Effective 4 November 1965 for the week ending on that date and forward, OIC Cables will be coded with the following changes:
The form of the new OIC DATA cable is basically the same as the old form except that the headings of the columns have changed and one column has been added in order to reflect the new Divisional Statistics.
The new form consists of eleven columns.
1. Gross Income of the Org.
2. Total Letters In.
3. Total Letters Out.
4. Total Enrolments of Students and pcs.
5. Gross Book Sales.
6. Credit Collections.
7. Bills Paid.
8. Total Number of Completions of Students and pcs.
9. Qualification Division Income.
10. Number of Commissions paid to Field Staff Members.
11. Number of New Addresses added to CF.
Gross Income £6,000 | Gross Income £689 |
Letters In 1,150 | Letters In 256 |
Letters Out 2,345 | Letters Out 861 |
Enrolments 30 | Enrolments 22 |
Gross Book Sales £500 | Gross Book Sales £100 |
Credit Collections £1,239 | Credit Collections £248 |
Bills Paid £2,507 | Bills Paid £98 |
Completions 46 | Completions 30 |
Qualifications Income £850 | Qual Income £75 |
Commissions Paid 32 | Commissions Paid 4 |
New Addresses 323 | New Addresses 159 |
Cable will look like this:
OIC DATA W/E 6 OCT DAY 6000/1150/2345/30/500/1239/2507/46/850/32/323
FOUNDATION 689/256/861/22/100/248/98/30/75/4/159 BEST = MARY