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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Free Service - Free Fall - P711127R80 | Сравнить
- Money (EXEC-3) - P711127 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Бесплатные Услуги Равно Свободное Падение (КРО-2,3,4) (ц) - И711127-2 | Сравнить
- Бесплатные Услуги Равно Свободному Падению - И711127-3 | Сравнить
- Деньги (РУК-3, ФИН-6-1) (ц) - И711127-1 | Сравнить
- Деньги (РУК-3, ФИН-6-1) - И711127-1 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 711127 - HCO Policy Letter - Money [PL022-031]
- 711127 - HCO Policy Letter - Money [PL043-096]
- 711127 Issue 2R - HCO Policy Letter - Public Reg Bonus [PL026-016]
- 711127R - HCO Policy Letter - Free Services = Free Fall [PL037-053]
- 711127R - HCO Policy Letter - Free Services = Free Fall [PL043-097]
- 711127R - HCO Policy Letter - Free Services = Free Fall [PL073-017]
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
CANCELS BPL 22 Dec 1971
BPL 22 Dec 1971-1
(Same Title)
Executive Series 3All Staff


(Revisions not in Script)

So you think the GI should be higher.


So you wonder why the staff isn’t paid better.


In order to successfully solve these riddles it is necessary to know something about MONEY.

The following material is based on Board Directives and past policies and is a correct handling for those giving away free service.

Basically money is “an idea backed by confidence.”

Giving away free service deprives the org of its income and the staff of its pay and welfare.

The idea is that the exchange of goods or services kind for kind is too clumsy. To carry your dozen eggs all over town until you find someone who has bread he will exchange for your eggs so you can have bread, is too clumsy. That is called a “barter (trading) system” and is used in primitive tribes. To solve this, men get the idea of making metal or slips of paper represent the eggs and the bread. Thus you don’t need to look all over town. Anyone will buy your eggs that wants eggs and give you money and anyone who has bread will accept money for it. Like: one money particle is worth five loaves of bread or one dozen eggs or two hours of manual labor or one booklet or a square inch of land or-or-or.

Services can be given away in many ways.

Confidence comes in that the money particle (piece of metal or paper or some such symbol) WILL be further accepted after you have accepted it for your eggs. This extends to confidence in the country that issued the coin or the paper.

The Director of Training and his supervisors accept students on course without seeing the invoice of proper payment and train partial paids and unpaids without even noticing – or for other reasons.

As metal has other uses — gold, silver, copper, bronze — it is more likely to have confidence placed in it as the country could go broke and one would still have his metal. With paper one has to have more confidence in the country.

The Director of Processing and Director of Tech Services and auditors keep no track of the number of hours pcs have paid for and neglect to return the pc to the Registrar for re-sign and further payment for continuing.

So MONEY is only something that can be exchanged confidently for goods or services. It is a symbol which represents value in terms of goods or services.

No matter what the reason for these actions or inactions on a post, they deprive each and every staff member of income, pay and welfare.

When money is paid out without buying value (as in welfare handouts or war materials or bad stocks or just a promise with no backing) it itself gets into trouble. It begins to buy less because it no longer represents production or services or value.

Therefore, any staff member giving away free service is:

When one begins to receive and spend money he gets into a field known as ECONOMICS.

1. Covertly robbing his fellow staff members of their pay, and

To understand money one must understand economics. Or he’ll be made a fool.

2. In a condition of Treason to his org.


In addition, any staff member giving away services is liable for the amount of financial loss to the org. If found guilty of such a charge before a duly convened Committee of Evidence, the individual is to repay the org the amount lost. Any sums so recovered shall be placed in the salary sum of that org.

ECONOMICS in modern language means “the social science that studies the production, distribution and consumption (using) of commodities (things).”


If you like money or want money or use money you cannot remain ignorant of “economics.”

All staff services must also be properly invoiced.

The reason Marx and socialists in general can fool everyone is that there are very few people who know economics and economics itself is not a science but a primitive

Debit invoices for staff services should read:

art. So just as you may stumble on this word “economics,” so can the supertotalitarian socialists make whole societies stumble and fall into their hands.

Amount due in full in the event of staff contract breakage.”

The word originally meant “the science or art of managing a house or household” and that is still its first meaning. From this grew up a study of the whole community as a connected activity.

This debit invoice must be accompanied by a legal promissory note signed for the full amount of the service. (See HCO PL 20 June 1972 Registrars and Notes).

Remember, money represents things. It is a substitute for goods and services.

Failure to have staff properly invoiced onto services can potentially incur large financial losses to the org. Any Auditor or Course Supervisor delivering a service to a staff member without having a “Staff Debit” invoice to hand and a signed promissory note is liable to receive the same condition assignment given in point 2 above.

What governments, people and even our orgs can’t get understood is that NO PRODUCTION = no money.


If one performs a valuable service and exchanges it for goods, he does so through the item of money.

This Policy Letter is not to be used to forbid the free training of FSMs in the org.

Production can mean producing a service or an item that can be exchanged for goods and services.

FSMs are by definition staff members and therefore are entitled to any hatting or training as FSMs on a no-charge invoice.

If an activity does not produce and deliver and exchange with other activities, no money is possible.

Trained FSMs only serve to increase an org’s income.

Example: Lack of good Division 6s (Public Division) in orgs makes it impossible to exchange with the community. Equals no money.


This is what is behind low gross income.

A proper invoice required before delivery of any service is your ticket to higher income and greater staff pay.

The steps to take are get the org so it can produce a valuable service in some volume and then exchange through Div 6 contacts that service with the community for money. Then increase the volume and quality of the service and increase the exchange through more Division 6 contacts. That builds up to a big GI that will continue to be big and not slump.

So help yourselves out by getting this in.

As soon as one ceases to deliver the service the exchange breaks and the GI collapses. No matter how hard you sell, if you don’t deliver, you get into trouble.


The staff member, as part of the org, may think his pay comes from mysterious places. It does not. It comes from his own personal production.

Assisted by
Susan Krieger
CMO Mission Issues Revision I/C
for the
of the

The combined services of staff members give the org the valuable final services it can exchange for money. If it does this, then the staff member gets paid and cared for.


It is up to Division 6 to build up a DEMAND for the services and a volume of people who then demand the service. It does this with surveys of what the public will buy that the org can offer. It then makes the public aware of this by ads and contacts. The public comes in and pays. The rest of the org keeps itself functioning and delivers it.

That is really all there is to it.

When you see a staff unpaid or an org not very solvent, it is the data above that is not grasped.

When you see an org solvent and its staff well paid, then the majority there have grasped this and are doing it.

When they do it well enough and in enough volume, they control more and more goodwill and expand.

People today are very badly taught on this subject. All money comes from daddy. Governments roll it out in endless streams (and the currency becomes worthless).

It’s no wonder people believe in “luck” as the only thing that makes them rich and powerful. Or some wild idea that was never tried and would be a flop.

The truths of wealth are

Income of money on sales must be greater than outgo on bills.

Books, auditing and training, tapes and meters, must be sold for more than they cost the org to produce or buy.

Money is simply that which represents delivered production.

Morale also depends upon accomplished and exchanged production.

Money does not equal morale. The idle rich are a wonderful study in psychosis.

And welfare money degrades because it is not exchanged for delivered production.

These are all factors in economics.

The way to good pay is an understanding of the subject as above and the work necessary to make it so.
