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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Curriculum For Clearing Courses - P610912 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 610912 - HCO Policy Letter - Curriculum for Clearing Courses [B001-073]
- 610912 - HCO Policy Letter - Curriculum for Clearing Courses [PL004-085]
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
All HGCsAll HGCs
All AcademiesAll Academies



(Note: LA and Melbourne are to begin Special Clearing Courses at the end of this month. This gives data to be stressed.)(Note: LA and Melbourne are to begin Special Clearing Courses at the end of this month. This gives data to be stressed.)
(This data may be used in HGCs.)(This data may be used in HGCs.)

In the last DC and Melbourne courses, goals assessments were reported to be taking so long that very few goals were found in Melbourne and none in the DC course.

In the last DC and Melbourne courses, goals assessments were reported to be taking so long that very few goals were found in Melbourne and none in the DC course.

This condition also existed elsewhere and on my very careful research, in all cases where goals assessment exceeded 150 goals, the actual goal was to be found in the first 150 goals given by the pc. Out rudiments had buried it. As soon as rudiments were put in, the goal reappeared, the terminal was found and all went off routinely.

This condition also existed elsewhere and on my very careful research, in all cases where goals assessment exceeded 150 goals, the actual goal was to be found in the first 150 goals given by the pc. Out rudiments had buried it. As soon as rudiments were put in, the goal reappeared, the terminal was found and all went off routinely.

On all long, arduous runs on the goals terminal rudiments were out, a chronic PTP or heavy withhold had stopped clearing.

On all long, arduous runs on the goals terminal rudiments were out, a chronic PTP or heavy withhold had stopped clearing.

Plainly, auditors are in a games condition on goals and prevent the pc from having one or attaining one. This and unreality on track is the probable source of all long or bad auditing.

Plainly, auditors are in a games condition on goals and prevent the pc from having one or attaining one. This and unreality on track is the probable source of all long or bad auditing.

The general remedy for this is to flatten Routine IA on all auditors, flatten the games condition process where the auditor won't let the pc win and get every auditor to have a reality on own track.

The general remedy for this is to flatten Routine IA on all auditors, flatten the games condition process where the auditor won't let the pc win and get every auditor to have a reality on own track.

Several cases have been found stalled on “treatment”, the pc being wildly allergic to any and all “treatment” and thus taking forever to run.

Several cases have been found stalled on “treatment”, the pc being wildly allergic to any and all “treatment” and thus taking forever to run.

All bad auditing is done by auditors who have no reality on the track, and the then- ness of pictures. These are seeking to escape and thus pull the pc into escaping, whereas clearing lies in confronting. Auditors whose pictures flick in and out and who never linger are “out of valence” on the track or are otherwise seeking to escape. The remedy is to make such, as pcs, run pictures with unknown when found, not escape from them. Several lectures cover this.

All bad auditing is done by auditors who have no reality on the track, and the then- ness of pictures. These are seeking to escape and thus pull the pc into escaping, whereas clearing lies in confronting. Auditors whose pictures flick in and out and who never linger are “out of valence” on the track or are otherwise seeking to escape. The remedy is to make such, as pcs, run pictures with unknown when found, not escape from them. Several lectures cover this.

Q and A with the pc is entirely taking what the pc suggests or taking orders from the pc. One order taken from the pc by the auditor and bang, ARC breaks. This is the source of ARC breaks.

Q and A with the pc is entirely taking what the pc suggests or taking orders from the pc. One order taken from the pc by the auditor and bang, ARC breaks. This is the source of ARC breaks.

All this and more is covered in the Saint Hill lectures of the last half of August and early September.

All this and more is covered in the Saint Hill lectures of the last half of August and early September.

The exact lectures are being listed and examinations prepared for them. This list and the examinations will be sent for these two courses.

The exact lectures are being listed and examinations prepared for them. This list and the examinations will be sent for these two courses.

It is suggested that the students get at least two of these lectures per day.

It is suggested that the students get at least two of these lectures per day.

To make your students into auditors, skip the TRs in these advanced courses, relegating TRs to the Academy and Saint Hill. Instead, start the course cases as follows:

To make your students into auditors, skip the TRs in these advanced courses, relegating TRs to the Academy and Saint Hill. Instead, start the course cases as follows:

Find if the pc has ever been “in himself” or herself in a picture. Unbury and run that picture with Unknown with this command:

Find if the pc has ever been “in himself” or herself in a picture. Unbury and run that picture with Unknown with this command:

“What was unknown about that incident?” Keep the pc in the incident.

