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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Changes of Address to HCO WW - Founding Scientologists (DIV1.ADDR) - P640924 | Сравнить
- Instruction and Examination - Raising the Standard of - P640924 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Инструктирование и Проведение Экзаменов - Повышение Стандартов (ПСЛ-33) - И640924 | Сравнить
- Инструктирование и Экзамен - Повышение Стандартов (ПСЛ-33) (2) - И640924 | Сравнить
- Инструктирование и Экзамен - Повышение Стандартов (ПСЛ-33) - И640924 | Сравнить
- Повышение Стандартов Обучения и Проведение Проверок (ПСЛ-33, КРО-4) (ц) - И640924 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 640924 - HCO Policy Letter - Changes of Address to HCO WW - Founding Scientologist [PL007-068]
- 640924 - HCO Policy Letter - Instruction & Examination - Raising the Standard Of [PL007-069]
- 640924 - HCO Policy Letter - Instruction & Examination - Raising the Standard Of [PL093-060]
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Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
General Non-RemimeoGeneral Non-Remimeo
(CF and Address)(CF and Address)



Please send copies of address changes to HCO WW CF and Address. Either send all your address changes with a note of the tabbing of the person, or send only the address changes which we need to know (see below).

Please send copies of address changes to HCO WW CF and Address. Either send all your address changes with a note of the tabbing of the person, or send only the address changes which we need to know (see below).

Ordinarily address changes sent to an org are routed to the org's address dept. Address then changes the plate and makes one or more proof slips to check accuracy of plate, and also for various purposes within the org. Whatever system is used, please route a proof (in the form of individual cards, addresso rolls or a list) to Address Unit, Saint Hill.

Ordinarily address changes sent to an org are routed to the org's address dept. Address then changes the plate and makes one or more proof slips to check accuracy of plate, and also for various purposes within the org. Whatever system is used, please route a proof (in the form of individual cards, addresso rolls or a list) to Address Unit, Saint Hill.

If you will do this, you no longer need to send Saint Hill stickers or envelopes monthly for PAB mailing as has been the custom. Reason: PABs will be sent out enclosed in each copy of 'The Auditor'. This means that we do not need to know of the expiry of a membership, only new ones, and address changes. Note: we are in the process of updating our plates with International Members we do not at the moment have, from the last stickers or envelopes you sent us, so no action need be taken by you to facilitate this.

If you will do this, you no longer need to send Saint Hill stickers or envelopes monthly for PAB mailing as has been the custom. Reason: PABs will be sent out enclosed in each copy of 'The Auditor'. This means that we do not need to know of the expiry of a membership, only new ones, and address changes. Note: we are in the process of updating our plates with International Members we do not at the moment have, from the last stickers or envelopes you sent us, so no action need be taken by you to facilitate this.

Once a year run off either a tape of all your addresses with the tabbing of each person or run off a tape of addresses of the people we are interested in. This permits Saint Hill to bring its Address Unit fully up to date.

Once a year run off either a tape of all your addresses with the tabbing of each person or run off a tape of addresses of the people we are interested in. This permits Saint Hill to bring its Address Unit fully up to date.

If you are going to send all your address changes with the tabbing against each change (some machines do this automatically), send at once to Address Unit Saint Hill a copy of your tabbing code.

If you are going to send all your address changes with the tabbing against each change (some machines do this automatically), send at once to Address Unit Saint Hill a copy of your tabbing code.

If you are going to send to Address Unit Saint Hill only the changes which we are interested in, please send at once a copy of your tabbing categories so that we can instruct you which categories to advise us on (broadly we are interested in anyone who has enrolled in an Academy, Auditors, and International Members, send these changes at the moment, but speedily let us decide which of your tabbing categories we need).

If you are going to send to Address Unit Saint Hill only the changes which we are interested in, please send at once a copy of your tabbing categories so that we can instruct you which categories to advise us on (broadly we are interested in anyone who has enrolled in an Academy, Auditors, and International Members, send these changes at the moment, but speedily let us decide which of your tabbing categories we need).

If you anticipate any difficulty on this, please send details to the Address Unit, WW.

If you anticipate any difficulty on this, please send details to the Address Unit, WW.

Founding Scientologists: After December 31st no further applications for Founding Scientologists will be accepted. Founding Scientologists are tabbed as such in the Address Unit World Wide. As soon as possible after December 31st, a full addressograph list of Founding Scientologists in your area will be sent to you. Please tab these people as Founding Scientologists in your addresso. Also see that the C/F folder of each Founding Scientologist has an indication in it that he or she is a Founding Scientologist.

Founding Scientologists: After December 31st no further applications for Founding Scientologists will be accepted. Founding Scientologists are tabbed as such in the Address Unit World Wide. As soon as possible after December 31st, a full addressograph list of Founding Scientologists in your area will be sent to you. Please tab these people as Founding Scientologists in your addresso. Also see that the C/F folder of each Founding Scientologist has an indication in it that he or she is a Founding Scientologist.
