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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Survey Buttons and Promo (SPD 26) (PR-16RA) - P820923 | Сравнить

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PR Series 16RAPR Series 16RA

BPL 13 July 1972R, PR Series 16R, SURVEY BUTTONS AND PROMO, has been canceled and replaced by Scientology Policy Directive 26, dated 23 Sept. 1982, PR Series 16RA, SURVEY BUTTONS AND PROMO which revises portions of the text of the BPL.]

BPL 13 July 1972R, PR Series 16R, SURVEY BUTTONS AND PROMO, has been canceled and replaced by Scientology Policy Directive 26, dated 23 Sept. 1982, PR Series 16RA, SURVEY BUTTONS AND PROMO which revises portions of the text of the BPL.]