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CONTENTS THE PURPOSE OF ETHICS Cохранить документ себе Скачать


All that Ethics is for — the totality of the reason for its existence and operation is simply that additional tool necessary to make it possible to apply the technology of Scientology.

Man does not have that purpose for his law or his justice. He wants to squash people who are giving him trouble.

That is not the case with Scientology Ethics which having the above purpose is a fabulously successful activity.

Man of course has a tremendous reaction to something called justice or what he laughingly calls justice. But Man has no understanding to back up any of his hangings that he commits himself to and in fact has no real justice because it has no end product. Its total end product, if you call it one. is punishment.

That it doesn't straighten out the community is manifest. Here and there it does some good but the crime statistic of the world is going up much more steeply than the rise of population. I have recently spoken to those in charge of law enforcement in the world's best police force and they were in a very apathetic frame of mind. They just wanted to lie down and quit. Because there is no end product to what they are doing.

Worse than that, the systems of disciplinary actions which are employed on earth today are incapable of doing more than worsening an individual.

Now when you bring in an actual Ethics system across this line you jar a lot of people's aberrations. They REACT. And it is a very interesting fact that a far greater proportion of people in Scientology today favor a decent ethical law and favor ethics actions than have reacted against it, because they see that it will make things go right. They see that it results in better training, better technical application, a better organization, and a better overall grip on the subjects that Scientology addresses, and keeps the abuses of the subject minimal.

We are factually only here helping people to help themselves to better their conditions and the conditions of life. That is our total action.

As that additional tool for making it all possible, the Ethics system of Scientology is tremendously successful.