While there are many ways undoubtedly to suppress an org, the most covert, most practiced and least noticed is as follows:
This makes it all but impossible to train anyone on a post.
It makes a complete confusion in a staff member as he can't orient himself either on his own post or identify others with their posts.
It also makes it hard to detect just who is goofing up as no one is on post long enough for anything to be noticed except general confusion. It thus obscures ineffective personnel.
It makes an org into a game of musical chairs in which stats cannot rise.
As the effect is so insidious, personnel may not be hired, dismissed, transferred, demoted or promoted without the full approval of the Executive Council after recommendation by Personnel Div 1 and clearance by the Ethics Officer and a review of stats or personal life by I & R.
Therefore, any acquirement or movement of personnel has these steps:
1. Recommendation by Personnel (attested by Pers Officer)
2. Clearance by Ethics (attested by E/O)
3. Review of stats on past posts or in life by I & R (attested by I & R)
4. Majority vote by the EC of the org with publication in the Orders of the Day.
THIS SYSTEM MAY NOT DELAY A PERSONNEL ACQUISITION OR CHANGE MORE THAN ONE WEEK at the penalty of non-existence for the party (1 to 4) stale dating the action.
Obsessive transferring on a by-pass of this system so as to adversely affect org stats, if established by Comm Ev, carries with it the Condition of Enemy.
Org stability on post is desirable.
[Modified by HCO P/L 21 July 1972, Issue IV, Staff Qualification Requirements for Hiring Cancelled, re: Approvals for Hiring.]