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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Control of Statistics (EXEC-27) - P801105 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 801105 Issue 1 - HCO Policy Letter - Control of Statistics [PL049-103]
- 801105 Issue 1 - HCO Policy Letter - Control of Statistics [PL057-048]
- 801105 Issue 2 - HCO Policy Letter - Arbitraries [PL049-104]
- 801105 Issue 2 - HCO Policy Letter - Arbitraries [PL057-049]
CONTENTS CONTROL OF STATISTICS Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Issue I
(Originally LRH OODs item of
28 August 1970)
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Issue I
(Originally LRH OODs item of
28 August 1970)
Exec Series 27Exec Series 27



I think GDSes are down in some sectors because some people just don’t know how to get them up. Many watch them from a spectator viewpoint. Well, it’s down. Fate. It recovered. Kismet (Russian for “fate”). It’s level. Will of Allah.

I think GDSes are down in some sectors because some people just don’t know how to get them up. Many watch them from a spectator viewpoint. Well, it’s down. Fate. It recovered. Kismet (Russian for “fate”). It’s level. Will of Allah.

The missing datum is that an org’s stats are totally under the control of that org. An org’s stats totally reflect the production and competence of the org.

The missing datum is that an org’s stats are totally under the control of that org. An org’s stats totally reflect the production and competence of the org.

Let’s take a letters in stat. You (a) increase letters out, (b) you check out letter writers on getting R in the letters wholly, (c) you use CF folders always when writing a letter, (d) you increase letters out, (e) you spot-check letters going out for R and on-policy, (f) you put hard sell and good promo out, (g) you use info packets, and (h) you get out heavy bulk mailings on-policy, (i) you offer what you can deliver, (j) you deliver what you offer. Result, letters in soars! My own letters in stat (when I sign another name) is 1 for 1. In most orgs it’s about 25% response.

Let’s take a letters in stat. You (a) increase letters out, (b) you check out letter writers on getting R in the letters wholly, (c) you use CF folders always when writing a letter, (d) you increase letters out, (e) you spot-check letters going out for R and on-policy, (f) you put hard sell and good promo out, (g) you use info packets, and (h) you get out heavy bulk mailings on-policy, (i) you offer what you can deliver, (j) you deliver what you offer. Result, letters in soars! My own letters in stat (when I sign another name) is 1 for 1. In most orgs it’s about 25% response.

But I’ll bet a lot of orgs have it explained that it’s fate or “promo doesn’t work” or “local public interest is low.”

But I’ll bet a lot of orgs have it explained that it’s fate or “promo doesn’t work” or “local public interest is low.”

A success story stat is totally under control. You really use the tech and really smooth out students and cases and you get 1 success story for every completion. Then, because you have a success story, you get a re-sign-up and get a new completion and a new success story.

A success story stat is totally under control. You really use the tech and really smooth out students and cases and you get 1 success story for every completion. Then, because you have a success story, you get a re-sign-up and get a new completion and a new success story.

So my attitude toward low GDSes is about the same as you’d feel for somebody who didn’t know he was driving and ran the car in a ditch on a straight road!

So my attitude toward low GDSes is about the same as you’d feel for somebody who didn’t know he was driving and ran the car in a ditch on a straight road!

I don’t speak from lack of knowing. Because I’ve done it and it’s about as easy as riding an armchair.

I don’t speak from lack of knowing. Because I’ve done it and it’s about as easy as riding an armchair.

Staffs make their own trouble. Once in Joburg they tested a whole school of kids. Why, God knows. But they did. And then did the adult test grading on them! “You see, Josie Ann (aged 10), you are having trouble with your husband.” Didn’t half upset the parents. Tailor-made down stats.

Staffs make their own trouble. Once in Joburg they tested a whole school of kids. Why, God knows. But they did. And then did the adult test grading on them! “You see, Josie Ann (aged 10), you are having trouble with your husband.” Didn’t half upset the parents. Tailor-made down stats.

Somebody hadn’t checked out on WHY they were testing people. Or what they were supposed to do with them.

Somebody hadn’t checked out on WHY they were testing people. Or what they were supposed to do with them.

Orgs are being penalized solely because of lack of training and understanding and grooving in people.

Orgs are being penalized solely because of lack of training and understanding and grooving in people.

Every point of neglect, every half-worn hat, spoils our reach just that much. Every action well done, small or large, extends our reach just that much.

Every point of neglect, every half-worn hat, spoils our reach just that much. Every action well done, small or large, extends our reach just that much.

The more you know and the better you do your job, the sooner we will make it.

The more you know and the better you do your job, the sooner we will make it.

Compiled and issued bySherry AndersonCompilations Missionaire
Approved and accepted by the
Compiled and issued bySherry AndersonCompilations Missionaire
Approved and accepted by the