This policy letter is based on LRH ED 293R, which was issued originally as the 78-79 BIRTHDAY GAME FOR ORGS and reissued as the 79-80 BIRTHDAY GAME BY OVERWHELMING DEMAND FROM STAFF THE WORLD OVER.
As the program was highly effective, all of its steps and actions now become firm policy, in order to preserve and continue its use; and this policy letter, which includes the full content of the program, is to be maintained as a standard org CO/ED tool.
All changes from the original LRH ED are in this type style.To achieve the product of a flourishing, prosperous org, a CO or ED with the help of the LRH Comm and Flag Rep, the Executive Council and Ad Council and staff, must have control of his org.
An ED or CO who takes the initiative in controlling and running his org and does so with know-how is worth his weight in gold. The same is true of a divisional secretary or department head in an org.
In orgs where such initiative was taken and the actions contained in this policy letter were carried out by the executives, the stats rose and the org thrived.
The key to such achievements was and is MINI PROGRAMS based on policy for each department of the org.
These programs are done FOR EACH DEPARTMENT by:
1. Personally inspecting the department.
3. Issuing the program.
4. Making the execs and staff of the area adhere to that program and not cross-order it and get it done.
5. Reinspecting the area daily to see how it is going.
6. Get the program DONE.
7. When the first program is done, examine the resulting VFP and stats for that department.
8. Reinspect and do a new simple mini program for the department.
9. Issue the new program.
10. Make the execs and staff of the area get it done.
11. Reinspect the area daily to see how it is going.
12. Get that program DONE.
13. When the second program is done, examine the resulting VFP and stats for that department.
14. Personally inspect the department.
Continue the above cycle.
Give copies to staff in that dept and to the execs so they’ll know what you’re working on.
Send two copies of each mini program to the FOLO which will keep one and forward the other to Data Files Flag.
Neither the FOLO nor Flag has to okay a mini program.
Use the following rules:
A. Organize only toward actual production.
B. Post only in the direction of production.
C.Make execs of the affected area handle any flaps. The CO or ED is not “flap crossroads.”
D. Use OEC and Management Volume admin tech and quote it in orders.
E. Don’t be reasonable.
F. Don’t take the conclusions of a junior.
G. When people can’t get it done, find people who can.
H. Don’t tolerate out-ethics.
I. Use Esto tech.
J. Realize an org is a purveyor and service depot for standard tech, Dianetics and Scientology.
K. Realize that an org controls and expands its field and keeps it active and happy.
L. Realize that the staff welfare and status depends on the activity and prosperity of the org.
M. Realize that the org is not a commercial company but the center of a religious movement which is changing the society.
Completed intensives and completed courses are the keynote to an org’s prosperity. These stats continue to be reported.
Gear up to really deliver. This requires a TTC, auditor recruitment and a well- staffed Academy and HGC that works and is on the ball.
There is not one single staff member, unit, section, department, or division of an org that does not have an individual delivery demand or quota and that does not contribute to the overall delivery of Scientology to the public, directly or indirectly.
Exchange within the org and between the org and every member of the public and the broad public is accomplished only by delivery. All mini programs must reflect this.
There are several distinct sources of GI in an org. Make each one work to independently support the org.
These are
Income comes from different sections of the departments within the department.
All this data is in OEC Volumes.
Every one of these points of GI entrance should be producing.
There is also a system of examining invoices to find out what geographical areas the org’s people come from and saturating these areas with promo. The local GO used to do this for the org even though it isn’t really a GO function. The GO system used at SH was best.
FSMs have to be built up and cultivated — and paid promptly.
Refunds have to be held to a minimum by actually delivering and delivering very standard tech.
One has to get all the GI doors open and functioning — a thing to remember in doing departmental inspections. Is there any door there to open? And if it is there, is it open?
You can organize with no production, and you can try to produce without organizing.
You have to keep a nice balance between these two.
You will find that in the current disorganized family and educational scene, that personal concepts of organization and order are not very high and must be developed in individual staff members as well as units, sections, departments, divisions, and the whole org. This is as simple as learning to put things down where they belong and where they can be found again when needed and actually creating folders and files. Without this seemingly unimportant order and organization, production of simple cycles takes ages. This must be given attention in mini programs.
As you will be getting these done regularly in short spaces of time, write tfoable ones that don’t take long to finish.
You can defeat an org with 10 page 200 target programs.
An org can be put into a productive winning frame of mind with short doable programs.
It takes good sense to do a mini program that lets the department win. It’s easier to keep track of, when you pin the individual programs on a target board and get the dones marked in so you know what mini program has to be debugged and when you have to do a new one.
The FOLO handles the overall org health of a continent.
The FOLO must get this policy letter in and being done effectively and to ensure the ED does have control of his org.
Where he doesn’t, as shown by lack of stat response, particularly paid comps, GI, and intensives sold and delivered, and courses sold and completed, and Div 6 services being delivered to a happy public, and books pouring out into public hands, the FOLO must intervene — not piecemeal, but thoroughly, and only on a broad failure of an org to prosper and deliver.
The duties of networks in reporting and executing remain unchanged and their PL authority is undiminished.
Evaluations of continents and individual orgs are done at Flag. This policy letter is a factor in all such evaluations. Flag also manages FOLOs and sees that they operate properly.
Flagrant FOLO, continental or org out-ethics or out-tech, high refunds or lack of a prosperous and delivering org are the primary targets of Flag intervention.
Flag actions are not piecemeal but are directed at whole orgs or continents.
Where networks, Flag and FOLO orders cross-order each other into an org, or where a program for the org is unreal, the CO or ED of a FOLO or org must telex the Emergency Officer of the Senior Executive Evaluation and Execution Office, which is situated in the Office of LRH, Flag, for clarification.
Protection claimed by reason of upstats, if claimed on falsely reported or padded
stats, can result in Comm Ev or removal. Therefore, any clarification request must also carry “I attest my stats are true.”
Clarifications will be done mainly by policy reference.
Request for clarification is not to be actionable by a FOLO, Flag bureaux or aides in any way.
There have been tons of new tech, new rundowns, new shorter checksheets, issued in the past year or two. 1978 was a year of tremendous tech breakthroughs, followed by more tech breakthroughs in 1979 and even now further breakthroughs are evolving from these.
You have been getting these AND their marketing packages straight along and will continue to get them. There is even a new unit exclusively devoted to exporting these to you.
You have had NED for some time now. Rave, rave successes are still pouring in about it. An org that can’t sell, train, and deliver that, ain’t.
Class IV Orgs now have new shorter checksheets with all their bright new tech for their Class 0-IV students. So getting Dianetics and Scientology auditors trained is a snap now. You have a world monopoly on the only and finest tech.
So there’s nothing holding you back.
The only claims for such that can exist would be in your imagination.
What you want, isn’t it, is a happy, productive, prosperous org that is servicing its area to make it happy and prosperous.
So (as production is the basis of morale), ask this of any mini program you write: Will this give us a happy, productive, prosperous department?Well, have at it. You’ve got the steering wheel. Where’s the throttle?