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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Doing a Quicksilver Forbidden (PERS-42) - P821219 | Сравнить
- Repairing Past Ethics Conditions - P821219-2 | Сравнить

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SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 821219 - HCO Policy Letter - Doing a Quicksilver Forbidden [PL076-037]
- 821219 - HCO Policy Letter - Doing a Quicksilver Forbidden [PL076-038]
- 821219 Issue 2 - HCO Policy Letter - Repairing Past Ethics Conditions [PL076-039]
Saint Hill Manor. East Grinstead, Sussex
Remimeo Ethics Officers MAAs HCOs EXECs



The miraculous wins available from correct application of the ethics conditions formulas are well known, and the use of this technology is widespread. This Policy Letter presents some further tech on the subject of the conditions and their formulas that has proven remarkably workable in pilots done.

Failures to apply conditions fully, the assignment of wrong conditions, misunderstoods and other errors in the application of conditions formulas can hang the person up in past Ethics actions and prevent him from getting the results from later Ethics actions. He can continue to have trouble in the area or on the dynamic on which the previously messed up or incomplete handling was done.


If one has had a few wrong conditions or failures to apply correct conditions, he can become upset or disillusioned with the subject of Ethics and the conditions.

It must be understood that this does not only apply to past conditions assigned (or misassigned, as the case may be) by a Scientology Ethics Officer or by one’s senior. This doesn’t just apply to Scientology. There are also conditions that occur in life or that are assigned by self or other dynamics.

An example is somebody who had decided to commit suicide at some point in his life. He was either at Enemy or Treason at the time and it needs to be sorted out and he needs to be gotten through that condition for that period of time, and this applies to every other condition.

A person jailed has been assigned a condition of Liability, and this condition would have to be applied if the person is to operate in the society in any higher condition.

The handling for the above is simply to handle in present time the correct condition for that situation or time period. This will clear up the area and the subject and the person will be able to apply conditions in present time without being hung up in these past failures and will not be denied the miraculous wins available from this tech.

It is done before the person starts to handle his present conditions so that these can be done without any attention on previous failures to apply conditions or false condition assignments.


1. The first step is to ensure that the person being handled fully understands what an ethics condition is, as well as each of the conditions and their corresponding formulas. He is not very likely to succeed in handling conditions if he does not have a good grasp of them.

Only a person who has had little or no contact with the subject, you would first have him study over materials on the Dynamics as covered in the book FUNDAMENTALS OF THOUGHT, and the data on the conditions found in the book INTRODUCTION TO SCIENTOLOGY ETHICS. When he has studied these, go over the data with him and consult his understanding. Have him explain what a dynamic is, and give examples of each of the dynamics. Have him explain what a condition is, give examples of times he has observed people in each condition, and demonstrate each of the conditions formulas.

Handle any confusion or question by referring to the materials, and finding and clearing up his misunderstood words.

With a person who is experienced with the ethics conditions, it would still be wise to briefly go through this same step. Have him review the materials, give demos and examples, etc. Spot and handle any confusions or questions he may have. It cannot necessarily be assumed that because a person has “been around a long time” or “has a lot of experience with the conditions” that he fully understands them. Particularly if he has been sent to you or pulled in by you to handle conditions! Don’t get into evaluation or invalidation with this step - simply consult the person’s understanding.

2. Ask the person: “Have you ever been assigned a condition or assigned yourself a condition that you didn’t fully reach the EP on or get the expected results from?” If the answer is “No”, and the person is happy about it, the rest of the rundown is not done as it would be unnecessary. But make sure that it is understood that this question is not limited or restricted to only those conditions assigned by EOs or executives.

3. If the answer to the above is “Yes”, then the EO asks: “What was the lowest condition ever assigned that you didn’t feel you reached the full EP on or didn’t get the expected results from?”

Make sure you get the earliest time this situation occurred.

For example, he may have been in Treason and not EP’d or not gotten the expected results a number of times - get the earliest time this occurred.

4. When this question has been answered, ask him if it was a correct condition.

5. If it was a correct condition, the person must now complete that incomplete formula. He is applying the formula to that unhandled condition, not a present time situation or anything else. He is completing an old incomplete formula. Have the person do each step of the formula.

6. If it was not a correct condition he was assigned at the time, the correct condition is established (one can have the person refer to the conditions and their formulas to help him decide what the condition should have been), and have him apply that formula.

