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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Danger Condition - 2nd Formula (0.CONDITIONS) - P700207 | Сравнить
- HCO Makes the Org (DIV1.HCO) - P700207-2 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- ОХС Создаeт Организацию (КРО-1) (ц) - И700207R | Сравнить
- ОХС Создает Организацию - И700207-2 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 700207 - HCO Policy Letter - Danger Condition - 2nd Formula [PL069-014]
- 700207 Issue 2 - HCO Policy Letter - HCO Makes the Org [PL015-028]
- 700207 Issue 2 - HCO Policy Letter - HCO Makes the Org [PL041-007]
CONTENTS HCO MAKES THE ORG Dept 1 Dept 2 Dept 3 Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Issue II
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Issue II



When you look over the flow lines of a 7 or 9 Division Org Board, you will see that it flows from left to right.

When you look over the flow lines of a 7 or 9 Division Org Board, you will see that it flows from left to right.

Division One - HCO - Hubbard Communications Office in Scientology Orgs - has the major functions of:

Division One - HCO - Hubbard Communications Office in Scientology Orgs - has the major functions of:

Dept 1
Dept 1
  • (Org Form
  • (Org Form
  • (Routing
  • (Routing
  • (Personnel
  • (Personnel
  • Dept 2
    Dept 2
    • (Communications
    • (Communications
  • (Address
  • (Address
  • (Transport
  • (Transport
  • Dept 3
    Dept 3
    • (Inspection
    • (Inspection
  • (Reports (OIC)
  • (Reports (OIC)
  • (Ethics
  • (Ethics
  • These essentially create the org and hold it there.

    These essentially create the org and hold it there.

    When they are missing as functions actively and continually pursued, then there is no flow, no production, no income, no org. There is only a group of individuals floundering around everyone wearing all the hats.

    When they are missing as functions actively and continually pursued, then there is no flow, no production, no income, no org. There is only a group of individuals floundering around everyone wearing all the hats.

    Strike out HCO or fail to form it up and, in solid practice, soon there is no org.

    Strike out HCO or fail to form it up and, in solid practice, soon there is no org.

    The HCO Area Sec is responsible for "hats" and hat folders, org boards, personnel assignments, personnel procurement and readying personnel for posts, routing of bodies through the shop and routing forms for them. She is responsible for internal and external communication and for transport of people and goods as well as vehicles. She is responsible for inspecting the org, comm lines, posts and activities, for compiling the stats and posting them in OIC and for Ethics being in in the org and all Ethics actions.

    The HCO Area Sec is responsible for "hats" and hat folders, org boards, personnel assignments, personnel procurement and readying personnel for posts, routing of bodies through the shop and routing forms for them. She is responsible for internal and external communication and for transport of people and goods as well as vehicles. She is responsible for inspecting the org, comm lines, posts and activities, for compiling the stats and posting them in OIC and for Ethics being in in the org and all Ethics actions.

    This is a big hat and an important one.

    This is a big hat and an important one.

    In a medium sized org of up to 30 staff, HCO usually has a reception who holds Dept 1, a Communicator and an Ethics Officer, who also does inspection and reports. With the HCO Area Sec, this is a 4 person HCO. In a 30 person org, there would be 20 Admin personnel. HCO has about a fifth of these as above just to operate the org.

    In a medium sized org of up to 30 staff, HCO usually has a reception who holds Dept 1, a Communicator and an Ethics Officer, who also does inspection and reports. With the HCO Area Sec, this is a 4 person HCO. In a 30 person org, there would be 20 Admin personnel. HCO has about a fifth of these as above just to operate the org.

    Address, as the numbers in CF increase, gets another staff member in Dept 2, making 5 in HCO.

    Address, as the numbers in CF increase, gets another staff member in Dept 2, making 5 in HCO.

    When you consider that Div 2 (Dissemination Division), also part of the HCO Exec Sec Area, needs people on Registration, Letter Registration, CF filing, mimeo, publications, it is obvious that the HCO ES has the lion's share of Admin personnel, 10 or 11 of the 30 staff.

    When you consider that Div 2 (Dissemination Division), also part of the HCO Exec Sec Area, needs people on Registration, Letter Registration, CF filing, mimeo, publications, it is obvious that the HCO ES has the lion's share of Admin personnel, 10 or 11 of the 30 staff.

    When you add the two non-tech Exec Secs, an LRH Comm in Div 7 to hold also Estate with a cleaner or two, put two people in Finance, and one in Tech Services, you wind up with about 4 in the Public Divisions, which is about right.

    When you add the two non-tech Exec Secs, an LRH Comm in Div 7 to hold also Estate with a cleaner or two, put two people in Finance, and one in Tech Services, you wind up with about 4 in the Public Divisions, which is about right.

