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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Basic Staff Auditors Hat - P610320-2 | Сравнить
- Mimeo and File Procedure (DIV1.DEP2.HCOB-PL-ED) - P610320 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Основная Шляпа Штатного Одитора (КРО-4) (ц) - И610320-2 | Сравнить
- Основная Шляпа Штатного Одитора (ц) - И610320-2 | Сравнить
- Процедура Мимеографирования и Помещения в Файлы (КРО-1) (ц) - И610320-1 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 610320 - HCO Policy Letter - Mimeo and File Procedure [PL004-041]
- 610320 Issue 2 - HCO Policy Letter - Basic Staff Auditors Hat [PL004-042]
CONTENTS MIMEO AND FILE PROCEDURE Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Do not re-mimeo 3 copies to each HCO Office


We are now actively engaged in creating and holding a standard in both Technology and Admin in Central Organizations.

It is vital that we retain to hand all HCO Bulletins and Policy Letters in proper order and properly filed for the use of Central Organizations and HCO.

When mimeographing please do your filing at once as follows:

1. Cut Stencil.

2. Stamp the HCO WW original "Master File" and file it without folder.

3. Estimate quantity needed at once for Org and for files.

4. Run the stencil.

5. Immediately prepare the folder, using the heading if you wish from the test sheet of the stencil, but in any event clearly marking the folder.

6. Mark the other HCO WW Copy "Master File" and fix to back inside of folder.

7. Place all mimeoed copies in this folder.

8. Distribute from folder into baskets. Don't let wads of mimeos drift around. Keep all extras in the folder.

9. Mark any actual distribution made of your copies on the outside front of the folder.

10. Slip folder into file cabinet in proper order.

11. File used stencil properly so it can be re-run if needed.

Do your filing directly. As per 1, the moment you have typed the stencil from the HCO WW copy, get up, stamp the HCO WW copy "Master File" and put it in the file cabinet without a folder. This copy is a "spare shot in the locker" and is never used but you've got it.

Get the idea that the bulletins and letters you run off live in folders. Put all you've run off in a folder, properly prepared and marked as per 5, 6 and 7 and distribute from that folder. If these masses of copies go through lines, they go in that folder. You have some chance of finding them again if they're foldered. As the folder is distinct it can be returned. Wads of mimeos on the other hand are not considered valuable and can vanish or get tossed into drawers.

By following this you won't run into a tangle on filing and have to put in special days of getting your files in order. They're already in order. All you have to do is put them in the cabinet.


Note also that I am doing what I can to reduce quantity of mimeoing on your end. Material which used to be for info only is now called so and you only mark a copy for your No. 1 Master File, post a copy, and send the others you receive on to city offices where they just clip it up on the board.


All HCO Bs held by a staff member should be in a folder held by him. All Policy Letters held by a staff member should be in a folder held by him as a staff member hat. His or her HAT is another folder, containing special instructions relating to that post. Every staff member has 3 folders.

It would enormously help if HCO made sure that once issued to staff, Policy Letters and HCO Bulletins were actually kept neatly in folders and if all such folders were turned in when transfers or changes occurred, thus to be straightened up and reissued. If no hats are handed in, no final pay cheque is handed out. And no new hat is issued to transferred person unless his old hats are turned in. All hats should be reflected in a card file kept by HCO Area.

All this helps mimeo and files. I hope you find it practical.