The following Hat additions have been approved:
An HCO Sec should occasionally get the Central Org Dept Heads and Org Secs together for a Tour of the Organization Board. This is to make all posts more real, to give live communication on the subject, answer any questions and in general make the Org more real by making the posts and who occupies them, and post purposes, more real.
HCO Sec would start at the top of the Board, pointing out the purpose of the Org. Then calling attention to the Bd of Directors. Then the Executive Director and his purpose, and so on down the Board, explaining what each post is for (its purpose), which dept it comes under, and who is currently occupying it. He would point out each and every post listed on the Board. He would answer any questions concerning the entire Board and clear up any misunderstandings which might exist. He would continue to do this periodically as he saw fit. (Whenever a staff member is moved up into a Dept Head position the HCO Sec would take him to the Org Bd and make certain the Dept Head knew it thoroughly.)
Whenever a new person comes on staff and is placed in your Department, as soon as you have him on his post and he is squared away in his job, take him to the Org Board, and go over it thoroughly with him, explaining the various posts in the Org and their purposes. The purpose of this is (1) to remove any confusions the new staff member may have regarding names of posts, their particular purpose and who occupies Org posts, and (2) to make the Org immediately more real to him. The Dept Head answers any questions the new staff member has regarding hats or posts or anything shown on the Org Board.