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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Promotion (FIN-15) - P730308 | Сравнить
- Promotion (canceled) (FIN-15R) - P730308R75 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 730308 - HCO Policy Letter - All Data Not Being Sent to Data Files [PL027-062]
- 730308 - HCO Policy Letter - All Data Not Being Sent to Data Files [PL059-010]
- 730308 Issue 2 - HCO Policy Letter - Promotion [PL027-061]
- 730308 Issue 2R - Board Policy Letter - Promotion [BPL08-004]
CONTENTS PROMOTION Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Issue II
Remimeo Exec Dirs/COs FP Hat FBO A/GF Dir Promo Finance Series 15


Evaluation has shown that those orgs who do not allocate adequate funds to promotion are having difficulties getting their Gross Income up. Orgs who are allocating wisely for promotion are maintaining an increasing Gross Income.

HCO PL 20 May 72, “Types of Promotion”, and HCO PL 3 June 72, “Promotion Allocations”, lay down exactly what promotion should go out to what publics. These policy letters, followed, will result in maximum return from your investment in your promotion allocation.

In 1970, LRH said, “THE BASIC OUTNESS IN ORGS IS THAT THEY HAVE IN THE PAST SOUGHT TO ECONOMIZE BY SAVING ON PROMOTION.” (HCO PL 12 June 1970 — “PES Account”.) But denial of promotional funds will LIMIT income.

Any FP Committee or FBO who think they are going to save money by not promoting are only cutting their own throats. And they are going to eventually destroy their org.

To cut promotion to buy a new chandelier for the reception area will not increase income. Chandeliers do not inform the public about Dianetics and Scientology and your services.

Therefore, the following policy is laid down:

For AOs and SHs — No FP may be considered passed or valid that does not provide 20% of the Total FP Amount for Promotion Expenses.

For Class IV Orgs - No FP may be considered passed or valid that does not provide 14% of the Total FP Amount for Promotion Expenses.

These figures are MINIMUM requirements.

Hereafter the FBO must show the exact percentage of the Total FP Amount allocated to promotion. This must be reported on the Financial Planning cover sheet itself which is sent to Flag with his regular weekly reports.

It is the intention of this PL to provide finance for promotion which will result in an ever increasing income for your org.

Tony Dunleavy
Fran Broeker
Authorized by AVU for