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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Minors - Legal on, Students and Staff (DIV1.DEP3.ETHICS) - P700126 | Сравнить
- OTL Last Court of Appeal (DIV1.DEP3.JUST-SYS) - P700126 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Экзаменатор и ПС - И700126 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 700126 - HCO Policy Letter - Minors - Legal On, Students and Staff [PL015-011]
- 700126 - HCO Policy Letter - Minors - Legal On, Students and Staff [PL069-005]
- 700126 - HCO Policy Letter - OTL Last Court of Appeal [PL015-014]
- 700126 - HCO Policy Letter - OTL Last Court of Appeal [PL069-004]
- 700126 - HCO Policy Letter - Scientology Prayer [PL015-015]
- 700126 Issue 1R - Board Policy Letter - FOLO Last Court of Appeal [BPL05-032]
- 700126 Issue 2 - Board Policy Letter - Examiner and Floating Needle [BPL01-030]
- 700126 Issue 2 - HCO Policy Letter - Examiner and Floating Needle [PL069-006]
- 700126 Issue 3 - HCO Policy Letter - Examiners Form [PL103-003]
- 700126 Issue 3 - HCO Policy Letter - Examiners Form [PL103-004]
- 700126 Issue 3 - HCO Policy Letter - Examiners Form [PL103-005]
- 700126 Issue 3R - Board Policy Letter - Examiner and Floating Needle [BPL05-033]
- 700126R - Board Policy Letter - Minors - Legal On, Students and Staff [BPL03-043]
CONTENTS OTL LAST COURT OF APPEAL Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
OTLsA/G Hats


Reg Hats

The requirements of a Court of Appeal are:

RAP Hats

1. Membership of the Court consists of a Chairman of Officer rank, a secretary and from one to three members.

Ethics Hats

2. Members must be Ethics upstats.

Tech Hats

3. The Chairman must be familiar with Ethics procedures and must have checked out on all Ethics policies, including those concerning third party investigations. It is preferable for all members to have checked out on these.


4. The Court’s duties consist of correcting false reports, false accusations and third party activities which have been detrimental to the repute of the individual or harmful to his well being.

1. A Minor (person under 21 years of age) must have a parent or legal guardian signature on his or her contract.

5. The Court may only act on written requests. Appellants are not to present themselves to the Court until called. Written requests for a Court of Appeal must state exactly what false report, accusation or 3rd party activity they wish to be handled and state where and when it occurred and who was concerned. Where the false report is in writing, a copy is to be attached to the request for a Court of Appeal.

2. A Minor must either live with a parent or have a legal guardian appointed if parent is outside city. The legal guardian appointment must include a statement of parent’s permission for Minor’s guardian to obtain emergency medical care for Minor if needed.

6. As a Court of Appeal requires time and expense a nominal fee of £1 or $3 is to be charged. This is also to discourage frivolous or irrelevant requests. The fee is paid in advance of the case being heard.

3. In California, a Minor over 16 and under 18 who is not a high school graduate, must attend an accredited school for a minimum of 3 hours per day during the school year.

7. A ll data relevant to the case is collected and received before the case is heard. This must be in documentary form and copies of such documents and all pleadings and testimony must accompany the findings.

4. Minors must obey curfew laws. DTS to see that curfew regulations are posted on student board and the age they apply to.

8. If an appellant is found to be giving false data to the Court in order to clear his or her name, the case is dismissed.

5. Staff Members who are Minors must comply with 1, 2 and 4 above. They must also get a work permit from the local school. In California, with public school permission, a Minor between the ages of 15 and 18 may work full-time and attend the Continuation School for 4 hours per week on Saturday.

9. If innocence is established beyond reasonable doubt the person may be restored to status and an order so issued. The order must contain the names of the court members.

6. A/Gs, Registrars, Tech Secs, Dirs of RAP and Ethics Officers are to see that their organizations are in compliance with this policy as the law requires in each of their areas.

10. If innocence is not established beyond reasonable doubt, the court must assign:

Natalie Fisher Assistant Guardian ASHO
Joel Kreiner D/Guardian Legal US
Bob Thomas D/Guardian US
Leif Windle Policy Review Section WW
Jane Kember The Guardian WW

(a) An Amends project of real extent


(b) A processing programme.

11. Any Court members returning a person to full status without following this P/L himself may be the subject of a Suppressive Person’s order for failing to protect the Oig.

12. The Court proceedings must occur so as not to cause further enturbulation on Org lines. Staff members going outside of the Org to an OTL requesting a Court action on a condition just assigned are ignored until they follow correct form (OTL Office shows them a copy of this Policy Letter). Such persons are reported to the Ethics Officer of their own Org.

13. A Court of Appeal is not held until the person has taken normal recourse actions available to him in his own Org. These are-

(a) Presenting the true facts to the accuser and requesting withdrawal of the report or accusation (done via Ethics).

(b) Request for an Ethics hearing.

(c) Request for a Committee of Evidence.

An appellant who has not sought recourse in his own Org as above must be told what actions to take.

14. Persons in the process of a Committee of Evidence, Ethics Hearing, or conditions assignment may not petition an OTL for Court of Appeal until the action is concluded.

15. Where Ethics Orders have been issued against a person, the disclosure of one proven incorrect report in the order does not permit all of the findings to be cancelled. Each specific false report must be individually handled and cleared or not cleared.

16. The fact of a person having not been confronted with all the charges of a Comm Ev on which findings have been issued does not necessarily mean the findings are false. If such a case is raised, the Court of Appeal may only consider specific false reports raised by the appellant and require proof of their falsity. The Court may not clear the person solely on a technical fault of procedure in an earlier Ethics action.

17. Senior Executives may not be carelessly summonsed or detained.

18. On conclusion of a Court action, a proposed Court of Appeal Order is typed, all documentary evidence, pleadings and testimony are attached and forwarded to Flag for approval of CS-1 before they are issued or become effective.

Lt Brian Livingston