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CONTENTS THE PROMOTION ACTIONS Cохранить документ себе Скачать


The Standard Promotion Actions of an Org, by Division and Department are:

(Note: There are other actions in these portions of the org. These are only the Promotional Actions. )

1. HCO AREA SECRETARY - Co-ordinates and gets done the promotionalfunctions of Division 1.

2. DEPARTMENT 1 (Dept of Routing, Appearances and Personnel) sees that theorg has a good clean appearance.

3. Sees that personnel are properly dressed, well-conducted and give the org agood tone.

4. Requires Reception to make known free introductory lectures to all callers.

5. Has books on display at Reception.

6. Keeps staff from collecting in Reception Centre and talking Scientology beforecallers.

7. Controls public notice boards of the org and makes sure they also feature orgservices available.

8. Routes people swiftly and accurately to the required services.

9. DEPARTMENT 2 (Dept of Communications) - Keeps a complete Address Filein such shape that mailings are wide and sent to people who will respond. Neverlets go of an address or a mailing list and keeps them all properly corrected andup to date and in proper categories for ready use.

10. Sees that mailings go out promptly and on schedule.

11. Sees that internal despatches are swiftly delivered and are in accurate form.

12. Sees that letters and orders arrive safely and are quickly handled and notoverlooked.

13. Oversees stationery and typing quality so that communications going outsidethe org look smart and sound bright.

14. DEPARTMENT 3 (Dept of Inspection and Reports) - Sees that the org is thereand functioning.

15. Sees that Suppressives and enturbulative elements do not block dissemination.

16. Sees that service is accurately given and that no squirrel tech is used.

17. Prevents the phenomenon of no-case-gain by spotting Potential Trouble Sourcesand handling.

17 a. Ethics gets case resurgences by finding the right SPs.

18. HCO DISSEMINATION SECRETARY - Co-ordinates and gets done thepromotional functions of Division 2 and makes the org and services known toScientologists.

19. DEPARTMENT 4 (Dept of Promotion) — Issues magazines on schedule.

20. Properly presents services in ads in org magazines and mailings.

21. Does promotional pieces for Publications Dept.

22. Executes planned promotions as laid down in Sec Eds.

23. Compiles promotional pieces and programmes for issue to Scientologists.

24. Sees that the files, addresses and requirements of persons interested inScientology are used to the full.

25. DEPARTMENT 5 (Dept of Publications) - Sees that good quantities of booksare in stock.

26. Sees that books and mimeos look well when completed.

27. Ships swiftly on receipt of orders.

28. Issues the technical and policy materials of the org to get in Pol and Tech.

29. Gets promotional pieces printed.

30. Gets pins and insignia in stock and ensures broad issue so they will appear in theworld and thus disseminate.

31. Sees that book fliers (handbills) are shipped out regularly to Scientologists andbook buyers.

32. Sees that tapes are available and that presentation of them is of good tonequality.

33. Sees that any cine material is available and ready for broad use.

34. DEPARTMENT 6 (Dept of Registration) - Letter Registrar works toaccumulate questionnaires and mail from those responding to promotion. Follows exact policy and gets out floods of mail to all possible propercandidates for service.

35. Keeps Central Files right up and in excellent shape and adds all new names ofbuyers of books and services.

36. Uses Central Files to the limit to produce business and routes everyone in itindividually in accordance with the routing sheet on the back page of Auditor10, by employing Gradation Charts and sending them out marked and devisingother means of utilizing CF to produce business.

37. Sends out questionnaires with all offers which detect people's plans for trainingand processing.

38. Accepts Advance Registration and encourages more advance registration untilher months ahead are scheduled full of students and pcs.

39. Does Phone Registration in City areas in addition to other registration actionssuch as Letter Registrar.

40. Registers everyone who comes in for service as pleasantly as possible with dueregard for the solvency of the org.

41. ORGANIZATION SECRETARY - Co-ordinates and gets done the promotionalfunctions of Division 3.

42. DEPARTMENT 7 (Dept of Income) — Persuades payment of cash or increase inpurchase whenever possible.

43 a. Collects outstanding notes by monthly statements.

43 b. Collects outstanding notes through Field Staff Members via Dept 17.

44. Gets all mail orders invoiced and/or collected so they can be shipped at once.

45. DEPARTMENT 8 (Dept of Disbursement) - Keeps bills paid in such a way thatthe org is in excellent credit repute. (Promotes with good credit rating. )

46. Gets salaries accurately and punctually paid to keep staff happy.

47. DEPARTMENT 9 (Dept of Records, Assets and Materiel) - Gets properquarters to make the org look good, whether for momentary or permanent usefor all divisions.

