications is the primary interest of the preclear at any and all times, but as he would rescue his body from a fire in order to use it in the future for communication, so does he feel that certain things have to be avoided if communication is to be possible. One of the things to be avoided is, for instance, knowing too much. If he knew all there was to know he would have no communication. Communication is his pay. It is the only pay he will ever get.

As the substance of the subjective level is to repair his communication terminal— body — so that he can continually use it as a communication terminal, better than before, and stop avoiding all of the various things which seek to tell him not to communicate, we see that the essence of gain and subjective processing is measured by the return of an abundance of communication potentiality.

CREATIVE PROCESSING: Creative processing is now used to get the preclear to mock up terminals. Any preclear can mock up a terminal similar to the one he already has. This terminal does not look to him a thetan, like a body, but looks to him sometimes like a black mass or a confused mass, or an invisible mass. He is asked to make mock-ups continually with no regard to throwing them away, placing them on various sides of his body to adjust dope-off in case of “stuck flows,” and using gradient scales in order to make him make better mock-ups. He is never asked to throw a mock-up away, as a psychotic patient would not give you back a sheet of paper after you handed him simply one. He will yet hand you back a sheet of paper after you have handed him successfully fifty or sixty sheets. He now has enough so that he can dispense with one. The thirst for communication terminals is such that the mock-ups hold on and snap in and will not disappear. When the individual feels that he can mock up or do something about communication terminals in general, he will then be able to get rid of the mock-ups. He can be asked to mock up not-knowing confused black terminals or anything else which seems to be indicated. This creative type processing is continued until the preclear volunteers that he has a feeling that he can possess himself subjectively of a communication terminal.

A lower harmonic of this process and one which can be used at the level of present time problem is, “What do you think is worth looking at?” This is discussed on a two- way communication basis. It will be discovered that you can remedy the preclear’s consideration and his ability to consider only when you have remedied his anxiety about communication.

The effort of the preclear will be to destroy undesirable pictures but these do not destroy easily since he already has too few pictures about which to communicate. He needs pictures for communication with the past which he feels is no longer there. He has got into a tangle about this and usually all he can think of is to obsessively make nothing of pictures and mock-ups. Making nothing of these is a version of having enough of these.

DEFINITION PROCESSING: Definition processing is done by asking the preclear to define such things as “exteriorization,” “problems and solutions,” “creativeness,” etc. The command is “What is?”

INVENTION PROCESSING: This is done by having the preclear invent various ideas or considerations by which he creates stable data to displace aberrated stable data, and to handle confusions thusly. Commands: “Invent some problems,” “Invent some solutions,” “Assign some intentions.”

ENGRAM RUNNING: Persistent subjective situations and engrams can be handled by the following commands. “Tell me something you can not-know about that picture.” “Tell me something that that picture can not-know about you.” Creating “terrible situations,” “confusions,” “bad pictures” by means of creative processing until an abundance of the variety is established is however a superior process.

MODIFIED GITA: The entire list in Step Four of SOP 8 can be used with a not-know command as follows: “Tell me something you can not-know about.” “Tell me something can not-know about you.” This is normally used for specific and acute situations or assists.


Opening Procedure 8-C run as in earlier manuals.


Opening Procedure by Duplication First Postulate. This is done until the preclear can duplicate easily. The process is done with a book and a bottle as the two objects. It is done exactly as given in earlier manuals with the following command changes. Commands: “Do you see that book.” “Walk over to it.” “Pick it up.” “Tell me something you can not-know about its colour.” “Tell me something you can not- know about its temperature.” “Tell me something you can not-know about its weight.” “Put it down in exactly the same place.” “Do you see that bottle.” “Walk over to it.” “Pick it up.” “Tell me something you can not-know about its colour.” “Tell me something you can not-know about its temperature.” “Tell me something you can not-know about its weight.” “Put it down in exactly the same place.” “Do you see that book.” Etc, etc. Run with good two-way communication. Do not vary commands. Does not need to be followed up by regular Opening Procedure by Duplication. Usually flattens in a couple of hours.


Remedy of Havingness and Spotting Spots. If the lowest levels are handled well, the preclear should have been exteriorized long since. In case of exteriorization the preclear should have been talked to about it, and over it, and with it, but no further attention should have been paid to it. Separateness processing should bring about an exteriorization of the preclear if the lower levels of processing failed to do so. It would be considered unusual if the preclear had not exteriorized today, by the time he reaches Level Six. In this event the commands and levels should be utilized all over again starting at the bottom. The difficulty was probably not bringing about the rudiments in the first place, or that the preclear had things he felt he could not discuss with his auditor.

By modem processing, Remedy of Havingness and Spotting Spots are done simultaneously in addressing the drill of the exteriorized thetan. The only change would be in using showers of hellos and okays or “things you can not-know” on spots in the universe with which the preclear might have any difficulty in the Grand Tour.

L. Ron Hubbard Purposes in England

I am in England teaching the 4th London Clinical Course which is now about half- way completed. We have a large number of good auditors who are completing their training with this unit. The results in the unit itself are very spectacular as far as training auditors are concerned, and case class very good. We are making in all during the seven weeks of lecturing here — with Jack Parkhouse, DScn on the recording machine, substituting for Don Breeding at this end — seventy-eight lecture hours all on modern processing. Much of the material is new. Eight of these hours are public addresses made at the Lindsey Theatre near Notting Hill Gate. The theatre, by the way, is being swamped every Saturday afternoon and at the second lecture had sold out nearly all of the last two lectures in advance seating. A set of these tapes, made on a fifty cycle Wear-right which is capable of 12,000 cycles, will be retaped in London for use in the rental library which has just been established, and for copying in South Africa where Jack Horner has gone to teach an Advanced Clinical Course unit. A copy made on the Ampex sixty cycle machine of each of these recordings is being forwarded as made to Don Breeding in the U.S. and will be available in sets from the U.S. A. The Saturday afternoon eight hours will be put on rental library if their quality is deemed good enough. Sets of these tapes are available to DScns as they represent a complete rundown of modern Scientology and incorporate all we know in Dianetics, and contain the exact methods of auditing which are today producing the results they are producing. Training DScns will probably want these tapes.


[Operational Bulletins numbered 2 and 3 contain no data of technical interest and so have not been included in these volumes.]