There are two types of double-hatting.
One of these, we all know about and is very common and quite permissible. This is what might be called “lever double-hatting. In this, for example, Mimeo Files is also Mimeo Files Equipment. So long as one does not have a hat in each of separate divisions and the hat is all in one division (and in a large org all in one department) not too much strain and trouble will result.
The other type of double-hatting can be called “verticaF' double-hatting. In this, the head of an area also holds an I/C hat in his own area.
We see this in “HFA” on org boards. “Held from above” is very common. A Tech Sec is also D of P.
Well, in a small org that isn’t making any money and isn’t delivering, this would be usual. Probably the Tech Sec would also be the only auditor.
But we are talking here about busy areas that produce where we condone too much “HFA.”
Vertical double-hatting is a sure way to be under stress.
Example: The Artillery Officer, I/C of all artillery, takes on the hat of “Ammunition Inventory I/C.” Well, he’s so tied up in counting shells he omits to notice — as he should as Artillery Officer I/C — that they just lost their guns. Result — lost battle, court-martial. And all because he was vertical double-hatted.
When a person occupies two points of different level on a command channel he is asking for trouble. He is busy on the lower point, usually because it is a full-time doingness, and so neglects many other sectors that should be supervised from the higher point.
When I see “D of P” marked as HFA by the ED, I don’t have to look at stats or future Ethics Orders for that org. I know exactly what they will be. The D of P post might be being done but the org will be in a shambles for lack of active supervision. The ED will soon be the subject of a mission.
Yes, one can do it for a week — even a month at times. BUT if one does not straighten it out he’ll be on the aspirin route.
Advice to any I/C who is vertical double-hatted is
the lower post quick and see that it produces.