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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Enemy Action (OSA NWO-7) - P871210 | Сравнить

CONTENTS ENEMY ACTION Cохранить документ себе Скачать
10 December 1987


(Originally an LRH OODs item of 12 November 1968. Issued as an OSA NW Order on 10 December 1987.)


We have discovered exactly who has been shooting at Scientology for 18 years and known all the names. They are a small group with international ambitions, founded by a madman, taken over by a politically ambitious few.

The fight was their fear we would break them financially. If Scientology was the real answer, they would have to cease torturing and killing "patients" and there would go their income.

Well, they have now been hurt bad enough to make them move their HQ.

So the fight isn't all going one way. Press and public sentiment are swinging to our side. And we have not yet mounted a real offensive.

This is turning out to be a bitter and fundamental war. The forces which seek to bring light and freedom to the world - us - have run squarely into the # 1 engram of the planet, kept alive by a dark and secret enemy of Mankind. These insist on torturing or killing the insane.

It is a terrible hypocrisy for them to say we hurt people. Anyone who has "suffered" at our hands is still free, well and able to complain. The victims of the enemy in his institutions are like Hitler's death camps. Their victims can't complain. They can't even walk. They're dead.

It is the age old battle of truth and light against the powers of darkness.

We didn't ask for this fight. We weren't even in the enemy's line of country. We avoided treating the insane.

But they attacked us, for no reason except their own fear. I regret they appointed us their executioners. There are so many other pleasant things to do.

But, with the enemy active in legislatures and the press, we haven't much choice but to fight.

And we have begun to fight.

We have already hurt his morale and finances enough to make him move his HQ.

Our forces are closing in on it again in the new location.

This one we've got to win. We may not have another chance.

Adopted as official Church policy by CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY INTERNATIONAL LRH:CSI:jk:ta