48. Keeps materiel of org bright.

49. Acquires reserves to give a reputation of stability to org.

50. Keeps staff clothing issued and in good order (in those orgs providinguniforms).

51. TECHNICAL SECRETARY - Co-ordinates and gets done the promotionalfunctions of Division 4.

52. DEPARTMENT 10 (Dept of Tech Services) — Makes the customers happy andglad to be there.

53. Gives brisk service.

54. Acquires for the ore a reputation for swift and excellent handling of people.

55. DEPARTMENT 11 (Dept of Training) - Gives excellent training. (The soundestpossible promotion quickly mirrored in numbers enrolling. )

56. Routes dissidents quickly to Ethics and slows to Review.

57. Briskly arid punctually schedules classes.

58. Accomplishes lots of completions.

59. Turns out very competent auditors whose excellence promotes the Academy(or College at SH) and Scientology.

60. Writes letters to possible prospective students to get the Academy (or College atSH) full. (This is an old, old activity of the D of T who never depends onRegistrars or magazines. )

61. Makes sure the excellence of training that is there is bragged about inmagazines, etc.

62. Gets students (Free Scientology Centre) to find new, raw meat pcs of their ownaround the town and audit them for student classification and gets them tobring such pcs in for Release examinations and declarations (during which theyget routed through Registrar who presents the award) and refuses any forclassification in cases already known to be a paying pc of some org or auditor.

63. DEPARTMENT 12 (Dept of Processing) - Gets excellent results on all pcs.

64. Becomes well known for standard tech.

65. Spots SPs and PTSs early and routes to Ethics. Routes bogged cases quickly toReview.

66. Takes responsibility for all cases in the whole area where the org is.

67. Makes auditors look and act professionally outside the HGC so people will haveconfidence in them.

68. Insists on clean, attractive HGC quarters and helps Materiel to achieve andmaintain them.

69. Gets pcs in such good shape they are walking advertisements for the HGC andScientology.

70. Writes letters to possible pcs (the D of P has had this duty for 15 years).

71. [Deleted per P/Ls 15 Dec '65 and 4 Feb '66. Now appears as 85a. ]

72. QUALIFICATIONS SECRETARY - Co-ordinates and gets done the pro-motional functions of Division 5.

73. DEPARTMENT 13 (Dept of Examinations) — Makes sure no untrained studentor unsolved case gets past.

74. Finds the real errors in any failures (no student or pc ever gets upsei if theactual error is spotted — they only get upset when a wrong error is found).

75. Refuses to get so concentrated on "validating people" that errors areoverlooked for this backfires also.

76. Routes those passed quickly to Certs and Awards and those failed quickly toReview and routes any Ethics matters discovered promptly to Ethics.

77. DEPARTMENT 14 (Dept of Review) - Quickly repairs any flat ball bearingsturned out by the Tech Division so they will be no discredit to org.

78. Gives brilliant standard isolation of any errors in students or pcs — discoversthem with ease.

79. Repairs thoroughly.

80. Makes a continual effort to get failed cases in the field or ARC BrokenScientologists in for a Review.

81. Sends to Ethics all Ethics matters discovered. Cultivates an aura of effortlesscompetence.

81a. Review makes the dissatisfied satisfied with the Org by remedying all techmisses.

82. DEPARTMENT 15 (Dept of Certs and Awards) - Issues credentials that will beseen around — pins that people will wear, certificates they will hang up, cardsthey will show.

83. Never issues anything falsely as it will be hidden or discredited.

84. Issues literature to all new releases and other completions that tells them whatthey have attained and what next to do and encourages them to do it.

85. Heavily promotes auditors outside the org to bring in their pcs for examinationand Release declarations.

85a. Pushes along the Free Membership programme and makes sure Accounts sends abill for the next year's Membership the moment the six months expires AND ISITS STATISTIC.

86. DISTRIBUTION SECRETARY - Co-ordinates and gets done the divisionalpromotion functions of Division 6 and makes Scientology and the org known tothe broad public.

87. DEPARTMENT 16 (Dept of Field Activities) - Advertises to the broad public.

88. Advertises and holds Congresses, Open Evenings, etc.

89. Sees that the Introductory lecture and non-classed courses use no words thatwill be misunderstood and make people want to buy training and processingand offers it.

90. Furnishes lecturers to groups.

91. Gets books placed in book stores reviewed and in the public view.

92. Acquires new mailing lists.

93. Sends out excellent info packets.

94. Guides in new body traffic.

95. Works on the public not on the Scientologists already known to Divisions 1 and 2.

96. DEPARTMENT 17 (Dept of Clearing) - Recruits and handles Field StaffMembers to get in pcs and students for the org (and collect past debts).

97. Keeps in touch with Franchise Holders and keeps them informed.

98. Carries out all FSM and Franchise activities and makes them head peopletoward the org.

99. Treats the whole departmental activity as salesmen are handled by any otherbusiness org.

100. Trains the FSMs and Franchise Holders and makes them financially successful.

101. Gets all commissions owed promptly paid to encourage earning morecommissions.

102. Gives FSMs and Franchise Holders things they can use to disseminate andselect.

103. Advertises and conducts an Extension Course.

104. Invites Scientologists to ask that Info Packets be sent to friends anct relatives.

105. Finds and encourages the formation of Scientology Groups and Registers themand offers certificates.

106. Sends out mailings to Groups.

107. Registers Franchise Centre names.

108. DEPARTMENT 18 (Dept of Success) - Contacts by letter all ex-pcs andstudents of the org. They should be written to at widening intervals afterleaving org.

