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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Basics of Marketing (PR-31R) - P790207R | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Основы Маркетинга (МАРК-7) (ц) - И790207R79 | Сравнить
- Основы Маркетинга (МАРК-7) - И790207R79 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 790207R - HCO Policy Letter - Basics of Marketing, The [PL036-092]
- 790207R - HCO Policy Letter - Basics of Marketing, The [PL047-014]
- 790207R - HCO Policy Letter - Basics of Marketing, The [PL054-014]
- 790207R - HCO Policy Letter - Basics of Marketing, The [PL084-007]
CONTENTS THE BASICS OF MARKETING Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Remimeo (Revisions in this type style)
(References updated and reissued as part ofMarketing Series, 3 September 1979.) Marketing Series 7PR Series 31R


There are certain stable data anyone engaged in marketing or preparing the materials for marketing should memorize so that he can think with them. These are not just stable data which one uses to qualify whether or not a marketing thing is okay; these are the stable data from which a marketing person, or anyone connected with the development of marketing, use to create the products related to marketing such as fliers, ads, info sheets, material for salesmen, posters, etc., etc. Memorize the basic data given below and be familiar and able to work with the material contained in parentheses after them so that you can think with these stable data.

0. Be a professional in anything you do.

1. Survey for the public and then survey that public with regard to any product. (HCO PL 2 Jun. 71 II, PR Series 10, BREAKTHROUGH — PR AND PRODUCTION — TONE SCALE SURVEY; HCO PL 1 Jan. 77RA, Rev. 29 Aug. 79, Marketing Series 3, PR Series 33R, MARKETING HAT; HCO PL 12 Nov. 69, APPEARANCES AND PRO; HCO PL 13 Aug. 70II, PR Series 2, THE MISSING INGREDIENT; HCO PL 13 Aug. 70 III, PR Series 3, WRONG PUBLICS; HCO PL 23 Nov. 69, INDIVIDUALS VS. GROUPS, and any other survey tech.)

2. Do your homework. (Study the market, competitors, field, publics, etc.)

3. Be fully familiar with the propaganda line of PR or public image your company is currently following.

4. Know your product.

5. Establish and use a positioning for every product. (HCO PL 30 Jan. 79, Reissued 30 Aug. 79, Marketing Series 5, PR Series 30, POSITIONING, PHILOSOPHIC THEORY.)

6. Impinge! (Applies to graphic design, campaign ideas, anything else.)

7. Be alive! (Don’t compose dead downgrades.)

8. Direct people’s attention. (This applies to graphic design, wording of ads, placement of ads, color choices, ideas, capers and stunts.)

9. Make material aesthetic. (Know how to use geometric design, color wheels, color depth perception, layout, etc.)

10. Be clean, clear-cut, comprehensible. (Don’t be complex and muddy.)

11. Use come-on. (In advertising you never tell all you know, just tell people how they can get it or find it.) (See HCO PL 25 Jun. 78, Reissued 31 Aug. 79, Marketing Series 6, PR Series 32, COME-ON DISSEMINATION.)

12. Create want!
