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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Parent or Guardian Assent Forms - P690523 | Сравнить
- Public Divisions Promotional Actions (0.PROMO) - P690523-3 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Дианетическое Соглашение - И690523 | Сравнить
- Соглашение о Получении Дианетического Одитинга (КРО-4) (ц) - И690523 | Сравнить
- Формы Согласия Родителей и Опекунов - И690523 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 690523 - HCO Policy Letter - Dianetic Contract [B093-019]
- 690523 - HCO Policy Letter - Dianetic Contract [PL014-080]
- 690523 - HCO Policy Letter - Parent or Guardian Assent Forms [PL014-082]
- 690523 - HCO Policy Letter - Parent or Guardian Assent Forms [PL065-020]
- 690523 - HCO Policy Letter - Title Unknown (Page 1 is missing) [PL065-021]
- 690523 Issue 2 - HCO Policy Letter - Dianetics Course Student Auditing [B093-020]
- 690523 Issue 2 - HCO Policy Letter - Dianetics Course Student Auditing [PL065-022]
- 690523 Issue 2 - HCO Policy Letter - Dianetics Course Student Auditing [PL065-023]
- 690523 Issue 3 - HCO Policy Letter - Public Divisions Promotional Actions [PL014-083]
- 690523 Issue 4 - HCO Policy Letter - Public Divisions Flash Colors [PL014-081]
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Issue III
Remimeo All Public Div Hats


(Addition to HCO PL 20 Nov '65 Promotional Actions of an Organization)

86. PUBLIC PLANNING SECRETARY: Co-ordinates and gets done the Divisionalpromotional functions of Division 6 and makes Scientology and the Org knownto the broad public.

87. DEPARTMENT 16 (DEPT OF PUBLIC RESEARCH AND REPORTS): Discovers the Ethnic values of the local area.

88. Sees that Ethnic data is correctly evaluated for assimilation and adaption.

89. Makes sure Ethnic data is provided for use in Rehabilitation and PromotionProgrammes.

90. DEPARTMENT 17 (DEPT OF PUBLIC REHABILITATION): Sells Scientolo-gy to Governments and broad social stratas.

91. Works on the public not on Scientologists already known to Divisions 1 and 2.

92. Makes Scientology popular and the thing to do.

93. Uses the media of Press, TV, Radio.

94. Issues projects of application to advanced Scientologists, particularly thoseprojects involving artists or public figures.

95. Appoints committees of Scientologists in various areas and groups to advise onimprovements of a civilization.

96. DEPARTMENT 18 (DEPT OF PUBLIC PROMOTION): Advertises to thebroad public using what is acceptable and valuable (Ethnic values).

97. Produces promotional material for Press Releases, TV Scripts, Book advertisingusing Ethnic values.

98. Gets books placed in bookstores reviewed and in public view.

99. Acquires new mailing lists.

100. Sends out excellent info packs.

101. Invites Scientologists to ask that info packets be sent to friends and relatives.

102. PUBLIC ACTIVITIES SECRETARY: Co-ordinates and gets done the Division-al promotional functions of Division 7.


104. Advertises and holds Congresses, Open Evenings, etc.

105. Furnishes lecturers to public-bodies and groups.

106. Plans and conducts lecture tours and special events.

107. DEPARTMENT 20 (DEPT OF ACTIVITIES): Guides in new body traffic.

108. Makes sure Public reception area displays full data making Scientology real tothe Public and includes nothing that would overwhelm or confuse.

109. Sees that the Introductory Lecture and non-classed courses use no words thatwill be misunderstood and makes people want to buy training and processingand offers it.

110. Advertises and conducts an Extension Course.

111. Encourages broad public (Lay) Memberships.

112. DEPARTMENT 21 (DEPT OF SUCCESS): Contacts by letter all ex-pcs andstudents of the org. They should be written to at widening intervals afterleaving the org.

113. Keeps bad cases and flopped students out of the field by sending all who failKey Questions directly to Review at the cost of the Organization.

114. Collects by letters, or verbally, successful applications of Scientology.

114A. Acknowledges the activities of Scientologists busy out in the world.

115. Encourages and publicizes various applications of Scientology.

116. Makes a catalogue of successes with various processings on various conditions.

117. Issues stories of successful application.

118. Condenses wins into data of interest for mags and as handouts.

119. Gets spectacular wins posted on the org's public notice boards and in Success booklets at Reception.

120. Makes sure morale in the Org is high, with Chaplain picking up any loose threads in Ethics matters and seeing they are cleared up and that people do not fall off the Org board.

121. Quickly acts through the Chaplain's Court Unit to resolve any disputes of a Civil nature among Scientologists.

122. Advertises and conducts a successful Sunday Service.

123. DISTRIBUTION SECRETARY: Co-ordinates and gets done the Divisionalpromotional functions in Division 8.

124. DEPARTMENT 22 (DEPT OF FIELD RECRUITMENT, ESTABLISHMENTAND RECORDS): Recruits, appoints and establishes FSMs, Groups andFranchises.

125. Registers Franchise Centre names.

126. Finds and encourages the formation of Scientology Groups and registers themand offers Certificates.

127. Recruits Field Staff Members to get pcs and students into the Org and collectpast debts.

128. Gets all commissions owed promptly paid to encourage earning morecommissions.

129. DEPARTMENT 23 (DEPT OF FIELD TRAINING): Trains the FSMs andFranchise holders and makes them financially successful.

130. Treats the whole departmental activity as salesmen are handled by any otherbusiness org.

131. Carries out all FSM and Franchise activities and makes them head peopletowards the Org.

132. DEPARTMENT 24 (DEPT OF FIELD SERVICES): Keeps in touch with theField and keeps them informed and supplies them with advice and data.

133. Sends out mailings to the Field.

134. Gives FSMs and Franchise holders and groups things they can use todisseminate and select.

Tom Morgan Public Exec Sec WW
Jim Keely Qual Sec WW
Bruce Glushakow HCO Area Sec WW
Ad Council WW
Edie Hoyseth HCO Exec Sec WW
Allan Ferguson Org Exec Sec WW
Tom Morgan Public Exec Sec WW
Rodger Wright LRH Comm WW
Leif Windle Policy Review Section WW
Jane Kember The Guardian WW