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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Battle Tactics - P690216-2 | Сравнить
- Enemy Names - P690216 | Сравнить
- Targets, Defense - P690216-4 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Цели, Защита (ц) - И690216-4 | Сравнить

CONTENTS TARGETS, DEFENSE TARGETS Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Issue IV
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Cen O ConCen O Con
Guardians OfficesGuardians Office



It is quite obvious that Scientology has to maintain a defense perimeter. In 19 years of continual attacks it is obvious that Dianetics then Scientology must have lain across some concerted plan by another older group to do something else.

(This is a Defense Paper written after 18 years of unprovoked attack upon us. Nothing in this paper advocates physical violence to any person.)

To analyze what the others intended, it is only necessary to review what Dianetics and Scientology intended to do and assume the reverse.

By carefully watching press to see who is called upon by the press for counter-opinions, one can work one’s way easily toward the centre [sic] of any hostile network.

Experience has shown that defense is only effective when one sorties or attacks.

The press is fed anti materials. Although reporters do not disclose their sources, their stories often do.

When we did not give a lot of time and energy and funds to knocking out real enemies we came close to losing the lot.

To get a hostile opinion, the reporter looks in the files to see who is sending in hostile data and calls the person for comment. This is a training pattern developed from current „teachings“ that all stories must have conflicts, a press style set some time ago by „Paris Match“. They think this is the basis of reader interest. It isn’t, but they think it is.

The errors we have made have been

Thus by studying clippings you can find who has given them hostile data earlier or to whom they are referred for hostile data.

1. Defending only.

By taking these hostile names one can then do a run-down on the person or his connections or both.

2. Defending on Scn ground.

As there are actually very few of these names they thereby (cross filing) lead one to common denominators and one can locate attack sources.

3. Being reasonable and assigning mild motives to the enemy.

It is wise to challenge such adverse commentators as routine procedures. A call by a local „housewives committee“, etc. as to why they are hostile to human rights or in favor of psychiatric butchery and getting them in the press with it and with no mention of us is good PRO.

4. Failing to attack early and hard.

Intelligence data when gained, can be fed back to PRO for more spectacular confrontations.

5. Undervaluing the broad social value of Scn.

Intelligence uses the names for investigation, run back, cross filing.

6. Individuating from other similar organizations.

PRO uses the hostile commentator to guide his own counter attacks.

7. Not learning enemy tactics and using and bettering them.

The effect at the least is to shut the hostile people up.

8. Failing to heavily contest for public opinion and public media.

This activity (investigate, press counter-attack such speakers) must not be neglected.

9. Failing to identify the enemy early and hit him hard.

We happen to be fortunate, if you call it that, that persons hostile to Scientology usually have criminal backgrounds even when in public life. One doesn’t always find these even when they exist but one at least finds connections which are useful.

  • A. Our best defense is that we are sincere, that we are effective and that we commit no crimes.

It is very sound strategy never to fight a battle on your own territory or subject or even on the territory of an ally. Always fight battles in enemy territory.

  • B. Our next best defense line was being sure the public knew we were a Church.
  • Therefore do exposes of such people in the area of their subjects or interests, not bringing us or any real ally into it.

  • C. Our next best was being quick and able and using very fast comm lines.
  • For instance, all these years, the enemies of Scientology had no real dead bodies lying all over the place. But we defended on our own ground.

    We must not repeat the errors of 1 to 9.

    We have begun to fight on his terrain. Let’s keep it that way.

    And we must reinforce A, B and C.

    Use „counter opinion“ names as investigation subjects, find their terrain, find the crimes on it and attack on that terrain and the enemy, not ourselves, will be in trouble.



    The vital targets on which we must invest most of our time are:


    T1. Depopularizing the enemy to a point of total obliteration.

    T2. Taking over the control or allegiance of the heads or proprietors of all news media.

    T3. Taking over the control or allegiance of key political figures.

    T4. Taking over the control or allegiance of those who monitor international finance and shifting them to a less precarious finance standard.

    T5. Generally revitalizing the societies in which we are operating.

    T6. Winning overwhelming public support.

    T7. Use all other similar groups as allies.

    These, of course, are very long range targets. But it is what must be done to continue the longevity of our organizations.

    Our only justification for doing these things is that Scientology is the only game where everyone wins.

    The names and connections, at this time, of the bitterly opposing enemy are:

    1. Psychiatry and psychology (not medicine).

    2. The heads of news media who are also directors of psychiatric front groups.

    3. A few key political figures in the fields of „mental health“ and education.

    4. A decline of monetary stability caused by the current planning of bankers who are also directors of psychiatric front organizations would make us unable to function.

    5. The cold war is being fought on home ground and has an apparent target of degrading western society to a point where we are finding it difficult to operate; a degraded society can be swallowed up easily by an enemy.

    6. The public is somewhat sympathetic already but in a democracy trials are by public opinion. To win all the way, the bulk of public opinion must be at the level of love us… hate the enemy.

    7. Many groups exist with similar aims. They need organizing and uniting.

    At first glance the targets T1 to T7 are a pretty big handful. But we have to start somewhere. And we might as well start in the direction of the total target as per T1 – T7.

    Nearly everything we are doing is already tending in that direction T1 – T7.

    We have the advantage of new vital technology and a monopoly on it. New technologies are the things which made progress.

    We do not have a Utopian dream or a planned society. We are trying to survive. Our theory is that if individuals become more honest and less harassed they will be capable of building a better society.

    The fact is we would have gone along happily minding our own business. But these fantastic and continuing attacks have pushed us more and more into developing a technology and direction of defense.

    We now have a lot of experience. We have been hurt, we have been held back. It has cost us millions. Normal channels of the society have let us down. Therefore we are on our own. Obviously. To our actual and factual view, the West is prostrate and near helpless and the rest of the world is a big slave camp.

    If we don’t do anything about it we and everyone else are gone.

    So we may as well have a go.

    If we unite all groups into an interplay and use all forces extant and channel them we have a very big chance of winning.

    Therefore from an appreciation of all data to hand and experience it seems that T1 to T7 is beneficial. *variant: Therefore from an appreciation of all data to hand and experience it seems that T1 to T7 must be embarked upon.
    These give us a multitude of lesser targets. Anything we do in guardian actions to add up to T1 to T7 is beneficial.
    Things that don’t are a relative waste of time.

    If we, doing our jobs, doing no wrong, breaking no laws, are having trouble operating, what about the rest of the West? We’re not the only ones in hot water. In fact we are probably in far better shape than many many other groups and for sure in better shape than other individuals.

    So we can and must take the lead.

    And we ourselves must develop many leaders.

    We may as well start now and push all we are doing in defensive actions into T1 to T7.
