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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- OIC Change - Cable Change (DIV1.DEP3.OIC) - P700617 | Сравнить
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RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Техническая Деградация (СДС-5, КРО) (2) - И700617 | Сравнить
- Техническая Деградация (СДС-5, КРО) - И700617 | Сравнить
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- Технические Виды Деградации (СДС-5R) - И700617RB83 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 700617 - HCO Policy Letter - Technical Degrades [PL015-096]
- 700617 - HCO Policy Letter - Technical Degrades [PL069-070]
- 700617 - HCO Policy Letter - Technical Degrades [PL069-071]
- 700617 - HCO Policy Letter - Technical Degrades [PL069-073]
- 700617 - HCO Policy Letter - Technical Degrades [PL069-074]
- 700617 - HCO Policy Letter - Technical Degrades [PL069-078]
- 700617 Issue 2 - HCO Policy Letter - OIC Change - Cable Change [PL015-094]
- 700617 Issue 2 - HCO Policy Letter - OIC Change - Cable Change [PL042-006]
- 700617R - HCO Policy Letter - Technical Degrades [PL034-020]
- 700617R - HCO Policy Letter - Technical Degrades [PL069-072]
- 700617R - HCO Policy Letter - Technical Degrades [PL069-075]
- 700617R - HCO Policy Letter - Technical Degrades [PL069-076]
- 700617R - HCO Policy Letter - Technical Degrades [PL087-001]
- 700617RA - HCO Policy Letter - Technical Degrades [PL042-005]
- 700617RB - HCO Policy Letter - Technical Degrades [Misc22-046]
- 700617RB - HCO Policy Letter - Technical Degrades [Misc24-047]
- 700617RB - HCO Policy Letter - Technical Degrades [PL069-077]
CONTENTS TECHNICAL DEGRADES Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
(Revision in this type style)REMIMEO
Applies to all SHs andHGCS MISSIONS


URGENT AND IMPORTANT(This PL and HCO PL 7 Feb. 65 must be made part of every study pack as the first items and must be listed on checksheets.)


Any checksheet in use or in stock which carries on it any degrading statement must be destroyed and issued without qualifying statements.

(This PL and HCO PL Feb 7, 1965 must be made part of every study pack as the first items and must be listed on checksheets.)

Example: Level 0 to IV checksheets SH carry “A. Background Material — This section is included as an historical background but has much interest and value to the student. Most of the processes are no longer used, having been replaced by more modern technology. The student is only required to read this material and ensure he leaves no misunderstood.” This heading covers such vital things as TRs, Op Pro by Dup! The statement is a falsehood.

Any checksheet in use or in stock which carries on it any degrading statement must be destroyed and issued without qualifying statements.

These checksheets were not approved by myself; all the material of the Academy and SH courses IS in use.

Example: Level 0 to IV Checksheets SH carry “A. Background Material – This section is included as an historical background, but has much interest and value to the student. Most of the processes are no longer used, having been replaced by more modern technology. The student is only required to read this material and ensure he leaves no misunderstood.” This heading covers such vital things as TRs, Op Pro by Dup! The statement is a falsehood.

Such actions as this gave us “quickie grades,” ARC broke the field and downgraded the Academy and SH courses.

These checksheets were not approved by myself, all the material of the academy and SH courses IS in use.

A condition of TREASON or cancellation of certificates or dismissal and a full investigation of the background of any person found guilty will be activated in the case of anyone committing the following HIGH CRIMES:

Such actions as this gave us “Quickie Grades”, ARC broke the field and downgraded the academy and SH courses.

  1. Abbreviating an official course in Dianetics and Scientology so as to lose the full theory, processes and effectiveness of the subjects.

A condition of TREASON or cancellation of certificates or dismissal and a full investigation of the background of any person found guilty, will be activated in the case of anyone committing the following HIGH CRIMES.

  • Adding comments to checksheets or instructions labeling any material “background” or “not used now” or “old” or any similar action which will result in the student not knowing, using and applying the data in which he is being trained.
  • 1. Abbreviating an official course in Dianetics and Scientology so as to lose the full theory, processes and effectiveness of the subjects.

