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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- HGC Allowed Processes - P610929 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 610929 - HCO Policy Letter - HGC Allowed Processes [B001-078]
- 610929 - HCO Policy Letter - HGC Allowed Processes [PL004-092]
- 610929 - HCO Policy Letter - HGC Allowed Processes [PL101-009]
CONTENTS HGC ALLOWED PROCESSES Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, SussexSaint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
All HCO SecsAll HCO Secs
All Assn SecsAll Assn Secs



(Cancels all previous HCO Bulletins and Policy Letters on HGC Allowed Processes)(Cancels all previous HCO Bulletins and Policy Letters on HGC Allowed Processes)

HGCs must begin clearing.

HGCs must begin clearing.

All Academies must get auditors trained up so their skill is adequate to clear.

All Academies must get auditors trained up so their skill is adequate to clear.


In an HGC, all auditing is done by staff auditors of course. But if individual staff auditors cannot handle the skills of clearing, no clearing will get done.

In an HGC, all auditing is done by staff auditors of course. But if individual staff auditors cannot handle the skills of clearing, no clearing will get done.

Therefore a program of increasing skills of staff auditors must be undertaken, not just in training but in gradient skills they are permitted to use on pcs. A staff auditor must only use skills he can command and with which he can win.

Therefore a program of increasing skills of staff auditors must be undertaken, not just in training but in gradient skills they are permitted to use on pcs. A staff auditor must only use skills he can command and with which he can win.


Saint Hill Special Briefing Course Tape of September 26, 1961 is a part of this Policy Letter. It enjoins that auditors increase and use their skills as follows:

Saint Hill Special Briefing Course Tape of September 26, 1961 is a part of this Policy Letter. It enjoins that auditors increase and use their skills as follows:

CLASS ONE: Relatively unskilled. HCA/HPA graduate, field auditor called in part or full time or current staff auditor or HGC or Academy personnel or executive. This auditor is asked what process he has had success with on pcs. What process he has confidence in. Whatever it is, as long as it's Scientology, a Class One Auditor is not permitted to use any other process on HGC pcs, regardless of their “case requirements”. This is mandatory.

CLASS ONE: Relatively unskilled. HCA/HPA graduate, field auditor called in part or full time or current staff auditor or HGC or Academy personnel or executive. This auditor is asked what process he has had success with on pcs. What process he has confidence in. Whatever it is, as long as it's Scientology, a Class One Auditor is not permitted to use any other process on HGC pcs, regardless of their “case requirements”. This is mandatory.

CLASS TWO: Any auditor auditing on staff who has finally passed a perfect score on HCO quizzes on

CLASS TWO: Any auditor auditing on staff who has finally passed a perfect score on HCO quizzes on

  1. E-Meter Essentials
  1. E-Meter Essentials
  • Model Session
  • Model Session
  • Security Checking HCO Bulletins
  • Security Checking HCO Bulletins
  • Saint Hill Special Briefing Course Tape of September 26, 1961. (These quizzes must embrace the most minute details of these items.)
  • Saint Hill Special Briefing Course Tape of September 26, 1961. (These quizzes must embrace the most minute details of these items.)
  • This auditor is thereafter permitted only to use Security Checks on HGC pcs, either standard checks or checks combined with specially devised checks.

    This auditor is thereafter permitted only to use Security Checks on HGC pcs, either standard checks or checks combined with specially devised checks.

