It can be said of companies, societies and governments that:
In areas where the abilities which add up to administrative skill are missing, the organization or country can expect to fail or be overthrown.
Even such small things as file keeping, accounts records, personnel placement add up to better longevity.
The integrity of personnel is a large factor in administration and a lack of skills with which to detect and handle false reports and lack of compliance or failed performance of duty can all by itself destroy management and the group.
No matter what the intention of those at the top, no matter how bright or honest they may be, if their administrative lines are clumsy or in any way false, if they are not backed up by skillful, well-taught administrators, they can be nullified. The plans and orders put „on the lines“ seldom if ever arrive at the level of the worker in the shop or the man in the street.
The torrents of laws and directives passed by legislators or even boards of directors are 90% of them made necessary by earlier failures in getting earlier laws or directives enforced.
Bad administration, lack of know-how, lack of trained clerks and executives, can defeat utterly any plan or programme no matter how urgent or beneficial.
The continuance of an organization and its leaders can be said to be entirely dependent upon the skill, training and integrity of those who handle the administrative lines, details and contacts of the group.