  • Employing after 1 Sept. 1970 any checksheet for any course not authorized by myself or the Authority, Verification and Correction Unit International (AVC Int).
    (Hat checksheets may be authorized locally per HCO PL 30 Sept. 70 I, CHECKSHEET FORMAT.)
  • 2. Adding comments to checksheets or instructions labeling any material “background” or “not used now” or “old” or any similar action which will result in the student not knowing, using, and applying the data in which he is being trained.

  • Failing to strike from any checksheet remaining in use meanwhile any such comments as “historical,” “background,” “not used,” “old,” etc., or VERBALLY STATING IT TO STUDENTS.
  • 3. Employing after 1 Sept 1970 any checksheet for any course not written by myself or authorized by the Authority, Verification and Correction Unit International and accepted by the Board of Directors.

  • Permitting a pc to attest to more than one grade at a time on the pc’s own determinism without hint or evaluation.
  • Checksheet for Dept. 17 Courses have their own approval lines as issued in HCO PL 2 Jan 80R rev. 31 Dec 80 Department 17 Course Checksheets Approval Line.

  • Running only one process for a lower grade between 0 to IV, where the grade EP has not been attained.
  • (Note: This does not apply to hat checksheets. A hat checksheet may be given Issue Authority by an org LRH Comm and issued as local ED where no senior authorized hat checksheet exists already. HCO PL 30 Sep 70 Checksheet Format)

  • Failing to use all processes for a level where the EP has not been attained.
  • 4. Failing to strike from any checksheet remaining in use meanwhile any such comments as “historical”, “background”, “not used”, “old”, etc. or VERBALLY STATING IT TO STUDENTS.

  • Boasting as to speed of delivery in a session, such as “I put in Grade Zero in 3 minutes.” Etc.
  • 5. Permitting a pc to attest to more than one grade at a time on the pc’s own determinism without hint or evaluation.

  • Shortening time of application of auditing for financial or labor-saving considerations.
  • 6. Running only one process for a lower grade between 0 to IV, where the grade EP has not been attained.

  • Acting in any way calculated to lose the technology of Dianetics and Scientology to use or impede its use or shorten its materials or its application.
  • 7. Failing to use all processes for a level where the EP has not been attained.

    REASON: The effort to get students through courses and get pcs processed in orgs was considered best handled by reducing materials or deleting processes from grades. The pressure exerted to speed up student completions and auditing completions was mistakenly answered by just not delivering.

    8. Boasting as to speed of delivery in a session, such as “I put in grade zero in three minutes.” etc.

    The correct way to speed up a student’s progress is by using two-way comm and applying the study materials to students.

    9. Shortening time of application of auditing for financial or laborsaving considerations.

    The best way to really handle pcs is to ensure they make each level fully before going on to the next and repairing them when they do not.

    10. Acting in any way calculated to lose the technology of Dianetics and Scientology to use or impede its use or shorten its materials or its application.

    The puzzle of the decline of the entire Scientology network in the late 60s is entirely answered by the actions taken to shorten time in study and in processing by deleting materials and actions.

    REASON: The effort to get students through courses and get pcs processed in orgs was considered best handled by reducing materials or deleting processes from grades. The pressure exerted to speed up student completions and auditing completions was mistakenly answered by just not delivering.

    Reinstituting full use and delivery of Dianetics and Scientology is the answer to any recovery.

    The correct way to speed up a student’s progress is by using two way comm and applying the study materials to students.

    The product of an org is well-taught students and thoroughly audited pcs. When the product vanishes, so does the org. The orgs must survive for the sake of this planet.

    The best way to really handle pcs is to ensure they make each level fully before going on to the next and repairing them when they do not.


    The puzzle of the decline of the entire Scientology network in the late 60s is entirely answered by the actions taken to shorten time in study and in processing by deleting materials and actions.

    Reinstituting full use and delivery of Dianetics and Scientology is the answer to any recovery.

    The product of an org is well taught students and thoroughly audited pcs. When the product vanishes, so does the org. The orgs must survive for the sake of this planet.
