A Class II Auditor who has his Staff Status II may assign his or her own ethics conditions when requested to do so.
He or she may be given Ethics Hearings or removed from post pending an ordered Comm Ev for crimes or high crimes.
Scientologists who are CLASS IV Auditors or above and who have graduated from an Org Exec Course may NOT be assigned arbitrary Ethics Conditions but may be required by seniors to assign themselves a Condition. There is no penalty if they do not.
Such may not be given a Court of Ethics.
They may be Comm-Eved for HIGH CRIMES only as per earlier Pol Ltrs. These include failure to take Responsibility and failure to act with initiative in circumstances which, not handled, bring damage to others or serious overwork.
Such a person duly appointed to a post or duty who then, by absence from it, neglect of it or failure to show initiative on it, brings about a decline of the post and damage to it or areas around it or HIGH CRIMES may be Comm Eved, but must be Comm-Eved in order to remove him or her from the post.
Such a person is called a GREEN STAR.
A CLASS VIII Auditor who has completed the Org Exec Course has all the above Ethics Protection and also may not have any Comm Ev finalised on him until the Comm Ev held and all evidence is forwarded to the Sea Org for Review on his request.
He is called a GOLD STAR.
May issue an appropriate cert for the above awards when attested to by an HCO Area Sec in any org.
None of these Ethics protections are valid and none can be claimed unless actually applied for and awarded by Blue, Green and Gold Star certificates. These can be awarded in any official org and can be applied for also by mail.
The certificate must be explicit and quote the actual lines of this Pol Ltr.