“What was unknown about that incident?” Keep the pc in the incident.

If the pc has never had a picture 3D in his own valence, run either or both of the following:

If the pc has never had a picture 3D in his own valence, run either or both of the following:

“What was unknown?” and another process,

“What was unknown?” and another process,

“What unknown should you escape from?” “What unknown should you attack?” “What unknown should another escape from?” “What unknown should another attack?”

“What unknown should you escape from?” “What unknown should you attack?” “What unknown should another escape from?” “What unknown should another attack?”

These last two processes also handle problems, treatment and the other factors mentioned above and class as 1A processes.

These last two processes also handle problems, treatment and the other factors mentioned above and class as 1A processes.

Omit Routine 2 out of all instruction.

Omit Routine 2 out of all instruction.

Rewrite your Pre-Hav Primary Scale to include all emotions from “serenity” to “hide”. Include on the scale in the place of “No Motion”, PROBLEMS. Include also UNKNOWN, FORGET, NOT KNOW. Add also DISLOCATE. Omit anything that is a brother to “No Motion”. Include DENY.

Rewrite your Pre-Hav Primary Scale to include all emotions from “serenity” to “hide”. Include on the scale in the place of “No Motion”, PROBLEMS. Include also UNKNOWN, FORGET, NOT KNOW. Add also DISLOCATE. Omit anything that is a brother to “No Motion”. Include DENY.


Get assessment going only when 1A is flat. 1A can be considered flat when Escape- Attack on Unknown produces no TA motion after this or other 1A processes have been run.

Get assessment going only when 1A is flat. 1A can be considered flat when Escape- Attack on Unknown produces no TA motion after this or other 1A processes have been run.


Get ordinary security checking going at once on HCO WW Sec Form 6. When students do this well, shift to the Not Know version of Security Checking on Form 3. Do the last two pages of Form 3 before the rest.

Get ordinary security checking going at once on HCO WW Sec Form 6. When students do this well, shift to the Not Know version of Security Checking on Form 3. Do the last two pages of Form 3 before the rest.


In all auditing done on course (or in HGCs) get daily cross-checks on rudiments. Let a student (or in HGCs another auditor) check (but not run) the rudiments on every pc and point out to the pc's auditor those that are OUT.

In all auditing done on course (or in HGCs) get daily cross-checks on rudiments. Let a student (or in HGCs another auditor) check (but not run) the rudiments on every pc and point out to the pc's auditor those that are OUT.

Let students sec check each other evenings, independent of days auditing, but make sure they know how it is done. Don't let them assess evenings. Do all assessment in class auditing time.

Let students sec check each other evenings, independent of days auditing, but make sure they know how it is done. Don't let them assess evenings. Do all assessment in class auditing time.

Stamp ruthlessly on Q and A (auditor doing whatever the pc says). Arrange two 2l/2 hour auditing periods a day.

Stamp ruthlessly on Q and A (auditor doing whatever the pc says). Arrange two 2l/2 hour auditing periods a day.

Instructors check out any goal and any terminal found before letting it be run. A course completion depends on a student:

Instructors check out any goal and any terminal found before letting it be run. A course completion depends on a student:

  1. Doing a good Not Know version of Security Checking.
  1. Doing a good Not Know version of Security Checking.
  • Finding the goal and terminal of a pc.
  • Finding the goal and terminal of a pc.
  • Doing a proper Pre-Hav Assessment.
  • Doing a proper Pre-Hav Assessment.
  • Having a Form 3 and a Form 6 Sec Check completed on self.
  • Having a Form 3 and a Form 6 Sec Check completed on self.
  • Passing a perfect exam on the book E-Meter Essentials plus Instant and Latent Read.
  • Passing a perfect exam on the book E-Meter Essentials plus Instant and Latent Read.
  • Getting a decent graph change on his pc or clearing.
  • Getting a decent graph change on his pc or clearing.
  • Any student clearing his pc on either course will instantly be awarded a D. Scn.

    Any student clearing his pc on either course will instantly be awarded a D. Scn.

