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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Hiring Personnel - Line for (DIV1.DEP1.RECRUT) - P680522 | Сравнить
- Prom Action of LRH Communicator (0.PROMO) - P680522 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Линия Набора Персонала - И680522-1 | Сравнить
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SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 680522 - HCO Policy Letter - OT Section Awards [PL013-057]
- 680522 Issue 1 - HCO Policy Letter - Hiring Personnel - Line For [PL013-060]
- 680522 Issue 2 - HCO Policy Letter - Prom Action 122... [PL013-059]
- 680522 Issue 3 - HCO Policy Letter - Translations [PL013-058]
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Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Issue I
(Amendment of HCO Pol Letter of 14 Jan 1966 Issue II)
Усадьба Сент-Хилл, Ист-Гринстед, Сассекс
Выпуск II
Gen Non-RemimeoРазмножить
HCO Exec Sec HatВыпуск для широкой публики
Org Exec Sec Hat


Dept 1 Hats

Я открыл принцип перевода книг, который заключается в следующем.

Financial Planning Hats

Саентологические термины сами по себе не переводятся. Определение саентологического термина переводится, но сам термин, например «инграмма», не переводится.

Org Sec Hat

При переводе саентологический термин выделяется курсивом (когда он впервые встречается в тексте), а рядом в скобках дается его определение на том языке, на который переводится книга. Затем в конце книги приводится глоссарий саентологических терминов в алфавитном порядке вместе с определениями, которые уже были даны в тексте там, где эти термины впервые встретились.

Qual Sec Hat

Это значит, что в других языках появится по 400–500 саентологических терминов, и студентам, изучающим книги и материалы на этих языках, необходимо будет их выучить. Они выучат их просто как условные обозначения, и поэтому у них не будет никаких непонятых слов (при условии, что этим терминам будут даны правильные определения).



This is the exact line to be followed for the hiring of personnel.

A person who comes in or calls in response to an ad is put on lines to the Personnel Procurement Officer in Dept 1, Div 1.

The Personnel Procurement Officer finds out all the pertinent data about the person, i.e. past experience, training, what position or type of position they are interested in taking and only if the person mentions it, their expected wages.

The Personnel Procurement Officer takes him to Personnel Control Officer to be put on post immediately.


In Dept 1, an Allocation Board is to be kept which shows vacancies. This Board is a piece of cardboard which shows all Divs and Depts of the Org Board aligned much as the Org Board. It is kept by Personnel Control and when a request for a staff member comes in, the Personnel Control Officer writes on a small strip of paper the post that is vacant and who requested the personnel on the reverse side of the paper. A pin is then stuck through the end of the paper and it is stuck in the Dept where the vacancy is. The same action is taken when an ED comes out in which new personnel is authorized, and these are taken up at once, with all priority.

The Personnel Procurement Officer is never told what kind of personnel to procure, unless a professional photographer or some such is required and he has to put ads in the paper. Mostly his whole attention is just to be on procuring staff, all kinds, not categories.

The Personnel Control Officer, when he receives a new Staff member from PPO, looks over the person's qualifications, checks his allocation board and places him in a suitable position. Or, he can be allocated to replace a staff member who is wanting to be transferred.

At the top of each Div and Dept is the maximum Quota of personnel authorized for that Dept or Div by the Exec Council and the current number of persons in the Dept concerned and the Division.


Since Wages comes under Financial Planning and the Quota is set by Exec Council, all this data must be presented to them, however it is sent to them after the person is put on post, with all details about his qualifications and where he has been placed.

The Personnel Procurement Officer then, when hiring a new person, sends to Exec Council:

(a) A P.O. giving all details of the interview with the new person.

(b) The person's preference as to where to work.

(c) Personnel Procurement's recommendation as to placement.

(d) The Allocation Board up to date.

Financial Planning gives a maximum figure for the person taking into consideration his/her training, and the type of position to be filled.

The final say in the Placement of the Personnel remains with the HCO Exec Sec as one of the functions of her office.


The Org Exec Sec through the Org Sec and Qual Sec has the power to dismiss personnel in accordance with Ethics and status policies.


Since the hiring of Personnel and Wages play a big role in the overall well-being of the org, planning and care has to be taken on each person or else we will find ourselves way overboard on the admin side or paying huge wages to clerical help and a consequent disintegrating organization turned bureaucracy.

The way to keep this under control then is not to cut down your procurement. This should go ahead at a tremendous rate, and meanwhile you should be pushing your people out the top of the organization to the next highest org or sending those eligible for training. Allow your staff to expand and move on. Do this by procuring enough replacements as want to leave.


[Note: This issue of 14 January 1966 policy of same title puts in the line from Personnel Procurement Officer to Personnel Control Officer for immediate placement on post (paragraph 4), instead of Personnel Procurement Officer "... tells them the data will be forwarded to the proper person and they will be notified in the next day or two"; changes keeping of Allocations Board from PPO to PCO; adds paragraphs 6 and 7; gives CSW to Exec Council for Financial Planning purposes after placing new person on post (paragraph 9); and adds final paragraph. "Ad Council" is amended to "Exec Council" throughout.]

[This 22 May 1968 issue was later amended by HCO P/L 21 July 1972, Issue IV, Staff Qualification Requirements for Hiring Cancelled, where the procedure of putting new persons on post immediately was changed to assigning new personnel to the HCO Expeditor Pool and instant hatting them on what they are to do and putting them to work immediately under supervision.]