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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Dev-T (AKH-23, DEVT) - P691227 (2) | Сравнить
- Dev-T (AKH-23, DEVT) - P691227 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 691227 - HCO Policy Letter - Cancellation Auditor Issues [PL014-188]
CONTENTS DEV-T REMOTE AREAS Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Remimeo Admin Know-How Series 23


The entire, complete and only major source of Dev T is ignorance or failure to grasp CONFUSION AND THE STABLE DATUM as covered fully in “Problems of Work” (and LRH Tapes of 1956).

Unless an executive or staff member fully grasps the basic principles of Confusion and a Stable Datum then the org board is completely over his head, the reason for posts is not understood and Dev T becomes routine.

A post on the org board is the STABLE POINT. If it is not held by someone it will generate confusion. If the person that is holding it isn’t really holding it, the confusion inherent in that area on the org board zooms all over the place near and far.

Any executive getting Dev T knows at once what posts are not held because Dev T is the confusion that should have been handled in that area by someone on post. With that stable terminal not stable, Dev T shoots about.

Excessive transfers in an org promote fantastic Dev T as the posts do not really get held as people are on them too briefly. “Musical chairs” (excessive transfers) can destroy an org or area.

The remedy is to get people trained up (OEC) to handle their posts, to get people on post who do handle their posts.

An essential part of such training is a study of “Problems of Work” and a full grasp of how a stable terminal handles and prevents Confusion. If the person cannot fully grasp this principle, he is below the ability to conceive of terminals and barely able to perceive lines. He cannot communicate since there are no terminals to him.


If an area remote from an executive does not contain a stable point to which he can send his comm and get it handled, then his comm only enters Dev T into the area and he gets back floods of despatches and problems but no real handling. The area is not organized and does not have people in it who have grasped “Problems of Work” or how it applies to an Org Board or even why there is an Org Board.

Communicating into a disorganized area without first organizing it to have at least one stable terminal is foolishness.

An Org Board is that arrangement of persons, lines and actions which classifies types of confusions and gives a stable terminal to each type. It is as effective as its people can conceive of terminals and understand the basic principle of Confusions and Stable Data.

A good executive arranges personnel and organization to handle types of actions and confusions. He does not broadly Comm into disorganized areas except to organize them.

Any area which gives an executive excessively Developed Traffic (DevT) is an area where the persons supposed to be the stable terminals in that area are not holding their posts and do NOT understand what they are or why and do not know what an Org Board is and have never understood the Scientology fundamental known as Confusion and the Stable Datum. They are NOT doing their post or organizing their areas.

An executive’s evidence of this is the receipt from there of Dev T.

The executive’s action is to get somebody THERE, get him to understand Confusion and the Stable Datum and how it applies to posts as Stable Terminals, get him trained up and use that now stable point to handle further confusions.

If an executive goes on handling Dev T of people who are not stable terminals that handle their areas, HE WILL BE FORCED TO WORK HARDER THAN IF THE POST WERE EMPTY. At least if it were empty, he would get only the confusion of that area. As it is if the post is improperly held and wobbly he gets not only the area confusion but also the enturbulation of the wobbly incumbent.

Volumes could be written about this subject. But there is no reason whatever not to be able to grasp the fundamentals concerning confusion and stable data, confusion and stable terminals, apply it to Org Boards, to areas and to expansion.

Chaos is the basic situation in this universe. To handle it you put in order.

Order goes in by being and making stable terminals arranged to handle types of action and confusion.

In organizing units, sections, divs, depts, orgs or areas of orgs you build by stable terminals.

You solve areas by reinforcing stable terminals.

Executives who do not grasp this live lives of total harassment and confusion.

The whole secret of organization, the whole problem of DevT, the basic ingredient of all expansion is contained in this.