    CLASS THREE: Any staff auditor who has graduated up through Class Two skills and who is having excellent results with Class Two skills and who thereafter has been specially trained directly by a person who has attended and passed the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course and who has also passed a perfect examination by HCO on

    CLASS THREE: Any staff auditor who has graduated up through Class Two skills and who is having excellent results with Class Two skills and who thereafter has been specially trained directly by a person who has attended and passed the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course and who has also passed a perfect examination by HCO on

    1. All HCO Bulletins relating to Routine 3.
    1. All HCO Bulletins relating to Routine 3.
  • All Saint Hill Tapes on Routine 3.
  • All Saint Hill Tapes on Routine 3.
  • Who has a good grasp of the technical side of auditing and can run a smooth session.
    This Class Three Auditor may use Routine 3 on HGC pcs but may only utilize goals and terminals and levels that have been checked out and verified by a person graduated from the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course. He may not run engrams on HGC pcs.
  • Who has a good grasp of the technical side of auditing and can run a smooth session.
    This Class Three Auditor may use Routine 3 on HGC pcs but may only utilize goals and terminals and levels that have been checked out and verified by a person graduated from the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course. He may not run engrams on HGC pcs.
  • Who can find rudiments when out and get them in.
  • Who can find rudiments when out and get them in.
  • CLASS FOUR: Any Class Three Auditor who has achieved excellent results with Routine 3 and who has had his or her goal and terminal found and is a release and who has had engrams run on his or her own goals terminal chain and who has excellent subjective reality on engrams. This auditor may run Routine 3 and engrams on HGC pcs.

    CLASS FOUR: Any Class Three Auditor who has achieved excellent results with Routine 3 and who has had his or her goal and terminal found and is a release and who has had engrams run on his or her own goals terminal chain and who has excellent subjective reality on engrams. This auditor may run Routine 3 and engrams on HGC pcs.


    In an HGC as of receipt of this HCO Policy Letter there are no other classes of auditors and no special permissions may be granted contrary to this policy letter.

    In an HGC as of receipt of this HCO Policy Letter there are no other classes of auditors and no special permissions may be granted contrary to this policy letter.


    All HCO Area Secretaries are enjoined to make this program stick, get this HCO Policy Letter immediately hat checked on all Central Org technical staff and all executives including the Association Secretary. A copy of this HCO Policy Letter, carrying a list of all those who have passed a check on it and all who can't or won't, should be airmailed back to me.

    All HCO Area Secretaries are enjoined to make this program stick, get this HCO Policy Letter immediately hat checked on all Central Org technical staff and all executives including the Association Secretary. A copy of this HCO Policy Letter, carrying a list of all those who have passed a check on it and all who can't or won't, should be airmailed back to me.


    This is the first positive and effective step toward getting broad clearing done in HGCs. This is a very important step. It will be with us a long while. For even when we are routinely clearing, every new staff auditor will go up this ladder.

    This is the first positive and effective step toward getting broad clearing done in HGCs. This is a very important step. It will be with us a long while. For even when we are routinely clearing, every new staff auditor will go up this ladder.


    Rapidity in getting this into effect will bring the HGC that much closer to clearing.

    Rapidity in getting this into effect will bring the HGC that much closer to clearing.


    It is not permitted that HGC pcs are security checked or run on Routine 3 or engrams until the auditor doing so has been awarded the class that permits him to do so.

    It is not permitted that HGC pcs are security checked or run on Routine 3 or engrams until the auditor doing so has been awarded the class that permits him to do so.


    If HCO Area Secs or Assn Secs find anything else more important than getting this done, pause a bit and ask why.

    If HCO Area Secs or Assn Secs find anything else more important than getting this done, pause a bit and ask why.

    For only broad general clearing in HGCs and training in Academies toward clearing skills will resolve any and all of a Central Org's problems.

    For only broad general clearing in HGCs and training in Academies toward clearing skills will resolve any and all of a Central Org's problems.

    (Note: Pcs who are being run contrary to this Policy Letter on its receipt and who would be upset by a sudden change may be continued on whatever the auditor was running on receipt.)

    (Note: Pcs who are being run contrary to this Policy Letter on its receipt and who would be upset by a sudden change may be continued on whatever the auditor was running on receipt.)

    LRH:jl. rdLRH:jl. rd

    [This HCO PL is added to by HCO PL 29 November 1961, Class of Auditors, page 439.]

    [This HCO PL is added to by HCO PL 29 November 1961, Class of Auditors, page 439.]