7. When the person has completed the formula fully he writes it up, showing what he did on each step and takes it to the EO or person doing the handling. The EO verifies that it is complete and if so sends him to the Pc Examiner. The Examiner puts the person on the meter and asks: “Do you have any doubts or reservations concerning attesting to the condition being complete?” If the person is F/Ning on the question, the Examiner indicates the F/N and asks him if he wishes to write a success story. The wins on these formulas are very often quite incredible and so the person should be given a chance to write a success story.

8. If the person is not F/Ning, the EO must take him back in and find out what is wrong and handle. You may find he was applying an incorrect condition, has misunderstoods on the condition or formula being applied, or simply didn’t complete the condition fully. The handling is simply to ensure that any MUs are cleaned up, the correct condition established and done fully in all of its steps. If the situation won’t resolve, the EO writes up the full data, places it along with all worksheets, exams, etc., in the person’s pc folder and sends it to the C/S.

9. If the EO or person handling is not satisfied that the formula is complete when the person turns it in (#7 above), he returns it to the person and points out what is incomplete about it with reference to the relevant materials. He then has the person complete the formula as in steps 5 and 7.

10. The handling of the originally misdone or wrongly assigned condition is complete when the person is up through Emergency and into Normal Operation on it. All worksheets, exams, etc., are then filed in the person’s pc folder.

Following this procedure will normally be all that is necessary to put the person in shape to smoothly handle his present condition. This follows the basic auditing principle that handling earlier charge blows later charge.

11. Now get him to apply the current ethics condition.

(Note: It may be discovered later, while doing the present time conditions, that the person has other previously mishandled conditions. These are then simply handled with the Past Conditions handling covered in this issue.)


The result of this rundown is that the person will have cleaned up his previous failures with the conditions and will be able to look at his current conditions without any influence from previous mishandlings. His ability to apply the Ethics conditions to himself to a result will have been restored.


A. Roteness

Roteness gets heavily an the way of administering Ethics conditions. Life is full of complexities. We in Scientology are fortunate in that we nave Tech to handle all these complexities and make them simple. There are a lot of tools available and they are there to be used: Word Clearing, Product Clearing, False Data Stripping, metered interviews. and so forth are all used as needed to get the product.

The idea is to get the person to apply the conditions to his life so as to get his ethics in on his own determinism without duress or invalidation and you use whatever Tech is necessary to do this.

B. Completing the formulas

Sometimes the formulas require that the person go away and do something to handle the condition. On a public person it may be necessary for him to go to his office or go home in order to complete a formula. Well, you let him go right ahead after you establish that that is what is needed and that he knows what he is going to do. He may want to do amends or get in comm with someone or straighten something out. Obviously he must do the necessary steps to get through the condition.

C. Twins

When you are administering this action on a number of people who are twinned up and working to get each other through, you always work in the direction of having the twin handle the person he is working with and you wouldn’t step in and handle until it was obvious that they really needed help. Encourage them to become skilled at handling one another’s Ethics as well as their own. HCO B 21 August ‘79 TWINNING applies in full.

D. Overrun

It is possible to overrun this action. One person, for example, had a major win while handling a past Doubt on the third dynamic. He actually felt he had regained an ability to be at cause over his third dynamic. When he tried to go on with the next condition he bogged and the win had to be rehabbed by an auditor. He had actually fully handled the third dynamic and moved up the conditions too fast to even get them written down. The person may realize that he had actually handled the condition at some point in the past, and his stuck attention on the past condition was the result of invalidation or protest. Just remember your product and don’t undershoot or overshoot and you will find situations like these are easy to resolve.

E. Misunderstoods

Misunderstoods will be the major stumbling block in this action (if indeed there are any stumbling blocks). You have an individual who wants to be ethical; you have the Tech that will enable him to achieve it, so the only barrier would be his lack of understanding. So use Word Clearing Tech liberally on any stops or slows.

F. Doubt hang-up

If the person hangs up at Doubt, apply HCO PL 18 Dec 82 ETHICS CONDITIONS: HANG-UP AT DOUBT to resolve it and get him through the condition.


It can be a tremendous relief to a person to handle some long unhandled situation that had stuck him at that point in time and made it impossible to handle present time conditions. Whole areas of previous disaster can be totally straightened out simply by finishing up the incomplete conditions.

Get this tech into vigorous use and reap the rewards to be had from fully and smoothly applied ethics conditions formulas — rewards that extend straight across all the dynamics.

Adopted as official Church policy by CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY INTERNATIONAL LRH:CSI:rw:iw:gm