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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Handling the Student (SKH) - P681024-2 | Сравнить
- R-Factor to Students (SKH) - P681024-3 | Сравнить
- Running the Class (SKH) - P681024 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Как Урегулировать Студента (НХС) (ц) - И681024-2R82 | Сравнить
- Ноу-Хау Супервайзера - Работа со Студентом (КРО-4) (ц) - И681024-2R82 | Сравнить
- Ноу-Хау Супервайзера - Руководство Классом (КРО-4) (ц) - И681024-1 | Сравнить
- Ноу-Хау Супервайзера - Советы по Работе со Студентами (КРО-4) (ц) - И681024-4 | Сравнить
- Ноу-Хау Супервайзера - Фактор Реальности для Студентов (КРО-4) (ц) - И681024-3 | Сравнить
- Р-фактор Студентов (НХС) - И681024-3 | Сравнить
- Работа со Студентами (НХС) - И681024-2R82 | Сравнить
- Советы по Обращению со Студентами (НХС) - И681024-4 | Сравнить
- Управление Классом (НХС) (ц) - И681024 | Сравнить
- Управление Классом (НХС) - И681024 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 681024 - HCO Policy Letter - Supervisor Know-How - Running the Class [PL013-116]
- 681024 Issue 2 - HCO Policy Letter - Supervisor Know-How - Handling the Student [PL013-115]
- 681024 Issue 2R - HCO Policy Letter - Supervisor Know-How - Handling the Student [PL064-008]
- 681024 Issue 3 - HCO Policy Letter - Supervisor Know-How - R-Factor to Students [PL013-114]
- 681024 Issue 4 - HCO Policy Letter - Supervisor Know-How - Tips in Handling Students [PL013-117]
CONTENTS HANDLING THE STUDENT Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Issue II
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Issue III
D of TsD of T’s
Supervisor’s HatSupervisor Hat
Supervisor’s ChecksheetSupervisor Checksheet


R-Factor to Students

To be an on-the-ball Supervisor, one should be oneself fully trained on the level one is supervising. It is by far preferable to be a Class VIII with a full grasp of Standard Tech.

When a student has enrolled his last stop is at the supervisor’s desk.

As Tech once whittled away across the planet and finally went so badly out it had to be urgently rescued, it follows that out-supervision must have pioneered the route of out-tech. So it’s no light matter not knowing one’s business as a Supervisor and the consequences of mis- or non-application of study data.

An R Factor as follows should be made:

These must be known. As the student is a student, it follows there is some willingness to learn. This must be validated and encouraged including by unmentioned wins as in TR 4.

Welcome the student to the course and tell him the name and level. Give him the time it starts and ends with break periods.

As he or she is there to study attention must be channeled and kept on that vector and any side tracks knocked out and eradicated during the period set aside for study.

Any business is to be conducted out of study hours and no random breaks are allowed.

Any difficulties arising (and there will be in the course of study) refer the student to materials just ahead. Locate, indicate and get defined the misunderstood.

Inform him of the rules, setting up of chairs and tables, where clay demo table is, notice board, master checksheet and additions or subtractions, points system and checkout system and how it operates.

Handle any student having trouble with study by:

Then send him off to tech services to get his materials; when he returns say „Start“.

(a) Getting hold of the material he is studying.

This action immediately establishes 8C for the student and he now knows who is in charge.

(b) Getting hold of the material he was studying.

All his queries and questions are to be referred to the supervisor, as he must know it is the supervisor’s job to refer students to where data may be found in the materials.

(c) Finding what he says he has trouble with.

It is not anybody’s job and certainly not another student’s responsibility to do so.

(d) Take up the area or material PRIOR to it and find what is bugging him.

Students are introduced at the beginning or end of a study period, not during.

(e) Remedy A and B handles this also.

Students returning from the examiner are announced-the only break. The response is inevitably enthusiastic and the students get busily back to work after such a success.

(f) Do not send a student to review unless he says he wants a review — then send him to the examiner.

Those from cramming or who have flunked are returned unannounced.

(g) If the student doesn’t apply this data on dope off and misunderstoods, then a pink sheet on the HCOBs will handle that. Clay Table Training HCOB 11.10.67 is most beneficial when applied exactly.

On Friday nights the last half hour is spent on graduation when top students and those who have certified or classified or graduated are announced. The graduate is usually allowed to address the group and this would consist of the knowledge obtained from Scientology, what a wonderful group of people to work with the group was, what next course or study will be done, etc.

It sometimes appears that you have a different or difficult student on your course.

End off with asking how they did. You might even be surprised at the result of implementing a safe, stable study environment, well controlled and done with Standard Supervision.

The same rules apply. Standard Tech is applicable and works on all cases.


What you are doing and using is straightening their heads out. So don’t desist. Keep at it until the guy gets the idea, does it himself and starts cleaning up misunderstoods in the standard manner.

He’ll do it on his own and then on others.