109. Collects by letters or verbally successful applications of Scientology.

110. Issues stories of successful application.

111. Handles press.

112. Makes Scientology popular or the thing to do.

113. Sells Scientology to governments and broad social stratas.

114. Issues projects of application to advanced Scientologists, particularly thoseprojects involving artists or public figures.

115. Acknowledges the activities of Scientologists busy out in the world.

116. Appoints Committees of Scientologists in various areas and groups to advise onimprovements of the civilization.

117. Encourages broad public (lay) memberships.

118. Gets spectacular wins posted on the Org's public notice boards.

119. Condenses wins into data of interest for mags and as handouts.

120. Makes a Catalogue of successes with various processings on various conditions.

121. Encourages and publicizes various applications of Scientology.

122. LRH COMMUNICATOR - Sees that Executive communications fly and lookwell and that promotional Sec Eds are followed.

123. DEPARTMENT 19 (Office of the Org Exec Sec) - Oversees and gets executionon all promotional actions and functions in his or her four divisions.

124. DEPARTMENT 20 (Office of the HCO Exec Sec) - Oversees and getsexecution on all promotional activities in his or her 2 HCO Divisions and theExecutive Division.

125. DEPARTMENT 21 (Office of LRH) - The Advisory Council closely watchesgross divisional statistics and quickly acts to handle any division of low grossdivisional statistic. Acts to get into action all dropped or neglected standardpromotions.

126. The Advisory Council develops new ways of making old promotion as inherentin the org (detailed above) more effective and better executed. It never neglectsold standard promotion to too strongly concentrate on new promotion.

127. Primarily it handles Secretaries and acts through Secretaries of divisions to getall the promotion actions done.

128. As Financial Planning sees that pricing of everything sold is not too high todiscourage the public and not too low to make the org insolvent.

These are the standard promotional actions of a Scientology organization.

Any org not in a high state of solvency and activity has omitted some or amajority of the above.

It is almost impossible to fail to succeed if one just does the listed actions.

There is a great deal of busyness connected with them. But they are essentiallysimple actions. Most of us have been doing them for years.

If there is any mystery felt about them, then one either hasn't read his policyletters or is in disagreement with promoting at all.

Actually it is too simple. I am often amazed when people want me to write tensof thousands of words to describe these actions.

The thing to do is do them. Then one quickly gets the "hang" of them. And theyare easy.

As usually one at staff level is concerned with only one or two of these they are very easy to learn all about and do. The thing to know is (a) they exist, (b) they areessential actions and (c) their details must be done for them to succeed.


I have made no attempt here to review the org or old promotions. All I've done iswrite what I would expect to have happening in any org or division of any org if Iwanted a successful org. I've listed things which, if missing, would cave in a Division orthe HCO or Org portions.

A far more thorough analysis could be done. This is only a list of the essentialactions. If less than these are done one will have poverty not prosperity.

If one can't get them done in an org, then there is something awfully wrong.


When a staff member is in a part of the org that is in emergency or danger, he, notbeing a high executive, often feels he can do nothing. This is foolish. Solvency is notmade by high executives. It is made by doing one's own job.

Every action in every department is linked with promotion. To get out ofemergency or danger one must first promote. That means, do the action that promotesin one's department or section or unit.

Solvency and org wins are made up of the small actions of the staff all addedtogether.

Read again how promotion is defined. Read what is the promotional action ofyour immediate zone in your org. Ask yourself if you are giving it all you can. Thenmaybe you will understand whether you should be solvent or insolvent.

There is no other magic about it.

The one fatal error in promotion is to get so involved in worrying over things notyour zone of promotion that you do not thoroughly execute your own role inpromotion.

The most successful course of action you can follow is to do your part of thepromotion in your own zone and do it so well it makes up for any shortcomings thatmight happen elsewhere in the org. Always promote more than can be wasted.

And also promote as a person and staff member. Even if you may not be anauditor, you never know what your smile, your helpfulness and your quick attentionto another's confusion or difficulty might have cured,

Your actions and presence are meaningful and valuable too, you know.


Note: Promotional Action 122 in HCO Policy Letter 20 November 1965 is cancelled and in its place is:

122. LRH COMMUNICATOR - Sees that Ron's postulates stick! Sees that his comms fly, look well and that Ron's (not EC's) EDs are complied with. (HCO Policy Letter 22 May 1968, Issue II)

[Note: Deletion of Promotional Action 71 and addition of 17a, 81 a and 85a have been done per HCO Policy Letters 15 December 1965 and 4 February 1966. ]

[Note: Considerable evolution has occurred since 1965, and this Policy Letter should be studied in conjunction with its revision of 15 April 1973, in the 1973 Year Book. ]