In accordance with an order of the Founder that the Advanced Courses’ statistic is Number of Hours Audited by Students, the following policies shall apply to the Advanced Courses.
Each ADVANCED COURSES Supervisor is now allotted his own Clearing or OT Course students whose auditing he/she supervises.
Students on the OT Course are divided equally between the OT Course Supervisor and Assistant Supervisor/s.
Students on the Clearing Course are divided equally between the Clearing Course Supervisor and Assistant Supervisor/s.
When new Assistant Supervisors are added, re-adjustment is to be made so that the new Supervisor has his own students.
The Statistic for each Supervisor and Assistant Supervisor shall be the “Number of Hours Audited” by his/her students.
The main Advanced Courses’ overall Statistic, and therefore the Statistic of Chief Supervisor of Advanced Courses, is total number of hours audited by all students.