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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Personnel Polices - Staff Post Qualifications - Permanent Executives to be Approved (DIV1.DEP1.STAFF-STATUS) - P610328 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Принципы Оргполитики по Работе с Персоналом, Квалификационные Требования... (КРО-1) (ц) - И610328 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 610328 - HCO Policy Letter - Personnel Policies - Staff Post Qualifications - Permanent Executives to Be Approved [PL004-048]
- 610328 - HCO Policy Letter - Personnel Policies - Staff Post Qualifications - Permanent Executives to Be Approved [PL004-049]
In HASI: In HCO: Temporary Executive Appointments to be Passed by HCO Temporary and Permanent Defined Appointment to Staff Posts Termination of Employment Termination Form Seeking Personnel
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Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex


(Modifying HCO Pol Ltr of Feb 17. 1961)

I desire now to approve of all executives appointed to post in Central Organizations, before the appointment is given permanent status.

I desire a full report from HASI attendant to the dismissal of any permanent executive before the dismissal occurs.

The data to be submitted to me, to qualify a department head as a permanent holder of post includes:

1. A minimum of 45 days successful performance of duty on post.

2. A statement from the D of P taken from pc graphs of the Auditor quality and ability of the person being appointed.

3. The appointee’s own graph and IQ.

4. A summary of his Scientology career.

5. A security check sheet on the person.

6. An E-Meter assessment, particularly on Help and Control.

7. His exam results for permanent Staff Member.

8. Report on Hat Check of post by HCO Sec.

9. SOP Goals procedure fully flattened.

No new executive, not approved by myself on the above basis, may draw the salary of his executive post, but only the salary formerly drawn on a non-executive post until my approval is received by the Assn Sec, effective on receipt of the letter.

No executive may continue as an executive on permanent status, unless approved by myself, on or after 1 August 1961, and if not approved will revert to pay as a leading auditor even while retaining post.

For the purpose of this Policy Letter the following posts are defined as Executive Posts:


All persons permanently so appointed by myself shall be given a small certificate to that effect.

The assembly of the materials required, 1 to 9 above, are solely the responsibility of the person being appointed.

Temporary Executive Appointments to be Passed by HCO

The HCO Continental Secretary must pass upon any temporary appointment of an executive, before the person is given post. This does not mean such temporary appointment may receive the pay of the post.

The authorization to appoint a temporary executive may be refused only on the following grounds:

1. Past unsuccessful experience with the appointee on that post.

2. Graph points lower than centre.

3. IQ less than 120.

4. Security check not passed.

5. Control and help buttons get very bad reaction on E-Meter.

6. Examination of staff profiles and longevity show other persons better qualified for post.

If no person can be found who qualifies for the temporary executive post, it may not be filled.

In event of abuse or confusion of this section the Assn Secretary may stop any action in progress and send full details to me for decision.

Temporary and Permanent Defined

A Temporary Executive fills the post on a temporary basis, using the word Temporary in the post title. He or she does not draw the executive post’s units, but draws former units or the units of a leading auditor, whichever is higher. He or she may be removed from post with or without cause by the Assn Sec at any time, or a qualified HCO Sec during the time that HCO Sec is handling a State of Emergency.

A Permanent Executive uses the full title of and draws the full units of a post.

He or she may be transferred to a similar post by the Assn Sec, or by the HCO Sec who is handling a state of emergency that applies to that department. He or she may be suspended for no longer than two weeks in any three months from post without pay, to be processed in event of a consistent failure in that department. He or she may be removed from post only by myself after due investigation, and reports are received by me.

Appointment to Staff Posts

No appointment may be made to any post on staff until the following procedure has been followed.

An application form (green ink on pink since it belongs to Accounts and affects pay) is made available at the office of the Assn Sec’s Secretary.

People desiring employment are directed by Reception to the Assn Sec’s Secretary (or a small stock of forms may be left with Reception).

The application form is self-directing. The person fills in his own various qualifications and vital statistics. It then sends the person directly to Test in Charge to be given a test or (as is more likely) to receive the test from his files. The person then goes to the HCO Sec. The HCO Sec marks the application form in spaces to review the test, makes a brief security check and marks in that result and then states either (a) The person is employable on staff or (b) This person cannot be employed on staff until processed or (c) This person cannot be employed.

If the results are (b) or (c) the person is so told at once. If the results are (a) the person is sent to the Assn Sec (or his Secretary) for interview and results of interview are marked. The person is then told when to come to work or that he or she will be informed if there is an opening.

If the person is employed (now or later), the application has the units or pay marked on it by the Assn Sec’s Sec and is sent to the Accts Dept, when employment is begun.

The Accounts Dept makes a folder for the person in the creditor file.

Accounts may not pay out a cheque until the form is in the Accounts Dept, and is initialled OK, throughout.

The routing of the form is written on the left margin in each case.

Important: After August 1, 1961 the Accounts Dept may not pay out pay even to old staff unless an application form is in the Accounts file.

Termination of Employment

When employment is terminated, the person terminating, to receive his or her final pay, must be routed on a similar form.

The form is obtained from the Assn Sec’s Sec, who is custodian of all forms, by the Dept Head of the leaving person’s department or by the Assn Sec.

The form is self-routing on the left hand margin. It is green ink on pink paper.

The form is headed:

Termination Form

Without this form you cannot receive your final payor any recommendation to future employers.

The leaving person fills in name and date and writes his given reason for leaving.

He gives the form to Dept Head for his or her remarks.

The leaving person then reports to HCO and gets checked out for ARC breaks and withholds, and may be ordered to processing at Organization expense, but not longer than 12 1/2 hours, preferably 5 hours.

If the leaving person then changes his or her mind about leaving the form is destroyed by the Dept Head.

The person reports again to Dept Head for the form to be continued, or destroyed in event of person staying, and then takes the form to Director of Material to turn in his supplies and any equipment, and get an initial. This includes E-Meter and any such and in the case of a Dept Head or an Assn Sec may require a full inventory by a paid company if the amount is great.

The person now goes to Accounts with the form and receives with the form his or her final pay.

Accounts, while keeping the creditor folder of the person in a “dead file” at the back of creditors file, until the year’s storage of files is made, places the person’s original application for employment and the termination form, (stapled, termination at the back) into Comm lines to the Assn Sec’s Sec who files.

The person’s final pay cheque is sent to HCO by Accounts and may not be paid directly by Accounts to the person. HCO hands over the final cheque when the person has been checked out by HCO or has received any auditing recommended.

Seeking Personnel

Dept Heads seeking personnel may procure it wherever they wish, and however they wish, but must first look in the job application file of the Assn Sec’s Sec in order to save time.

To keep the file straight, the Assn Sec’s Sec should divide the file into live (with 3 months) and inactive segments.

In times of expansion a mailing can be sent to the whole list. This would serve to freshen the file and the replies can be filed with the original applications. Until they lose a body, these applicant people do not get “dead filed”.

Keeping this application file up prevents the randomity of Emergency Hiring and by-passes of security.

The most fruitful source of new personnel are the PE and Academy, and permanent help wanted notices should be posted in each.


[This 28 March 1961 reissue of HCO P/L 17 February 1961 Dadded the parts shown in this type stile.]