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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Change in Report Line (DIV1.DEP3.OIC) - P621211 | Сравнить
- OIC Reports to HCO WW (DIV1.DEP3.OIC) - P621211 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 621211 - HCO Policy Letter - Change in Report Line [PL005-136]
- 621211 - HCO Policy Letter - OIC Reports to HCO WW [PL005-135]
CONTENTS CHANGE IN REPORT LINE Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
HCO Secs Assoc Secs Dept Heads


The purpose of the report line from the Orgs to Ron and HCO WW is three-fold:

With this purpose in mind, various experiments in reports have been introduced in the past three years.

On the basis of this experience, it has been found that the Organizational Information Centre, with its associated reports, is at once the most effective report line and also the least burdensome to all staff concerned.

Therefore, it has been decided that the O.I.C. report system is the mandatory report system for all Scientology Orgs which have an HCO attached to them. A final refinement has been added in HCO Pol Ltr of December 11, 1962, "O.I.C. Reports to HCO WW", which outlines a system for a weekly cabled or telexed O.I.C. report in addition to the routine O.I.C. reports which are mailed to HCO WW as before.

At the same time, this permits the cancellation of some other reports which, by experience, have proved less effective for the purposes described above.

Effective immediately, therefore, the following reports are cancelled.

The routine reports of D of T and D of P to HCO Tech Sec WW remain unchanged.

Financial reports – (HASI Proportionate Income Breakdown [A.C.1.] and HCO A.C.42) remain unchanged.

HCO Book Reports to WW remain unchanged.

HCO Secs should continue to send copies of Org Board to HCO WW at quarterly intervals, and HCO Inventories on the 1st of each year.

HCO Secs, Assoc Sec and Dept Heads are advised to re-read HCO Policy Letter of August 11, 1960, and subsequent issues on the O.I.C. board and report line.

L. RON HUBBARD Prepared by Peter Hemery and Robin Hancocks LRH:jw.rd

Note: Item 2, deleted above, cancelled Org Rudiment Reports in error. HCO P/L 9 May 1963 says, "These reports are required, as originally set out, on completion of each Org Rudiment."