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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Ethics Chits (DIV1.DEP3.ETHICS) - P651215 (2) | Сравнить
- Ethics Chits (DIV1.DEP3.ETHICS) - P651215 | Сравнить
- Gifts (DIV1.HCO) - P651215 | Сравнить
- Students Guide to Acceptable Behaviour - P651215 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Правила Поведения для Студентов (КРО-4) (ц) - И651215-1R87 | Сравнить
- Правила Поведения для Студентов (ТЕХ, КВАЛ) (ц) - И651215-1R87 | Сравнить
- Руководство Студента по Приемлемому Поведению (ТЕХ, КВАЛ) - И651215-1R87 | Сравнить
- Руководство по Приемлемому Поведению Студента (ТЕХ, КВАЛ) - И651215R87 | Сравнить
- Этические Доклады (ц) - И651215-3 | Сравнить
- Этические Записки (ТЕХ, КВАЛ) - И651215-1 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 651215 - HCO Policy Letter - Addition to Gross Statistics for Divisions [PL009-153]
- 651215 - HCO Policy Letter - Ethics Chits [PL009-151]
- 651215 - HCO Policy Letter - Gifts [PL009-152]
- 651215 - HCO Policy Letter - Students Guide to Acceptable Behavior [PL009-154]
- 651215 - HCO Policy Letter - Students Guide to Acceptable Behavior [PL086-032]
CONTENTS GIFTS Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Academy Students other than St Hill


Tech Division - Qual Division

When a staff member has a baby the following line will be followed:


The HCO Area Sec in the org concerned prepares a card and sends to St Hill Exec Letter Unit, giving details of the birth, parents' names, etc.


The Exec Letter Unit secretary prepares a letter from LRH and one from MSH and forwards with the card for signature. These letters and card are routed back to the HCO Area Secretary.

1. Adhere completely to the Code of a Scientologist for the duration of the course and behave in a manner becoming to a Scientologist at all times.

The HCO Area Sec then orders a bouquet of flowers and attaches the card to those and has these delivered by the Flower Company. The two letters are sent separately.

2. Get sufficient food and sleep. Always eat breakfast before class and morning session.

A separate card and letter can be sent from the staff of the organization. A supply of appropriate cards can be kept for these occasions.

3. When being a preclear, be one, not a student or auditor. When being an auditor, be an auditor, not a student or preclear. When in class and lectures, be a student not an auditor or a preclear.

Care must be taken to do this promptly so that the action is appropriate and doesn't occur a month or two late. Also as usual issue to the New Baby an associate membership as our welcome to the team.

4. Get off all your known withholds. Know definitely that you have absolutely no hope for case advancement unless you get these known withholds off to your auditor. Any violation of rules must be reported by the auditor on the auditing report for the preclear so that they are no longer withholds from L. Ron Hubbard, Mary Sue Hubbard or supervisors.


5. If you don’t know something or are confused about course data, ask a supervisor or send a despatch. Do not ask other students as this creates progressively worsening errors in data. Also dispatches from you to L. Ron Hubbard will be relayed if you place all such in the basket marked „Students Out“.


6. Students may only use the coin box telephone during non class periods.

[Note: The associate membership in the last paragraph has been corrected from a life time membership per HCO P/L 31 December 1965.]

7. You must get the permission of the Office of L. Ron Hubbard to leave course before you are allowed to leave. You won’t be released if there is any doubt that you are inadequate technically or your case is considered in poor condition. Give an advanced warning as to when you are leaving.


8. Do not consume any alcoholic beverage between 6 a.m. on Sundays and after class on Fridays.

9. Do not consume or have administered to yourself or any other student any drug, antibiotics, aspirin, barbiturates, opiates, sedatives, hypnotics or medical stimulants for the duration of the course without the approval of the D of T.

10. Do not give any processing to anyone under any circumstances without direct permission of the D of T. (Emergency assists excepted.)

11. Do not receive any processing from anyone under any circumstances without the express permission of the D of T.

12. Do not engage in any „self-processing“ under any circumstances during the course at any time.

13. Do not receive any treatment, guidance, or help from anyone in the healing arts, i.e. physician, dentist, etc, without the consent of the D of T / ethics officer. (Emergency treatment when the D of T is not available is excepted.)

14. Do not engage in any rite, ceremony, practice, exercise, meditation, diet, food therapy or any similar occult, mystical, religious, naturopathic, homeopathic, chiropractic treatment or any other healing or mental therapy while on course without the express permission of the D of T / ethics officer.

15. Do not discuss your case, your auditor, your supervisors, your classmates, L. Ron Hubbard, HCO WW personnel or HCO WW with anyone. Save your unkind or critical thoughts for your processing sessions or take up complaints with any supervisor.

16. Do not engage in any sexual relationships of any nature or kind or get emotionally involved with any classmate who is not your legal spouse.

17. Follow the auditor’s code during all sessions when being the auditor.

18. Follow technical procedure as outlined on the course exactly and precisely.

19. Be honest at all times on your auditing report forms. Stating every process run, tone arm changes and times, sensitivity setting, cognitions of your preclear and any changes of physical appearance, reactions, communication level, or otherwise what you observe in your preclear.

20. Place all reports in the folder of your preclear after each session, turn into the examiner for classification.

21. Students must not read their own report folder or that of another student, unless he is auditing that student.


22. Do not make any undue noise either indoors, or when leaving class.

23. Use the correct entrances for entering and leaving the premises.


24. Do not put cigarettes out in plastic waste baskets or on the floors.

25. Keep all your bulletins, supplies and personal possessions in the space allotted to you and keep your space neat and orderly.

26. Students are allowed to smoke during breaks only and always outside any study or auditing quarters.

27. The basket marked „Student In“ is the basket where all communications, bulletins or mail to students are placed. Always check this basket daily to see if you have received any communications.

28. Report and turn in any damaged property or goods used on the course. Protect and keep the premises in good condition.

29. No food may be stored or eaten in the classrooms at any time.


30. Be on time for class and all assignments.

31. Buy any books you need from the invoice clerk at appointed times.

32. Follow all schedules exactly.

33. Study and work during your class periods and over weekends. You have a lot to get checked out on in order to get a course completion. You can’t afford to waste time.
