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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Quality and Admin in Central Orgs (KSW-3, 0.STAFF-ORIENT) - P610529 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Качество и Админ в Центральных Организациях (СДС-3) (ц) - И610529-1 | Сравнить
- Качество и Админ в Центральных Организациях (СДС-3) - И610529-1 | Сравнить
- Качество и Администрация в Центральных Организациях (СДС-3) - И610529-1 | Сравнить
- Качество и Администрирование в Центральных Организациях (СДС-3) (2) - И610529-1 | Сравнить
- Качество и Администрирование в Центральных Организациях (СДС-3) - И610529-1 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 610529 - HCO Policy Letter - Quality and Admin in Central Orgs [PL004-072]
- 610529 - HCO Policy Letter - Quality and Admin in Central Orgs [PL038-087]
- 610529 Issue 1 - HCO Policy Letter - Quality and Admin in Central Orgs [PL093-030]
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex


The function of the Administrative Personnel in a Central Organization is to make technical quality possible and get it delivered to Scientologists and the public.

Administration is no unimportant function. On the contrary, I had to work in Scientology a long time before I found out that in the absence of good administration, technical quality is impossible. At first I counted on high calibre business men to do it. Then I found, after 1954, that they didn’t have a clue and that their use had led us on a bad course. So we had to develop and learn administration and we are winning on it.

An administrative personnel is there to keep the lines moving and the function of his post operating.

Administrative personnel gets Scientology to the public, keeps the public happy and the organization solvent.

Administrative personnel are there to keep Administration out of technical hands and let technical work.

Administration gets the public in and out, keeps communication going, gets the data to tech and keeps the Org from going broke.

Administration is, however, owed something by technical. If Administration gets people in for service it is only right that that service, when rendered by technical, be the highest possible quality.

For if Administration in all departments is not backed up by quality technical achievements, then administration is betrayed.

If one keeps, as in accounts, collecting money for service rendered by technical, then accounts has a right to demand that it was good service or else the accountant, in collecting, betrays.

Therefore, Administration may at any time, just as technical may demand good Admin, demand of technical that it produce and hold its own.

As of this moment there is no excuse of any kind for any technical failure in any Central Org.

The moment we got all the tools, it showed up that technical often had not understood any of the tools it already had. A clear cut, simple routine as it now exists makes Auditing and Training a problem in black and white. Either it is done or it isn’t.

If results are not forthcoming for any person as of now, then somebody is goofing. And it won’t be any small goof.

It is working out that goofs are of this magnitude:

Auditor does not know anything about reading a meter but has been kidding us one and all that he or she knew;

Auditor has not the vaguest on how to handle rudiments;

Auditor couldn’t security check Krushchev and find a crime;

Auditor has no clue about assessment;

Auditor just doesn’t even report to session.

That would be the sort of thing it would take to keep Scientology from working on every case. The errors are gross, never slight, if a case doesn’t move.

All right. Admin personnel do their job. Therefore they have a right to expect tech will do its job.

The whole source of low units is tech failure. Bad tech makes it almost impossible to get pcs or students in. Therefore Admin has a right to raise hell over bad tech. A graph drops. ARC breaks gleam clear to anyone. Admin, working at a less interesting job, has the right to scream loud enough to be heard on Arcturus. Because that took a fantastic, large technical goof to achieve.

None can now say all is changing in Tech. The only thing that’s changing is the communication and information to get tech to do its job.

Low units, lack of enough personnel, lack of new executive personnel all trace to tech failure in the past.

Now is the time to make good. We can release people easily. Why not do it? We can clear people. Why not do it?

A high executive in a Central Org who had had a tech department that was failing, failing, failing owned up the other day to “having all the data but being too busy to study it.” He meant, obviously he was too busy to do his job. And a Joburg Security Check found out why.

All staff members, Tech and Admin, of a Central Org, each one or altogether, has a right to demand that every tech person knows his business and does the job.

All staff personnel in a meeting or by petition has a right to demand certain personnel be sent to Saint Hill to be trained.

All staff personnel has a right to demand that any or all staff personnel be given a Joburg Security Check, WW Sec Form 3, by somebody who knows how to give one.

All staff personnel has a right to demand practical and functional releasing and clearing 1. of staff 2. of executives and 3. of the public who buys our service.

If we’re going to put a new world here, we better get going on the project. It isn’t as if we could fool people forever.