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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Central Files, Value of - The Gross Income of the Org and Why (0.ORG-PATTERN-INCOME) - P691118 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Центральный Файл, Его Цена, Валовый Доход Организации и Откуда Он Берется - И691118-1 | Сравнить
- Центральный Файл, Его Ценность, Валовой Доход Организации и Откуда Он Берется (КРО-2) (ц) - И691118-1 | Сравнить
- Центральный Файл, Его Ценность, Валовый Доход Организации и Откуда Он Берется - И691118-1 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 691118 Issue 1 - HCO Policy Letter - Central Files - Value of - The Gross Income of the Org and Why [PL065-044]
- 691118 Issue 2 - HCO Policy Letter - Dianetics - Right to Audit [PL014-160]
- 691118 Issue 3 - HCO Policy Letter - Dianetics - Right to Teach [PL014-159]
- 691118 Issue 4 - HCO Policy Letter - Disposal of Org Assets [PL014-158]
- 691118R - Board Policy Letter - Disposal of Org Assets [BPL05-054]
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Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Issue I
Remimeo Pub Div Hats Div 2 Hats HCO ES Hat OES Hat PES Hat


The easy way orgs give away their Central Files or pieces of them to other orgs indicates a complete miss on their value.

The average file folder in a CF file never costs less than $10 a folder to obtain.

When you think of all the work and mailings of the Public Divisions and realize that the direct Product of that thought and activity is a CF folder you begin to get some idea of what it cost to have a folder to file.

The gross income catastrophes that follow giving another org the CF folders of its area are fantastic. One check showed Wash DC dropped and lost around $27,000 Gross Income in about one quarter after it gave away pieces of their CF to small East Coast US orgs which didn’t even have the facilities to use them.

SH left half a ton of US CF folders in London unshipped to the US for a long time. The astonishing thing is the tame presentation of at least $280,000 worth of folders to ASHO with no thought of making any deal.

Jbg some years ago “misplaced” its basic 6500 CF address list and lost the files utterly. It took 2 years to find the list (they had left it in an old attic) and then for 2 more years did nothing with it. Stats down all the time of course.

Treasonable propaganda to the effect “it’s an old file” “those names aren’t hot anymore” encourage the disuse and disposal of CF files.

Yet a 5 year old file where the person has been written to dozens of times can suddenly come alive, the person walking into the org.

I have seen dozens of “disposed” “inactive” files worked over and produce thousands of dollars.

So a file is worth at least $10 or more to get but it is worth hundreds when continually written to.

An org’s potential fortune, its potential gross income is its CF. So what would you think of a staff member or executive who simply gave away big pieces of the gross income.

Well, think the same thing of someone who gives away CF folders. Or who lets their address go stale. Or who fails to keep them up and work them over.

In the US if anyone changes his address, the Post Office only keeps the change of address card for 6 months. DC, failing to mail to a 40,000 CF list two or three times a year lost 27,000 of those names because the people moved, the address change at the PO got tom up and nobody could be reached anymore.

The process by which you get your Gross Income, your portion of proportionate pay and which pays for further dissem and PRO and service is not a mysterious action. People don’t just walk in out of the blue.

The Public Divisions get people into CF (by definition, CF is “people who have bought something from an org”). Then Div 2 gets them into higher services by Ltr Reg or phone actions. Then upper orgs get them into upper services by paying FSM commissions to the lower orgs.

It can get very baffling how this simple and ONLY source of gross income can be so missed that an org gives away its CF.

Even if “that folder” has bought everything that org has, it is still worth a 10% FSM commission to the org who owns it if that org selects it and sends it literature.

Honest, believe me, this is the only route by which you get in gross income:

1. Public Div actions

2. Div 2 actions

3. Good service actions

4. FSM to upper orgs.

There isn’t any other route for all other routes also have to follow this route. Even Pub Div FSM selections come back into CF for further action after first service.

Public Div actions mean “New names to CF.”

Is CF then only able to sell to “new” names? If so your Division II isn’t worth scrapping. Or your Divs IV and V need a hammering for having out-tech and muddying up a field.

Listen: There is no other route to Gross Income than via CF.

Aside from dead people or people who want off the list or people who move with no address change THERE IS NO VALID CF AGE.

Address of course is the CF index as well as who gets the magazine.

“Yes”, somebody says, “but SIOUX Falls is West of our territory........ And the org there said .........” Listen, I wouldn’t give another org the time of day if my org got the CF.

Stop being so big hearted with your org’s future gross income.

An OES, worried about having enough money to keep the org going and provide services would be amazed to find out what would happen to his GI if he forced this Pol Ltr to be checked out on the whole org. I’ll bet better than 90% of staff haven’t a clue as to how or why or by what route they get ANY income at all. It’s all in this Pol Ltr.