    The Public Division 4 usually operate as an all hands team but are posted with a PES and 1 man to cover each Division's functions.

    The Public Division 4 usually operate as an all hands team but are posted with a PES and 1 man to cover each Division's functions.

    If an org is not laid out this way by HCO then it will probably fall on its head. Long, grim experience has told us this.

    If an org is not laid out this way by HCO then it will probably fall on its head. Long, grim experience has told us this.





    The org isn't laid out by the Exec Seсs. It is laid out by the HCO Area Sec.

    The org isn't laid out by the Exec Seсs. It is laid out by the HCO Area Sec.

    Where orgs have been too short sighted to keep HCO in and functioning, they have troubles – low pay, out finance and generally fall apart.

    Where orgs have been too short sighted to keep HCO in and functioning, they have troubles – low pay, out finance and generally fall apart.

    The biggest job in an org is to get a competent HCO there and keep it there.

    The biggest job in an org is to get a competent HCO there and keep it there.

    In an org with an active LRH Comm, it is usually his job to see there is an HCO there and operating. If he neglects this he always falls on his head. He cannot do any part of his job without an operating and competent HCO there. An LRH Comm has a primary duty of reporting a missing or incompetent HCO direct to the LRH Comm Worldwide. LRH Comms have been removed in disgrace for letting HCOs vanish without reporting and raising the roof.

    In an org with an active LRH Comm, it is usually his job to see there is an HCO there and operating. If he neglects this he always falls on his head. He cannot do any part of his job without an operating and competent HCO there. An LRH Comm has a primary duty of reporting a missing or incompetent HCO direct to the LRH Comm Worldwide. LRH Comms have been removed in disgrace for letting HCOs vanish without reporting and raising the roof.

    The HCO Area Secretary is an important person in the org. She requires in actual fact, a letter of appointment signed by the Founder. The post is that important.

    The HCO Area Secretary is an important person in the org. She requires in actual fact, a letter of appointment signed by the Founder. The post is that important.

    Who puts HCO there?

    Who puts HCO there?

    This is the first business of an Executive Council. An EC that fails to put an HCO there and keep it there, functioning and competent, is going to fail. They should choose their HCO Area Sec, man up the Division, in keeping with their numbers on staff and Tech-Admin ratio, and get an official letter of appointment for her signed by the Founder and get on with it.

    This is the first business of an Executive Council. An EC that fails to put an HCO there and keep it there, functioning and competent, is going to fail. They should choose their HCO Area Sec, man up the Division, in keeping with their numbers on staff and Tech-Admin ratio, and get an official letter of appointment for her signed by the Founder and get on with it.

    Few people realize that HCO is actually a separate company. It is the worldwide comm network of Dianetics and Scientology. As its finances and personnel are meshed in with the rest of the org, its identity does not stay visible. But note it is still called HCO and the rest of the Divisions are called "the Organization" and it is divided off on the Org Board.

    Few people realize that HCO is actually a separate company. It is the worldwide comm network of Dianetics and Scientology. As its finances and personnel are meshed in with the rest of the org, its identity does not stay visible. But note it is still called HCO and the rest of the Divisions are called "the Organization" and it is divided off on the Org Board.

    HCO owns all the addresses, in all orgs. It, not the orgs, leases the copyrights and marks of Dianetics and Scientology.

    HCO owns all the addresses, in all orgs. It, not the orgs, leases the copyrights and marks of Dianetics and Scientology.

    The services of HCO are great. When these are absent or diminished, the whole org will fail.

    The services of HCO are great. When these are absent or diminished, the whole org will fail.

    When upper management bodies do not concentrate on putting HCO there and continuing it, they will soon have a bad situation on their hands internally.

    When upper management bodies do not concentrate on putting HCO there and continuing it, they will soon have a bad situation on their hands internally.

    If there is no start to the flow lines of the org, there will be no flow lines very very soon. Experience has shown us this time after time.

    If there is no start to the flow lines of the org, there will be no flow lines very very soon. Experience has shown us this time after time.

    An EC which has no operating HCO will find itself trying to be an HCO with only HCO duties. The answer is to put an HCO there. A good one that does its job, headed by an HCO Area Sec who wants to get the show on the road.

    An EC which has no operating HCO will find itself trying to be an HCO with only HCO duties. The answer is to put an HCO there. A good one that does its job, headed by an HCO Area Sec who wants to get the show on the road.


    [The example given on page 1 is modified by HCO P/L 10 June 1970, Public Divisions and Tech Admin Ratio, Volume 6-page 35, which gives the Tech Admin Ratio for the three Public Divisions.]

    [The example given on page 1 is modified by HCO P/L 10 June 1970, Public Divisions and Tech Admin Ratio, Volume 6-page 35, which gives the Tech Admin Ratio for the three Public Divisions.]