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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Addressograph Equipment (DIV1.ADDR) - P650121-2 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Важнейшие Сведения о Продвижении. Фундаментальные Принципы Продвижения - И650121-1R65 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 650121 - HCO Policy Letter - Vital Data on Promotion [PL008-005]
- 650121 Issue 2 - HCO Policy Letter - Addressograph Equipment [PL008-006]
- 650121R - HCO Policy Letter - Vital Data on Promotion [PL008-059]
CONTENTS ADDRESSOGRAPH EQUIPMENT Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Issue II
Gen Non-Remimeo Attn CF & Address


A short while ago I discovered quite by accident and with no help from the Addressograph Company that they sell a paper roll-guillotine attachment for their big machine that will give a 5 x 4 inch card with automatic feed without using the envelope automatic feed.

This attachment is apparently all we need to rapidly give Registrars, Ds of T, etc., card files they can use. As this is the primary purpose of the machine, it is welcome to know there is a way to do it quickly.

In giving Franchise Holders mailing lists for their areas, it would only be necessary to run them off a gummed tape and send it and the brochure envelopes along to them for them to assemble.

Thus the envelope feed chute that won't work and nobody uses isn't necessary. Instead use the tape feeder with a gummed tape and a dispenser for addressing and a card printer and cutter for our card lists.

The exact data and number of this file card maker is: Addressograph – Roll Feed and Guillotine Attachment for Class 1600 and 1900 machines.

If you can't do address lists fast for the Registrar and others, they can't do their jobs well. If you can't do address lists fast for Franchise Holders for their areas as per recent Policy Letters, it will be a burden and the project will be shelved.

So this attachment is of great interest to us.