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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Concerning Committees of Evidence (DIV1.DEP3.JUST-SYS) - P630922 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Относительно Комитетов по Расследованиям (КРО-1) (ц) - И630922 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 630922 - HCO Policy Letter - Concerning Committees of Evidence [PL006-068]
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
HCO Continental SecretariesHCO Continental Secretaries
Continental DirectorsContinental Directors
Assn/Org SecsAssn/Org Secs
HCO Area SecsHCO Area Secs
District OfficersDistrict Officers



To Key Scientology Officers:

To Key Scientology Officers:

I call your attention to HCO Policy Letter of 7 September, AD 13 COMMITTEES OF EVIDENCE.

I call your attention to HCO Policy Letter of 7 September, AD 13 COMMITTEES OF EVIDENCE.

Please USE this arrangement for ALL demands, offenses and offenders. Use it liberally and begin at once on all outstanding cases. Dismiss any Ethics Committees. Cease to use any independent disciplinary actions you would ordinarily undertake and use Committees of Evidence instead.

Please USE this arrangement for ALL demands, offenses and offenders. Use it liberally and begin at once on all outstanding cases. Dismiss any Ethics Committees. Cease to use any independent disciplinary actions you would ordinarily undertake and use Committees of Evidence instead.

You will find it relieves you of considerable worries and disposes of long outstanding business.

You will find it relieves you of considerable worries and disposes of long outstanding business.

This has been developed by experiment and actual use to a very excellent form as outlined in full in HCO Pol Letter of 7 September, AD 13. It works. Scientologists accept it where they have never accepted any other means of orderly justice.

This has been developed by experiment and actual use to a very excellent form as outlined in full in HCO Pol Letter of 7 September, AD 13. It works. Scientologists accept it where they have never accepted any other means of orderly justice.

I have never been able to give you all the help and authority your job required, yet you have to handle an awful lot of sometimes unruly people and bad claims and offenders. And your own humanitarian instincts often get in the way of common discipline. I know mine do. Yet people who don’t do their jobs or upset others need curbing so that they do not wreck the lives of others. You have these problems all the time. I have seen a bad risk cost a half a dozen people their jobs and happiness. We often do not protect our people from such and we should.

I have never been able to give you all the help and authority your job required, yet you have to handle an awful lot of sometimes unruly people and bad claims and offenders. And your own humanitarian instincts often get in the way of common discipline. I know mine do. Yet people who don’t do their jobs or upset others need curbing so that they do not wreck the lives of others. You have these problems all the time. I have seen a bad risk cost a half a dozen people their jobs and happiness. We often do not protect our people from such and we should.

I have now used Committees of Evidence in four messy situations, two of them technical, two domestic, and in each case complete and orderly results were obtained.

I have now used Committees of Evidence in four messy situations, two of them technical, two domestic, and in each case complete and orderly results were obtained.

I need to strengthen your hand and position. The best way I can do that is advise you to use Committees of Evidence in all matters of claim and discipline.

I need to strengthen your hand and position. The best way I can do that is advise you to use Committees of Evidence in all matters of claim and discipline.

As an executive you very often are sorely troubled by such problems. You have no time to fully hear all that could be said. You very often have to act on snap judgement. You can easily be accused of only favoring the last person who talked to you. In these and other ways your time, effectiveness and reputation may suffer.

As an executive you very often are sorely troubled by such problems. You have no time to fully hear all that could be said. You very often have to act on snap judgement. You can easily be accused of only favoring the last person who talked to you. In these and other ways your time, effectiveness and reputation may suffer.

Stop worrying yourself over the “unfairly dismissed staff member” or the discipline you were forced to recommend. Instead, use the Committee of Evidence system, get at the whole truth, get all sides heard and do what’s recommended by the Committee — and you’ll have justice, control over your people and better protection for them.

Stop worrying yourself over the “unfairly dismissed staff member” or the discipline you were forced to recommend. Instead, use the Committee of Evidence system, get at the whole truth, get all sides heard and do what’s recommended by the Committee — and you’ll have justice, control over your people and better protection for them.

A staff dismissal is a grim thing. Suspension of certificates is a dreadful blow. Bad auditing may be catastrophe for a pc. Let’s be awfully sure when these and lesser things are done that we (1) Did all we could to prevent the original crime by maintaining good discipline in the first place and (2) Acted only on the full heard truth of the matter and (3) Provided against future bad occurrences. The Committee of Evidence system does all these.

A staff dismissal is a grim thing. Suspension of certificates is a dreadful blow. Bad auditing may be catastrophe for a pc. Let’s be awfully sure when these and lesser things are done that we (1) Did all we could to prevent the original crime by maintaining good discipline in the first place and (2) Acted only on the full heard truth of the matter and (3) Provided against future bad occurrences. The Committee of Evidence system does all these.

I have searched all about trying to help you hold your posts and get the job done. And the most effective contribution I can make to you personally as a key officer of Scientology is the Committee of Evidence system. I do not infer you have done badly at all. But I don’t know how you survived and got your job done without it.

I have searched all about trying to help you hold your posts and get the job done. And the most effective contribution I can make to you personally as a key officer of Scientology is the Committee of Evidence system. I do not infer you have done badly at all. But I don’t know how you survived and got your job done without it.

So study it well and use it effectively in all matters of claims and discipline and you and all Scientology will be a lot happier for it.

So study it well and use it effectively in all matters of claims and discipline and you and all Scientology will be a lot happier for it.

Read the Summary of the 7 Sept AD 13 Policy Letter. It is not nearly as complicated as it sounds.

Read the Summary of the 7 Sept AD 13 Policy Letter. It is not nearly as complicated as it sounds.

Best regards,
Best regards,
Executive Director
Executive Director