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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Dissemination Drill - P651023 | Сравнить

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SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 651023 - HCO Policy Letter - Dissemination Drill [PL009-121]
- 651023 - HCO Policy Letter - Dissemination Drill [PL009-122]
- 651023 - HCO Policy Letter - Dissemination Drill [PL036-088]
- 651023 - HCO Policy Letter - Dissemination Drill [PL050-138]
- 651023R - HCO Policy Letter - Dissemination Drill [PL060-038]
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex

Field Staff Members

Field Staff Members

Sthil Grads

Sthil Grads

Sthil StudentsSthil Students



The Dissemination Drill has four exact steps that must be done with a person you are disseminating to.

The Dissemination Drill has four exact steps that must be done with a person you are disseminating to.

There is no set patter, nor any set words you say to the person.

There is no set patter, nor any set words you say to the person.

There are four steps that must be accomplished with the individual and they are listed in the order that they should be done:

There are four steps that must be accomplished with the individual and they are listed in the order that they should be done:

1. Contact the individual: This is plain and simple. It just means making a personal contact with someone, whether you approach them or they approach you.

1. Contact the individual: This is plain and simple. It just means making a personal contact with someone, whether you approach them or they approach you.

2. Handle: If the person is wide open to Scientology, and reaching, this step can be omitted as there is nothing to handle. Handle is to handle any attacks, antagonism, challenge or hostility that the individual might express towards you and/or Scientology. Definition of „handle“: to control, direct. „Handle“ implies directing an acquired skill to the accomplishment of immediate ends. Once the individual has been handled you then-

2. Handle: If the person is wide open to Scientology, and reaching, this step can be omitted as there is nothing to handle. Handle is to handle any attacks, antagonism, challenge or hostility that the individual might express towards you and/or Scientology. Definition of „handle“: to control, direct. „Handle“ implies directing an acquired skill to the accomplishment of immediate ends. Once the individual has been handled you then-

3. Salvage: Definition of salvage: „to save from ruin“. Before you can save someone from ruin, you must find out what their own personal ruin is. This is basically-What is ruining them? What is messing them up? It must be a condition that is real to the individual as an unwanted condition, or one that can be made real to him.

3. Salvage: Definition of salvage: „to save from ruin“. Before you can save someone from ruin, you must find out what their own personal ruin is. This is basically-What is ruining them? What is messing them up? It must be a condition that is real to the individual as an unwanted condition, or one that can be made real to him.

4. Bring to understanding: Once the person is aware of the ruin, you bring about an understanding that Scientology can handle the condition found in 3. This is done by simply stating Scientology can, or by using data to show how it can. It’s at the right moment on this step that one hands the person a selection slip, or one’s professional card, and directs him to the service that will best handle what he needs handled.

4. Bring to understanding: Once the person is aware of the ruin, you bring about an understanding that Scientology can handle the condition found in 3. This is done by simply stating Scientology can, or by using data to show how it can. It’s at the right moment on this step that one hands the person a selection slip, or one’s professional card, and directs him to the service that will best handle what he needs handled.

These are the steps of the Dissemination Drill. They are designed so that an understanding of them is necessary and that understanding is best achieved by being coached on the drill.

These are the steps of the Dissemination Drill. They are designed so that an understanding of them is necessary and that understanding is best achieved by being coached on the drill.



Position: Coach and student may sit facing each other a comfortable distance apart, or they may stand ambulatory.

Position: Coach and student may sit facing each other a comfortable distance apart, or they may stand ambulatory.

Purpose: To enable a Scientologist to disseminate Scientology effectively to individuals. To enable one to contact, handle, salvage and bring to understanding another being. To prepare a Scientologist so that he won’t be caught „flatfooted“ when being attacked or questioned by another.

Purpose: To enable a Scientologist to disseminate Scientology effectively to individuals. To enable one to contact, handle, salvage and bring to understanding another being. To prepare a Scientologist so that he won’t be caught „flatfooted“ when being attacked or questioned by another.

Patter: There is no set patter. The coach plays the part of a non-Scientologist and displays an attitude about Scientology upon being approached by the student. The student must then handle, salvage, and bring the coach to understanding. When the student can comfortably do these steps on a given coach’s attitude, the coach then assumes another attitude, etc, and the drill is continued until the student is confident and comfortable about doing these steps with any type of person. This drill is coached as follows:

Patter: There is no set patter. The coach plays the part of a non-Scientologist and displays an attitude about Scientology upon being approached by the student. The student must then handle, salvage, and bring the coach to understanding. When the student can comfortably do these steps on a given coach’s attitude, the coach then assumes another attitude, etc, and the drill is continued until the student is confident and comfortable about doing these steps with any type of person. This drill is coached as follows:

The coach says, „Start“. The student must then (1) contact the coach, either by approaching the coach or being approached by the coach. The student introduces himself and Scientology or not, depending upon the mocked-up situation. The student then (2) handles any invalidation of himself and/or Scientology, any challenge, attack or hostility displayed by the coach. The student then (3) salvages the coach. In this step the student must locate the ruin (problem or difficulty the coach has with life), and point out that it is ruinous and get the person to see that it is.

The coach says, „Start“. The student must then (1) contact the coach, either by approaching the coach or being approached by the coach. The student introduces himself and Scientology or not, depending upon the mocked-up situation. The student then (2) handles any invalidation of himself and/or Scientology, any challenge, attack or hostility displayed by the coach. The student then (3) salvages the coach. In this step the student must locate the ruin (problem or difficulty the coach has with life), and point out that it is ruinous and get the person to see that it is.

When (3) has been done, you then (4) bring about an understanding that Scientology can do something about it. Example: the coach has admitted a problem with women. The student simply listens to him talk about his problem and then asserts - “Well, that’s what Scientology handles. We have processing, etc, etc.“ When the coach indicates a realization that he did have a problem and that something might be done about it, the student presents him with a selection slip, or a professional card, routing him to the service that would best remedy the condition.

When (3) has been done, you then (4) bring about an understanding that Scientology can do something about it. Example: the coach has admitted a problem with women. The student simply listens to him talk about his problem and then asserts - “Well, that’s what Scientology handles. We have processing, etc, etc.“ When the coach indicates a realization that he did have a problem and that something might be done about it, the student presents him with a selection slip, or a professional card, routing him to the service that would best remedy the condition.

The coach must flunk for comm lags, nervousness, laughter or non-confront. The coach would similarly flunk the student for failure to (1) contact, (2) handle, (3) salvage, and (4) bring to understanding.

The coach must flunk for comm lags, nervousness, laughter or non-confront. The coach would similarly flunk the student for failure to (1) contact, (2) handle, (3) salvage, and (4) bring to understanding.

Training Stress: Stress giving the student wins. This is done by using a gradient scale in the coach’s portrayal of various attitudes, and staying with any selected until the student can handle it comfortably. As the student becomes better, the coach can portray a more difficult attitude.

Training Stress: Stress giving the student wins. This is done by using a gradient scale in the coach’s portrayal of various attitudes, and staying with any selected until the student can handle it comfortably. As the student becomes better, the coach can portray a more difficult attitude.

Stress bringing about for the student the accomplishment of the purpose of this drill.

Stress bringing about for the student the accomplishment of the purpose of this drill.

A list of things to handle and another of ruins to discover can be made up and used.

A list of things to handle and another of ruins to discover can be made up and used.

Do not specialize in either antagonistic attitudes or an eagerness to know about Scientology. Use both and other attitudes. One meets them all.

Do not specialize in either antagonistic attitudes or an eagerness to know about Scientology. Use both and other attitudes. One meets them all.
