Disorganization gives a poor product.
Organization (providing tech exists to make the product) will produce a good product.
If a product is poor or spotty one must
(a) Organize
(b) Make the tech available and known.
You can literally have mobs of people working and excellent production tech and get a horrible product.
The missing ingredient is organization.
Organization consists of a real and functional org board, hats consisting of checksheets, packs and manuals and training of this material.
The most used org bd is the “hey you! org bd.” In other words just tag anyone to do anything.
This guarantees bad production and a lousy product.
One can have an org bd that isn’t real and get a “hey you! org bd.”
Or one can have a good org bd that isn’t known and get a “hey you! org bd” in actual practice.
A whole org can be org bded and hatted and trained and yet shatter when an untrained senior turns it into a “hey you! org bd.” This is easily the commonest cause of org collapse.
When an org bd leaves out known vital functions these tend to wrap around the neck of the in-charge as unknown items of irritation.
The commonest fault in re-drawing an org bd is throwing the old one away and without looking at or getting a full inspection of the actual functions being done, dreaming up a brand new board. This produces a delusory situation. It is in fact a disassociation of the real work and the org bd delusion.
A post tends to dwindle down to the “irreducible minimum function.”
A mail clerk will distribute mail as that is visible to others. Logging it is less visible. Properly sorting it is less visible.
If “receiving, logging, sorting and distributing” are left off the org bd and “mail distribution” is all that is left on it, the other functions tend to vanish and the post slides to “irreducible minimum” of just grabbing and slinging out mail.
A galley org bd can be deficient and carry only “food,” or “cook”; you’ll get “food” and that’s all. It will possibly be very lousy food as the org bd is down to an irreducible minimum. Says “food” so they just sling out food any old way of any old kind. Bad product. The answer is to organize it. What are the steps in sequence that it takes to get good food served and the place cleaned up? If they are all on the org bd as functions you have the SEQUENCE of actions expressed as functions which can be posted and delegated as duties.
OUT SEQUENCE and OMITTED HATS are the commonest fault in programs and org boards. (See Data Series.)
One person may have 35 separate hats.
If so, he needs 35 hat folders, checksheets and packs and 35 baskets or compartments for the flows.
Further, the hats must be in sequence of flow where they relate to one type of particle.
Thirty-five hats is large but many an executive unknowingly wears more. And the ones he doesn’t see are his areas of upset.
The smaller the number of people in an activity, the more hats each has.
One girl holding down seven branches of an office finally got untangled just by having seven baskets, one for each branch, and working a stated time on each one each day. She sorted the inflow into the baskets by branches and then did them in rotation that made an org bd of the baskets. She suddenly got production where she had had just despair and chaos.
To improve an existing product, ORGANIZE.