    Clear status must be checked out by HCO.

    Clear status must be checked out by HCO.

    Routine l A consists of flattening problems (or unknowns) on the TA and completing a Not Know Sec Check, HCO WW Form 3.

    Routine l A consists of flattening problems (or unknowns) on the TA and completing a Not Know Sec Check, HCO WW Form 3.

    Routine 3 consists of finding the goals and terminals of the pcs and doing any available Sec Checks.

    Routine 3 consists of finding the goals and terminals of the pcs and doing any available Sec Checks.

    These two routines are the only routines to be used or taught on Special Courses at this time.

    These two routines are the only routines to be used or taught on Special Courses at this time.

    The processes to be used to clear rudiments are as follows (supposing the difficulty has been finally stated by pc):

    The processes to be used to clear rudiments are as follows (supposing the difficulty has been finally stated by pc):

    ROOM: TR 10 or pc's havingness process, run only until question about room produces no needle reaction.

    ROOM: TR 10 or pc's havingness process, run only until question about room produces no needle reaction.

    AUDITOR: What would you be willing to be? What would you rather not be? (Run TA motion out.)

    AUDITOR: What would you be willing to be? What would you rather not be? (Run TA motion out.)

    PT PROBLEM: (When pc has stated it and who) What is unknown about that problem with? (Run until needle no longer reacts on terminal, check any other PTP and run it as necessary.)

    PT PROBLEM: (When pc has stated it and who) What is unknown about that problem with? (Run until needle no longer reacts on terminal, check any other PTP and run it as necessary.)

    WITHHOLDS: To whom wasn't that known? To whom shouldn't that be known? (Run until needle no longer reacts.)

    WITHHOLDS: To whom wasn't that known? To whom shouldn't that be known? (Run until needle no longer reacts.)

    ARC BREAK: What didn't an auditor do? When? What weren't you able to tell an auditor? When?

    ARC BREAK: What didn't an auditor do? When? What weren't you able to tell an auditor? When?

    Alter Model Session Script to include the above.

    Alter Model Session Script to include the above.

    Limit two-way comm to asking what, where, when questions.

    Limit two-way comm to asking what, where, when questions.



    Spend no course time trying to make auditors. Criticise blunders. But give no long lectures of any kind to the class. Just tell them what to do individually, exactly as above, and see that it gets done on an individual basis.

    Spend no course time trying to make auditors. Criticise blunders. But give no long lectures of any kind to the class. Just tell them what to do individually, exactly as above, and see that it gets done on an individual basis.

    In instructing, confront each student, one at a time. Don't worry about general confronts of the class, not even a seminar period.

    In instructing, confront each student, one at a time. Don't worry about general confronts of the class, not even a seminar period.

    Tell the student to do so and so as above with his pc. Show him or her how to do it. Skip all extraordinary solutions. Just use the above. Get a maximum of solid auditing done.

    Tell the student to do so and so as above with his pc. Show him or her how to do it. Skip all extraordinary solutions. Just use the above. Get a maximum of solid auditing done.

    Spread your teams as far apart as possible.

    Spread your teams as far apart as possible.

    Dispense with check sheet examination except on Saint Hill tapes.

    Dispense with check sheet examination except on Saint Hill tapes.

    Make auditors by making them audit. If they goof, assume they have no reality on the track and get the student to confront his bank as above. Subjective reality alone can make an auditor. Routines IA and 3 alone can make clears.

    Make auditors by making them audit. If they goof, assume they have no reality on the track and get the student to confront his bank as above. Subjective reality alone can make an auditor. Routines IA and 3 alone can make clears.

    All auditor goofs stem from unreality. Reality is found a. By auditing and b. By familiarity with own bank and track.

    All auditor goofs stem from unreality. Reality is found a. By auditing and b. By familiarity with own bank and track.

    If an auditor on your course has already received HPA/HCA and any further training and still has no hang of it, you won't educate them to victory. They just don't have reality on the mind yet. See that they get it subjectively. And so teach them to make clears.

    If an auditor on your course has already received HPA/HCA and any further training and still has no hang of it, you won't educate them to victory. They just don't have reality on the mind yet. See that they get it subjectively. And so teach them to make clears.

    LRH:jl. rdLRH:jl. rd