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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Valuable Final Products (ORG-26) - P710325 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Ценные Конечные Продукты (ОРГ-26) (2) - И710325 | Сравнить
- Ценные Конечные Продукты (ОРГ-26) (3) - И710325 | Сравнить
- Ценные Конечные Продукты (ОРГ-26) - И710325 | Сравнить
- Ценный Конечный Продукт (ОРГ-26) (ц) - И710325 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 710325 - HCO Policy Letter - Valuable Final Products [PL018-074]
- 710325 - HCO Policy Letter - Valuable Final Products [PL043-030]
- 710325 - HCO Policy Letter - Valuable Final Products [PL087-028]
- 710325 Issue 2 - HCO Policy Letter - Guardian Office [PL018-075]
- 710325R - Board Policy Letter - Guardian Office [BPL04-073]
CONTENTS VALUABLE FINAL PRODUCTS Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Remimeo Org Series 26


By definition, a valuable final product is something that can be exchanged with other activities in return for support. The support usually adds up to food, clothing, shelter, money, tolerance and cooperation (good will).

On an individual basis this is easy to grasp. The individual produces a product or products which, flowed into the dept, div, org, company, community, state, nation or planet, then returns to him his pay and good will or at least sufficient good will to prevent his abandonment or destruction.

Long-range survival of the individual is attained in this fashion.

A valuable final product (VFP) is valuable because it is potentially or factually exchangeable.

The key word in this sense is EXCHANGEABLE. And exchangeability means outside, with something outside the person or activity.

A valuable final product could as easily be named a VALUABLE EXCHANGEABLE PRODUCT.

Sanity and insanity are matters of motive, not rationality or competence. The sane are constructive, the insane are destructive.

Thus insanity on the part of the potential receiver of a VFP can prevent an exchange of a final product the receiver should be able to use and for which he should be willing to give active support and good will to the producer. Example: Man starving; you try to sell him good food at reasonable price for which he has money to pay. He tries to shoot you and destroy the food. This is insanity since he is trying to destroy the product he needs and can afford.

Crime is the action of the insane or the action of attempting seizure of product without support. Example: Robbers who do not support a community seek to rob from it supporting funds.

Fraud is the attempt to obtain support without furnishing a product.

Sanity and honesty then consist of producing a valuable final product for which one is then recompensed by support and good will, or in reverse flow, supporting and giving good will to the producer of the product.

Ethical basics, morale, social subjects, law, all are based on this principle of the valuable final product. Previously it has been “instinctive” or “common sense.” It has not before been stated.

Civilizations which facilitate production and interchange and inhibit crime and fraud are then successful. Those that do not, perish.

Persons who wish to destroy civilizations promote departures from these basic rules of the game. Methods of corrupting fair interchange are numerous.

The FACTORS are the first appearance of these principles.

The theory of the valuable final product is an extension of the FACTORS.


Parts of organizations or organizations, towns, states and countries all follow the principles which apply to the individual.

The survival or value of any section, department, division or org is whether or not it follows these principles of interchange.

The survival or value of any town, state or country follows these principles of interchange.

You can predict the survival of any activity by confirming its interchange regularities or can predict its downfall by irregularities in this interchange.


Therefore it is vital that a person or a section, department, division or part of an org or an org figure out exactly what it is interchanging. It is producing something that is valuable to the activity or activities with which it is in communication and for that it is obtaining support.

If it is actually producing valuable final products then it is entitled to support.

If on the other hand it is only organizing or hoping or PRing and is not producing an interchangeable commodity or commodities in VOLUME or QUALITY for which support can be elicited and even demanded, it will not be VIABLE.

It doesn’t matter how many orders are issued or how well org boards are drawn or beautiful the plans to produce are made. The hard fact of production remains the dominant fact.

How well organized things are increases production volume and improves quality and thus can bring about viability.

But it is the valuable final product there and being interchanged that determines basic survival.

Lack of viability can always be traced to the volume and quality of an actual valuable final product.

Hope of a product has a short-term value that permits an activity to be built. But when the hope does not materialize, then any hoped for viability also collapses.

One then must organize back from the actually produced product.


For instance, a technical subject is capable of producing an exact result.

IF persons are trained to actually produce the result AND THE RESULT IS PRODUCED then one can exchange the technicians with the community for support.

If the result is produced (by training the technicians well) then the result can be interchanged with an individual for support and good will.

Where any of these factors suffer in volume or quality then an interchange is difficult and viability becomes uncertain.


As individuals, communities and states are not necessarily sane, upsets can occur in the interchange even when production is occurring.

Therefore the producer has a stake in maintaining the sanity of the scene in which he is operating, and one of his valuable final products is a scene in which production and interchange can occur.

The basics of valuable final products are true for any industrial or political or economic system.

Many systems attempt to avoid these basics and the end result would be disaster.

The individual, section, department, division, org or country that is not producing something valuable enough to interchange will not be supported for long. It is as simple as that.
